Ulkomaalainen kaipaa suomalaisilta naisilta vinkkejä!


Törmäsin ulkomaiseen mieheen, joka kaipaa (ainakin aloitusviestistä päätellen ;) ) vinkkejä suomalaisnaisen kohtaamiseen. Liitän tekstin tuohon alapuolelle, jos sattuisi että löytäisi keskustelumme vaikka googlen avulla :)
I found a guy abroad, that wishes to have tips how to have a relationship with a Finnish woman. Let's talk about the subject from Finnish perspective!


"meeting girls in Finland

I'd like to visit Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Maybe all three on one trip or just one. Not sure. Still reseaching right now. Looking more into Finland now. I love wilderness so I want to do a trek. Meeting girls is not the only purpose but I wanna try my hand at meeting Finnish girls too. Can anyone who's been to Finland give advice. I read this online. I know it's sarcastic but can anyone tell me if it's kinda true:

"All Finnish women love foreign men. Without exception, foreign men are better, more polite, adorable, etc. than Finns, even - and especially - if the men are from "Macho" countries such as Greek or Brazil. To a Finnish woman, a foreign boyfriend or husband means great status. However, even if you are a foreign man, you don't have to worry about hordes of Finnish women chasing you - unless you meet them while they are drunk. Finnish women are similar to Finnish men: they never dare to hit on anyone if they are not drunk."

Where are good places to meet ladies in Finland (clubs, bars, library)? Do you have to be introduced to them? Do they expect guys to be aggressive or laid back? Do most speak english reasonably well? Please no mocking responses. Thanks.

btw - I know some nordic girls in the usa and they're beautiful imo. I'm not lookin for a supermodel. Any cute nordic girl would be awesome."




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Viestinvälittäjä

      Ps. Yes I know. That thread on the forum is old and probably not current anymore... But I think the subject is interesting, anyway... So lets just have a conversation! :D

    • stay where you are

      "To a Finnish woman, a foreign boyfriend or husband means great status."

      No, No! Foreing boyfriend or husband leeds to becoming depended on social work and welfare

      • One Finnish girl

        stay where you are said:"No, No! Foreing boyfriend or husband leeds to becoming depended on social work and welfare"

        I'm not sure what you meant by that. If you meant Kela (social insurance institution of Finland), I think no-one should become depended on that. Kela helps those who are struggling, but money for that comes from every workers pocket. So it's not reasonable to have only goal using Kela, if you really weren't struggling, because of that increases everybody else's charge. If we lost the balance of using Kela, soon no-one can rely on Kela when they really need it.

        About the status-thing... I actually know women who are seeking for foreign bf:s just for status. Not talking about "status" by financial meaning, because of women in Finland can have pretty good incomes, but rather status of something "exotic". But unless the foreign boy isn't seeking for the same, I think those girls are not what you're looking for. I'd say, if you meet really eager girl in Finland, that's probably exactly one of those "status-girls". If you're looking for real relationship, don't be too impulsive on your moves, and look also for those, who at first doesn't seem to be the most interested in you.

        "Where are good places to meet ladies in Finland (clubs, bars, library)? Do you have to be introduced to them? Do they expect guys to be aggressive or laid back? Do most speak english reasonably well? Please no mocking responses. Thanks."

        I think you meet those youngest girls a little over 18 at clubs. Bars are seen as places where you seek for one night's relationships. When you're looking for more enduring relationship, clubs, libraries, parks, movie theaters etc. are better places. You don't have to be introduced to a Finnish girl, but that's okay if you meet trough same friend group. Finnish girls are seen equally free to have relationships as Finnish boys, so there's no need for "asking permissiom from Father" kind of things. Aggressive-laid back... That's a question of personal taste, I think. But you should understand to shut up if the girl you're talking to, doesn't pay any attention to you and continues conversation with someone else or leaves the place. I think most Finnish girls have good level of English, yet we can be a little shy to use it. But I think most of us would speak "reasonably well" (but not when drunken, heh).

    • lllllllllll3

      Mitä järkeä postata jotain 7 vuotta vanhaa ketjua tänne?!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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    9. Haluisin suudella ja huokailla

      ja purra kaulaasi ja rakastella sinua. Haluisin puristella rintojasi ja pakaroitasi. Ei sinulla taida olla kuitenkaan ni
    10. Miksi näin?

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      Maailman menoa