Sotatilanteen tarkkailua...




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Aina ei ole helppoa saada propagandamatskua:

      Kolmannella kotimaisella:

      The context is that an (already discredited) stringer for the Kremlin propaganda network RT, Graham Phillips, interviewed local residents in Slavyansk, the former rebel stronghold which has since been liberated by the Ukrainian military. During the interview, however, Phillips asks leading questions, as if he is trying to not only get the man and woman to express his point of view but also his distorted version of the facts.

      Phillips, who appears to be proud of the video, has titled it "I debated a local woman in Slavyansk."

      Below is the video and a transcript which we have translated:

      Graham Phillips: Hi, how are you? How is your mood today?

      Man: Better than ever.

      Graham Phillips: So, what do you think, so the Ukrainian flag is here now?

      Woman: The Ukrainian flag is best of all.

      Graham Phillips: You didn't support the referendum?

      Woman: No, of course not. I'm only for Ukraine.

      Graham Phillips: Well, where are you? Because to be honest, I was here in Slavyansk during the referendum and it seemed that every person was supporting it.

      Woman: That's not true.

      Graham Phillips: What, every person is rejecting that now?

      Woman: It's not true. It's not true.

      Man: I can confirm what she's saying. It's a total lie. What do you mean, "every person"?

      Woman: It's not true. Well, first, what kind of referendum was it, anyway? In your country, is a referendum just a xerox copy, a xeroxed leaflet? That's a referendum? I answered you. And who counted the votes? Who monitored it? Who counted, who counted what was written there?

      Graham Phillips: And you didn't support the militia?

      Woman: No I didn't support them.

      Graham Philips: How do you see the actions of the Ukrainian troops? Didn't they shell the town?

      Woman: I fully...No, they didn't shell the town. If those monsters hadn't been here -- I can't call these "militia" otherwise -- They aren't militia. Everything would have been..

      Man: Everything would be in one piece otherwise.

      Woman: Why is all the rest of Ukraine...90% of Ukraine is living without war...The majority of Donetsk Region lives without war. So who is to blame?

      Graham Phillips: But the Ukrainian Army shot civilians.

      Woman: [Laughts] What, the terrorists didn't shoot civilians?

      Graham Phillips: They killed children! The Ukrainian Army...

      Woman: [Laughs] No. The Ukrainian Army was doing everything right. It's defending its territory. It's defending its country, its borders, its people.

      Graham Phillips: But they killed children...a child...Civilians.

      Woman: What, the terrorists didn't kill children? They didn't kill them, or what?

      Man: There is no war without people killed. If someone accidentally hit something, can't get by without that...but if this hadn't happened, they'd be terrorizing us still, those "militia".

      Woman: No, only the Ukrainian Army, and only Glory to Ukraine!

      Graham Phillips: Alright

      Woman: A failed interview, yes?

      Graham Phillips: Good-bye.

      Woman: I told the guy it was a failed interview.

    • Ukrainan sotilaiden tulittaminen klusteripommeilla jatkuu...

    • Tuosta vielä....
      Voisi kuvitella että noinkin kaukana merellä olevaa rannikkovartioston alusta ei varmaan kovin helposti upoteta esim. kenttätykistöllä.
      Mielenkiintoista mitä tuostakin selviää.

    • "Kuchma, Zurabov and two of the leaders of the militants began negotiations in Minsk"

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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