Is anybody able to help me in translatig few texts to finnish? Texts need to be ready on saturday 27.4 afternoon.
I am finnish speaking and doing my graduate study which need to be complete next monday.
I have pages (about 15 to 30 pages) from two marketing-related books.
Is there anybody, who is QUICK and really GOOD in translating english to FINNISH?
From translated pages I make my own text with own words for the study.
I have the pages in a word document.
I can send the pages to your e-mail (quick and good tanslator).
Text doesn't have to be word for word, but it have to be correct.
I will check translated text and will pay from 100 to 150 euros for a good translation. It will be payed on 30.4.
Englannin käännösapua 27.4 mennessä?
Teen lopputyötä, joka pitää palauttaa tulevana maanantaina...
Minulla olisi useampia sivuja parista kirjasta englanniksi, liittyen markkinointiin.
Alunperin piti käännättää ne tuttavallani, mutta se vaihtoehto on nyt epävarma.
Eli, löytyisikö täältä joku, joka osaa englantia OIKEASTI hyvin ja olisi ripeä kääntämään?
Sivut ovat minulla tekstimuodossa/wordissa.
Käännetystä tekstistä referoin sitten omin sanoin materiaalia lopputyöhöni.
Hätätapauksessa käännän jotain itse, hitaasti.
Lähetän ripeälle kääntäjälle tekstit esim. tänään sähköpostilla ja tarvitsen käännöksen VIIMEISTÄÄN lauantaina iltapäivällä.
Tarkistan käännöksen laadun, että se on todella oikein käännetty.
Käännöksen ei kuitenkaan tarvitse olla sanasta sanaan, vaan niin että asia välittyy oikein. Maksan käännöksestä, joka on tehty "hyvällä työmoraalilla", eli ei yritetä huijata.
Maksan käännöksestä tilille 100 - 150 euroa tilipäivänä 30.4.
Jos sopimus jonkun kanssa syntyy, voin kertoa itsestäni enemmän yms.
Terveisin opiskelija, jolla mahtava hoppu "opparin" kanssa..
Help needed for translating english to finnish by 27.4 !
- 1998
Good luck, Buster!
15-30 pages? How many?
150 for that amount of work, you must be joking!
YOU would be correcting MY translation, I don't think so!
This is the quality of graduate work in Finland?- translation help?!
Anything else to say? Idiot?, lol.
Really good argument, without knowing anything about my person or my situation at the moment.
My life it's not easy right now,
and I bet I do really have more nice, good and kind nature character than u have and Im nice to other people...
My life has been so nice and school lasted so long that atm I need to take depression pills...
Now i just don't have the time to translate, so maybe I just not translate and use only finnish books.
My study is nearly ready and just this help is needed.
Lots of thanks to you, lovely, warm hearted companion here in the world... - translation help?!
Im sorry but I can't pay more, cos I ain't very wealthy. Thats the amount and that's it.
Im not interested if the amound doesn't suit to you. That's not my problem. Lol to you.
You just want or like to be rude and mean. Thank you. - translation help?!
Also you're not very smart, if you think that the work that I do, is the ONLY "quality of graduate work in Finland". U Should check the bigger picture too.
But as I said, u are just a poor "troll" and want to disturb and be mean.
I dont care.
IRL I am honest, warm hearted girl and try my best.
Have u studied anything, what and where?
You've done any graduate work? - 217
translation help?! kirjoitti:
Anything else to say? Idiot?, lol.
Really good argument, without knowing anything about my person or my situation at the moment.
My life it's not easy right now,
and I bet I do really have more nice, good and kind nature character than u have and Im nice to other people...
My life has been so nice and school lasted so long that atm I need to take depression pills...
Now i just don't have the time to translate, so maybe I just not translate and use only finnish books.
My study is nearly ready and just this help is needed.
Lots of thanks to you, lovely, warm hearted companion here in the world...No wonder you are feeling crummy if you take depression pills. Try anti depression medication, it might help.
Not nice to call somebody an idiot.
- GOogle trslate?
GOogle trslate?
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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