
Antti Puustinen kertoo Alibissa terroristien hyökänneen kimppuunsa useita kertoja, koska he eivät voi sietää Puustisen uussukontoa.

"Puustinen on pahoinpidelty Jyväskylässä parikin kertaa. Kerran vastaantulija löi häntä nyrkillä suoraan kasvoihin sanaakaan sanomatta. Puustinen sanoo järjestäneensä lyöjän myöhemmin mielisairaalaan. Uhkailijat ja lynkkaajat ovat myös mellastaneet hänen kotiovensa takana ja kerran hän on saanut asunnostaan häädön.

–Olin edellisessä asunnossani kokonaisia vuorokausia motitettuna, kun oven takana rähisevä miesporukka yritti tunkeutua asuntooni. He hakkasivat ovea ja sanoivat tietävänsä konstit, joilla minut saadaan pois päiviltä. Lopulta he hankkivat minulle häädön kaupungin vuokra-asunnosta."

Salkkarit, tukekaamme yhdessä Antin sananvapautta murhaajajätkiä vastaan. Ainakin minä sanon: JE SUIS CHARLIE! JE SUIS ANTTI!




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Monet sanovat etta Pariisin iskut olivat lavastettuja. Itse intuitiivisesti tiedan, etta ne olivat aitoja. Kuulennot, 911-iskut ja muutamat muut olivat lavastettuja, mutta ei Pariisi.

      Omista kokemuksistani tiedan, etta on olemassa aitojakin terrori-iskuja, koska olen ollut niiden uhrina.

      Terrorismi ei siis ole vain kaukana jossakin, se on saapunut minun kohdalleni asuessani Suomessa, eika tekijoina ollut ulkomaalaistaustaisia muslimeja, vaan valkoihoisia suomalaisia, jotka viela todennakoisesti kehtaavat kuulua ev. lut. kirkkoonkin ja samalla tekevat terrori-iskuja.

      Nettikirjassani nimelta Secrets in the Vatican Libraries on uusia osiosivuja, sisaltaen pilakuvia Bulgarian viranomaisista. Laitoin pilakuvat nettikirjaani siksi, eta he eivat ole vastanneet mitaan kysymykseen, etta miksi minua pidetaan vastentahtoisesti Bulgarian valtion sisalla, elikka olen saanut ikuisen maastapoistumiskiellon jo yli vuosi sitten. Jos koetan matkustaa Bulgarian valtion rajojen ulkopuolelle, niin minut pidatetaan taas vankilaan vuosiksi ilman oikeudenkayntia. Minulla on voimassaoleva Suomen passi, joka on voimassa syksyyn 2016 saakka, mutta se ei estanyt heita laittamasta minua ikuiseen maastapoistumiskieltoon.


    • Tarkennan edellisen viestini lauserakennetta: "jotka viela todennakoisesti kehtaavat kuulua ev. lut. kirkkoonkin samalla tehden terrori-iskuja."

      Mielestani siis ev. lut. kirkkoon kuulumisessa ei sinansa ole mitaan "kehdattavaa", vaan siina, etta samalla tehdaan terrori-iskuja, kun kuulutaan ev. lut. kirkkoon.


      • Jyväskylän_jätkät

        Mitähän Lehtoselle nykyään mahtaa kuulua?

    • Tarkkailijahavainto

      Alla on linkki Aarre Lehtosen blogiin, uusimmat tekstit ovat aina sivun lopussa:

      Blogin tietojen mukaan Aarre Lehtosen kirjoittama fyysinen 700-sivuinen kirja "Pompeii had Ancient photo of Jesus" on tulossa kirjapainosta. Se sama kirja on maksutta luettavissa ja ladattavissa Scribd.comin sivustolla, alla on linkki:

      Mielenkiintoista kamaa, kannattaa lukea ja tallentaa itselleen koko kirja, jossa on paljon taidemaalauksia ja taidevalokuvia. Kirjassa on kerrottu suomeksi ja englanniksi Aarre Lehtosen seikkailut Bulgariassa, kuten Aarre Lehtonen uhrina salaliitossa, joka vei Aarre Lehtosen vankilaan ja sai aikaan maastapoistumiskiellon, joka on ollut voimassa jo kolme vuotta.


    • Tarkkailijahavainto

      Ote Lehtosen blogista:

      My mails to Wolfgang Halbig in July, 2015: Hello Wolfgang Halbig, I am Aarre Lehtonen, a 54-year-old male, a book writer from Finland, Northern Europe, currently living in Bulgaria, South East Europe.

      I have been watching a lot of your speeches from YouTube, and you are a good lecturer. I am a conspiracy theorist by nature and I have studied a lot about Sandy Hook case. Well, that case makes me wonder that how they could have staged the entire event, because obviously the case makes no sense at all, so I have arrived to a conclusion that the city of Newtown must be just a movie set in its entirety. It's an empty location and it has empty houses. Otherwise they could not have staged that event. Newtown does not exist. All of its law enforcement, inhabitants, town government and the like are nothing but actors. It's a ghost town, all buildings are just movie sets.

      I am not being sarcastic, I mean what I say. Have you ever seen the movie Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey? Watch it if you haven't, and then you get my meaning. There's more, I am from Europe and you also came to USA from Europe, from Germany, so it might be interesting to you that from the news you can read that China built on its soil an exact replica of Hallstatt village that is in Austria.

      Hallstatt has no real inhabitants at all. From Google search one can find Hallstatt replica village for more information, also pictures and videos. Chinese have built a lot of other ghost towns and cities to China and Africa. Google Chinese ghost cities for more information.

      Link to Daily Mail news about Hallstatt replica village in China:

      The fact that you had to register in Newtown at your arrival is another evidence that there are no real sheriff's offices or school board offices at all, so they had to get the actors prepared for the set before you arrived.

      I appreciate if you have any comments on the things that I have told in this message, so you can write me to my email [email protected]

      I can agree that your evidence is really something that would normally get any ordinary ciminal case exposed. In Sandy Hook case, however, the situation is different. I think that everyone in Newtown is an actor and have false identities. In that way nobody can accuse them officially because how can anyone accuse nonexistent law enforcement officials and nonexistent school board officials, having nonexistent names and other nonexistent personal data, meaning that all those people have everything fake about them in official sense. I think that they purposedly messed everything up in all their scripts and media reports to make people angry, nervous and scared. I think all the differences between various reports and stories were made on purpose, to mislead people from the fact that Newtown and its people are fake, just like in the movie Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey.

      I don't wish to bother you with my views, but I feel I must send them to you, so that you are aware about what I have in my mind about Sandy Hook hoax, especially because it haunts me all the time. I have been working in a reformatory school as a school assistant and in a correctional boarding school as a leisure time supervisor in the 1980s in Finland, so the Sandy Hook hoax case is close to my interests. Did you know that Newtown has specialized in Baha'i religion? That explains a lot how Newtown is based on fakery. They have purposedly built the entire Newtown on the ideals of Baha'i utopia, looks like in a way that the goal justifies the means.

      Hi again, and please don't feel bothered by my mails, they are meant to be like respond-only-if-you-feel-like-it. I just gotta get these nightmarish things outta me to you. And yes, you are right, the Sandy Hook hoax really messed up the lives of millions, causing nightmares etc. That's why these things must be examined. My research has shown to me and given some answers to the question that How-is-such-a-hoax-ever-possible. In cartoons everything is made possible. Tom cat chasing Jerry mouse in impossible ways, and it looks like all is done just like without any restrictions of the laws of physics etc.

      Similarly, movie industry can make lifelike and realistic human figures, although it's all done by computer generated manipulation, in the same way like cartoons are done, although in much more skillful way. Like the helicopter footage were one can see crowds of people walking inside and out of a fire station. That all may be just computer generated fakery. Parents of the killed kids, most of them might just be computer generated fakery of faces and voices. Some are crisis actors. They might have even used animatronic robots in some cases, looking like humans. Japan has advanced factories that make animatronic robots. Blue screen methods used in the crime scene, etc.


    • Tarkkailijahavainto

      Lehtosen blogin jatkoa:

      Medical examiner making clumsy statements on live TV interview, not at all professional ones, might have been a crisis actor, or a computer generated mannequin, or an animatronic robot. His statements completely contradicting with the official police reports, all that might have been done on purpose to confuse researchers and to make conspiracy theorists angry, nervous and scared, adding to the nightmare of millions.

      If EVERYONE, even in a utopian Newtown, would have been in on it, somehow the real information about the events would have finally emerged from some whistle blower, but because most of the characters in the entire show of the Sandy Hook hoax were only computer generated fantasy figures and animatronic robots, the hoax could be made successfully.

      Well, what about the alleged millions of dollars that those fantasy figures got from the Government? It's all fake news, made on purpose to make researchers and conspiracy theorists angry. Not any such money gotten from a fraud, so that's why the makers of the Sandy Hook hoax show get away with it, at least no risk of getting caught because of a money fraud. How about the guilt of causing such a nightmarish reality TV show for the millions? The law states that if someone makes such fakery to cause fear, panic etc. is guilty of forgery of some kind, I don't exactly remember now what the law states about it, but nevertheless it's a crime.

      I think that if such a lawsuit is filed against them, they would get away with it in the same way as Orson Welles did when he made the fakery of live radio news, telling Martians have invaded the Earth, because it would be difficult to show any evidence that the Sandy Hook hoax created any real panic or fear, causing some physical damage to anyone.

      The other extreme would be that in the midst of all this theater and hoax, there might have been some kind of real shooting after all, when they were just rehearsing a crisis event. In the real world I think that history has some stories how among theater people and during a theater play someone actually did commit a heinous crime. So if they decided to mess everything up on purpose and send out misinformation and also as many contradictory reports as possible, then they at least have succeeded in one thing, and that is to make reaseachers and conspiracy theorists to shut up, especially if someone among them could file a lawsuit demanding some specific procedure to be done on the evidence and then the Sandy Hook case would all turn out to be true after all, that there was indeed a school shooting during an exercise in an abandoned school, and then they could make all reasearchers and conspiracy theorists to look like idiots.

      At least it would remain in history, however, that they had reported an actual school shooting event completely differently from how it actually occurred, showing footage from a rehearsal instead of footage from real events, and that is a crime.

      Thank you for your reply. It's really amazing that you have the courage to speak about Sandy Hook. I could never do that in public, and when I am asked about it, I always pretend that I believe in the official story, because in Europe if anyone doubts the official story about school shootings in public, there will be a warrantless home search, confiscation of all cameras, computers etc. and they will arrest the doubter to a psychiatric hospital for criminals indefinitely on false diagnosis of paranoia, and he may stay arrested in that hospital for 10 years as a possible school shooter because of his doubts about school shootings. That's why I can only write to you in mails.

      I have tried to figure out alternative ways of expressing my doubts about the official Sandy Hook Saga, like referring to it the other way, but it's no use, because if they understand that I refer to Sandy Hook, I will get arrested and will be thrown into a psychiatric hospital for the next 10 years. Freedom of speech is zero for that matter in Finland and in Bulgaria, which both have zero tolerance for these things.

      Believe me, I know what I am talking about. I was in prison in Bulgaria continuously for one year and five months without a trial because I dared to criticize the Communist State Police KGB of Bulgaria in my websites. I still have prohibition to go out of Bulgaria. I have been kept kidnapped by Bulgarian KGB a total of three years by now. I am a national of Finland, so I am a foreigner in Bulgaria. I still have a valid passport, issued at Finland's Embassy in Bulgaria's capital city Sofia four years ago. I have stayed in Bulgaria almost five years by now.


    • Tarkkailijahavainto

      Lehtosen blogin jatkoa:

      I have been kept kidnapped by Bulgarian KGB a total of three years by now, from July 2012 to July 2015. They said they will give some results in September 2015, but I think they prolong it until the year 2025, so I might have prohibition to go out of Bulgaria until that time. No eyewitnesses ever showed up in the courtroom, nor were there any of their lawyers. Also, my lawyer was never able to cross-examine any of the eyewitnesses. That is the KGB court system in Bulgaria, all "evidence" based on written statements only. Well, what can a defendant do? Nothing at all, just waiting and waiting. However, I have written a 700-pages book about my case, the size of the pages being A4, texts are in English and in Finnish languages.

      I thank you for listening to me. There is no other person in the entire world I could turn to and present my story that I have written. My history in Bulgarian KGB court system is so unbelievable that nobody could believe it. You may believe it, since you have been investigating the unbelievable official story of Sandy Hook case, so my case probably won't surprise you. I have my entire 700-pages book online in Adobe Reader form, but I won't send you the link because you have so much things to do in Sandy Hook case. I will send it on request only. It's free of charge.

      I have been thinking that if I am ever able to go out of Bulgaria, I could travel to the U. S. and start a lecture tour there with my books.

      However, I have some things on my book where I promote something not-so-commonly-accepted-stuff, so I wonder how the American citizens will receive my book, and what attitude American law enforcement will take on my book, although it's all legal stuff. Also it's very expensive to travel and stay and make a lecture tour in the U. S., and I can't afford it, and I won't beg any financial support for it, so it looks like I have to continue my advocating of human rights in Europe, especially if that is nowadays as difficult in the U. S. as it is in Europe.

      Aarre Lehtonen on July 5, 2015: In Finnish Protestant Bible from the year 1776, the Old Testament, the 2 Book of Kings, chapter 2, verses 23 and 24, there reads (first the Finnish language version and then direct English translation):

      23. IV. Ja hän meni sieltä ylös Beteliin, ja hänen mennessänsä tiellä, tulivat pienet pojat kaupungista ja pilkkasivat häntä, sanoen hänelle: tule ylös paljaspää, tule ylös paljaspää!
      24. Ja hän käänsi itsensä, ja kuin hän heidät näki, kirosi hän heitä Herran nimeen. Niin tuli kaksi karhua metsästä ja repeli heistä kaksi poikaa viidettäkymmentä kuoliaaksi.

      Direct English translation:

      23. IV. And he went from there up to Betel, and while he went along the road, came little boys from the city and mocked him, saying to him: come up, barehead, come up, barehead!
      24. And he turned himself around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. So came two bears from the forest and mauled fourty-two of them boys to death.


      The word Bare in the word Barehead and the word Bear are pronounced exactly in the same way.

      This event might have been the first mass killing of elementary school aged children in history, or was it?

      If someone quotes the Bible from 2 Kings 2: 23-24, will he be arrested as a possible school shooter? Look it up for yourselves, that event is mentioned in all Bible versions, so will cops confiscate Bibles from people "because Bible encourages to school massacres?" In that case cops would have to close all Christian churches also, because they promote Bibles.


    • Tarkkailijahavainto

      Best Wolfgang Halbig speech on Sandy Hook hoax:

      Wolfgang Halbig ~ Sandy Hook Staged Government Community Capstone Exercise False Flag

      Length of the speech is two hours.


    • Anonyymi

      Missä Puustinen luuhaa? Ei ole kuulunut hänestä mitään vuosiin tällä palstalla.

      • Anonyymi

        Et sitten kovin hyvin seuraa.

        Ei ole montaakaan viikkoa kun taas jotain näkyi, siis ihan 2022.

    • Anonyymi

      Onko vieläkin vapaalla jalalla

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Tyttäreni kuoli lihavuusleikkaukseen.

      Miettikää kuiten 2 kertaa, ennenkuin menette lihavuusleikkaukseen.
    2. Viiimeinen viesti

      Sinulle neiti ristiriita vai mikä nimesi sitten ikinä onkaan. Mulle alkaa riittää tää sekoilu. Oot leikkiny mun tunteill
    3. Mikä olisi sinun ja kaivattusi

      Tarinan kertovan elokuvan nimi?
    4. Onko kaivattusi täysin vietävissä ja

    5. epäonnen perjantain rikos yritys

      onpa epäselvä kuva, tuolla laadullako keskustaa tarkkaillaan lego hahmotkin selvempiä
    6. Suomessa ei ole järkeä tarjota terveyspalveluita joka kolkassa

      - Suomen väestötiheys 1.1.2022 oli 18,3 asukasta maaneliökilometriä kohden. - Uudenmaan maakunnassa asuu keskimäärin 18
      Maailman menoa
    7. Yllätyspaukku! Vappu Pimiä rikkoi vaikean rajapyykin yllättävässä bisneksessä: "Nyt hymyilyttää...!"

      Wau, onnea, Vappu Pimiä, upea suoritus! PS. Pimiä tänään televisiossa, ohjelmatietojen mukaan hän on Puoli seiskassa vie
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    8. Kirjoitin sinulle koska

      tunnen sinua kohtaan niin paljon. Sydäntäni särkee, kun kätken ihastumisen, kaipauksen, sinua kohtaan tuntemani lämmön j

      Puolankalaisilla tehtävä ryhmäkanne itsensä yleintäneistä rötöstelijöista, sekä maksattaa kunnan maksama tyhmän koplan j
    10. Martina pääsee upeisiin häihin

      Miltäs se tuntuu kateellisista. Anni Uusivirta on Martinan kavereita.
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut