Hi everyone. I'm italian, and I have a BA degree in Finno-Ugric Studies (I've studied Finnish for 3 years both as an erasmus student in Turku, as well as following summer intensive courses). My level of Finnish was evaluated as a B1 in Finland.
As I'm planning to move there to work...do you think I will be able to find something with that level of knowledge? For "something" I mean also as a cleaner, bar tender etc. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty ;)
Thanks in advance, please be kind to me I'm just asking your opinion :D
Moikka, I'm planning to move to Finland!
- suomalaane3
Cleaning is going to be the only work you can do - no matter what have you studied. But wellcome! There's plenty of cleaning work because finnis ppl don't do that.
- Alice3
Well thank you for the answer! What about the the job offer for english speaking people?
- annnnssss
You have chances to find other job than cleaning but it might not be that easy and even for cleaning they these days reques good finnish skills!! But I wouldnt lose a hope. If you are ready to search and work hard for it, I am sure you can find some work. Possible jobs that comes my mind its the cleaning but also fast food places or restaurants might want to have dishwashers or something so that would be also something worth to try ! (since you are italian, you could example ask some italian places that might have italian owners! might be more easy).
- Anonyymi
It's cold in here. I recommeted some other place. :D
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