On Saturday September the 28th there will be an all day ( 10 hours ) course in outdoor cooking in Helsinki:
( You can see that page without having to log in on Facebook ! Just click on the link ! )
The exact location will be announced later.
If you are interested it is important that you read all the text ( especially payment terms ! ) in the event description !
You need to bring a camp stove and some other stuff to the course !
If you want to sign up for the course you must send an email to the instructor Anders Klint ! ( see more about this in the event description ! ) It would very good if you could also RSVP on Facebook but that is not absolutely necessary.
It is quite possible that the instructor Anders Klint will give this same course also on October the 5th, 12th and 19th. If there is enough interest he will.
A course in outdoor cooking in Helsinki on Saturday 28/9
- www.m-olga.ota.fi
Grouponin esittelyssä tänään: www.lisandra-tmi.blogspot.fi. PIDÄ KIIRETTÄ - TARJOUS PÄÄTTYY PIAN! www.m-olga.ota.fi
- ikäänkuin
Tomorrow Thursday is the last day to pay if you are planning to participate in the course on Saturday September the 28th. See the event description above for detailed information ! The weather forecast for Saturday looks good ! : http://freemeteo.com/default.asp?pid=22&la=1&gid=658225&nDate=3
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