We swear it on the bible
If wanted on the Koran
It's always good for trouble
To have a holy ghost
We have made the decision
There is forgiveness, if you need
But this is not in this world
You have to wait and wait
There is no, no other way
You can't just believe what you want
No other way, no no
You can read it in the book, what's good or bad
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth, oh yes it is
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth, oh yeah
You shouldn't kill your brother
Except if he doesn't know what's right
If he can't love your heaven
Ah, it's a mercy for him to die
And that it's so much better
Than to live without redemption
This is easy to do so
And you can read how it works
All you need, is the holy ghost
Oh, he will comfort you
No other way, no no
That's how they're cheating you
And make believe what's good or bad
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth, is it heaven or hell
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Down on earth, oh yes it is
Is it heaven or hell
I'm sure we all know them
Those perverts, they're everywhere
Mmh, we're talking straight about facts
You know deep inside what's right or wrong
And the world stinks, and the paradise is now a sewer
And they sell shit for gold
And you have to take what you've got
Heaven is never in heaven,
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is,
And hell is down on earth
Hahaha, heaven is never in heaven,
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is,
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is never in heaven,
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is,
And hell is down on earth
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth, oh yes it is
Heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth
Oh, don't you think that heaven is there where hell is
And hell is down on earth, tell me is it heaven or hell
Heaven is there where hell is
And heaven is down on earth, hahaha
Melko osuva biisi taivaasta ja helvetistä :)
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