---Kuka tietää Smooth Criminalin sanat?---


Onko jollakin Smooth Criminalin sanat saatavilla? Jos on voisiko pistää tähän? Jos on muitakin Jacksonin sanoja helposti saatavilla, voi laittaa. Onko joku osoite, missä niitä on?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Wacko Jacko
    • mjvivo

      As He Came Into The Window
      It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
      He Came Into Her Apartment
      He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
      She Ran Underneath The Table
      He Could See She Was Unable
      So She Ran Into The Bedroom
      She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom

      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK
      Are You OK, Annie
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK
      Are You OK, Annie
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK, Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie?

      (Annie Are You OK?)
      (Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
      (There's A Sign In The Window)
      (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
      (He Came Into Your Apartment)
      (He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
      (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
      (You Were Struck Down)
      (It Was Your Doom)

      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      You've Been Hit By
      You've Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal

      So They Came Into The Outway
      It Was Sunday - What A Black Day
      Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation
      Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations

      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK?
      Are You OK Annie?
      Annie Are You OK?
      So, Annie Are You OK
      Are You OK Annie?

      (Annie Are You OK?)
      (Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
      (There's A Sign In The Window)
      (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
      (He Came Into Your Apartment)
      (He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
      (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
      (You Were Struck Down)
      (It Was Your Doom)

      (Annie Are You OK?)
      (So, Annie Are You OK?)
      (Are You OK Annie?)
      (You've Been Hit By)
      (You've Been Struck By -
      A Smooth Criminal)

      Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now!

      (Annie Are You OK?)
      I Don't Know!
      (Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
      I Don't Know!
      (There's A Sign In The Window)
      I Don't Know!
      (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
      I Don't Know!
      (He Came Into Your Apartment)
      I Don't Know!
      (Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
      I Don't Know Why Baby!
      (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
      I Don't Know!
      (You Were Struck Down)
      (It Was Your Doom - Annie!)
      (Annie Are You OK?)
      Dad Gone It - Baby!
      (Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
      Dad Gone It - Baby!
      (There's A Sign In The Window)
      Dad Gone It - Baby!
      (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
      Hoo! Hoo!
      (He Came Into Your Apartment)
      Dad Gone It!
      (Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
      Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
      (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
      Dad Gone It!
      (You Were Struck Down)
      (It Was Your Doom-Annie!)

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    • kdfuf

      youtubeen kirjotat smooth criminal lyrics niin lötyy videoita...

    • Kissat_ovat_kivoja

      Ne löytyy, kun kirjoittaa: "Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal lyricks"

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    1. 454
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      Niin ajattelin että hän on niin rakas ❤️
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