Job opportunities for English speakers


Hello everyone!

I'm a 27 native Romanian who lived in the UK for more than 2 years and I recently moved to Akaa. It's my 2nd time in Finland and I decided to give it a go and see if I can see myself living here. I'm currently learning Finnish so my job seeking options are limited until I can speak the language fluently.
Are there any English speakers who were accepted with English to start with and do you know which are the companies willing to do that? I went to a job agency and I keep sending my CV and apply to different companies, but I haven't got too many replies so far.
Any tips or information are highly appreciated.





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • enoughromanians

      Just go back to Romania. Nobody want You stay here any longer. Romanians are all dirty thieves and it was a huge mistake to accept Romania to member of European Union. Without fluent finnish You will never get any job in Finland so You cant pay Your living in Finland. So get lost and quickly.

    • dontuseouroxygen

      Finland have half million unemployed citizen allready. Do You really believe that You find job better as native finns? Never. Without just right education and without finnish language skills You cant find any legal jobs. Romanians are most unwanted nationality in Finland, oh, russians maybe more but romanians are very next.

    • homberon

      Hello. Buy a cup of coffeee from R-Kioski and then You have all devices to start own begging-business in Finland. You countrymen in Finland sit in streetcorners all day and shake their cardboard mugs. It is brilliant idea, right?

    • teemati

      How in earth do you think to find job from Finland when more than 300 thousand Finns are unemployed? I give free tip to all who wonder that same thing, it's useless to come Finland for work, in here do not have them.

      In Finland You can see endless queues of people waiting for free bread which is distributed to poor people.

    • Frumos

      Hello Englantia 20. I am very sorry that my racist countrymen have given you nasty answers. I have met lots of Romanian people and all of them are very kind and goodhearted. I really mean this.

      Unless you meet some kind people here who take you under their wings, it would be very difficult for you to get a job here. Since you already know English, I suggest that you apply to study in Finland. It is still free in Finland even for foreigners, but maybe not long anymore, so plan to start as soon as possible.

      I wish you all the best in your life!

      • donothopetoomuch

        It is more recommendable that You seek job opportunities from other countries. In Finland here is very few (or none) jobs that are suitable for people without finnish language skills. Salaries are low and taxes are high. For example, any of Nordic countries are better for worker. Besides, even native Finns can't find a job.

    • hopeforthebest

      Hello "Englantia 20"! I apologize on behalf of my fellow Finns, whose extremely rude and impolite writing manners have covered my face with the veil of shame! What ever the situation is, it could ALWAYS be expressed in a polite way, and the two last comments were of that sort. The situation is not very pleasant here in Finland regarding jobs, but NEVER LET THAT STOP YOU! You are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you, so go for it. Take up studying, if you wish, or contact The Romanian Embassy here in Finland (or other Embassies). What ever you decide to do, I wish you luck and all the best in your future!

      • ThePowerOfHTT

        Hello all Romanian shitheads, no one wants to see you thieves in Finland. Do not come to Finland. You are hated here. Keep out.

      • Btrtrtttt
        ThePowerOfHTT kirjoitti:

        Hello all Romanian shitheads, no one wants to see you thieves in Finland. Do not come to Finland. You are hated here. Keep out.

        I agree with that. Keep away from Finland.

    • Uppvisa

      Hi! Have you tried to contact Helsingin Diakonissalaitos? They have projects with Romanian and they might need your help.

      • jaromira

        You can forget that. Diakonissalaitos just annouced of big saving programs and that mean huge cut downs in programs. Also many of employees lose their jobs. Diakonissalaitos cant anymore support Romanian or any other groups.

    • T_hor
    • haamari

      Suomessa on 500 000 työtöntä. Akateeminen työttömyys on korkeampi kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. Kielitaidottoman ja kouluttamattoman työvoiman tarve Suomessa on olematonta. Käytännössä avustaviinkin tehtäviin tarvitaan suomenkielen taito ja useiden eri korttien suorittamista.

      Suomeen muuttamisesta roiveena saada työpaikka ei kannata haaveilla. Töitä ei ole.

      Use google translator, if You can not read text above. If You cant, do not dream about move to Finland. In Finland, people speak finnish.

    • Nuno71

      Se on totta. ´Mutta! ennen olin töitä saanut Suomessakin äidinkielela Portugal, ja puhun myös Castellano. vienti-alalla. Suomea osan auttavasti. englantia ei koska voin sanoa et en tykä englantia saksaa..parempi latino tai opettelen suomea. mutta nyt..työ ei ole ja moni on Suomesta lähtenut. kun ikä kohta 50v ei ole mahdollisuudet. OLEN HYVIN PETTYNYT SUOMEN. Ihmiset kylmät liikaa byrokratia, kateelliset, kylmä maa kylmä kulttuuri, ei juuri mitään. neuvon sopea työ jo omassa maassa. jopa nyt Ranskassa paremmat mahdollisuudet töihin hakijoille Portugalista ja Espanjasta. siis TERRE D AUDE. Pohjoismaista Kanada.
      Puoliso kun Suomalainen..mutta haluana lähteä. tääl ei ole tulevaisuuta. 90 luvulla ihailin Suomea..kun olin vaan turistit tavannut Lissabonissa. mutta eläminen on eri asia. vanhuuta Suomessa ei.
      ainoa työmahdollisuus on itse yrittäjänä. olin ennen kotimaassa turismin parissa työssä yli 20 vuotta...

    • Anonyymi

      Depend of your lisences. If you are skillfull for 5G problem to find a job. If you are MD you need just learn basic Finnish and you have a lot of jobs. If you have valid Chief Engineer certificate takes couple days to get a job. If you are a man without needed skils and certificates you have not so good possibilities to find a job. There are no situation as it was 30.....50 years a go that a man can walk in to the factory and ask a job and get a job...sorry.

    • Anonyymi

      There is tremendous shortage of IT people. Finnish companies are hiring them from outside Finland. So please send your resume, call, or just walk in any IT company's office and let them know how qualified you are.
      You will be hired on the spot!

    • Anonyymi

      It might be true that 339 000 Fins are defined as unemployed (MOL), much less by other definitions. I feel sorry for anyone out of work, but before Fin's go bashing individuals that come to Finland alone for work, remember: The companies in Finland are flying in all kinds of workers to do work here. Berry pickers, Automotive plant workers, IT workers, the list is huge. Of the top management in companies I regularly see many non-Fins. So if you want to beat up the little guys on Suomi24, I hope that you are brave enough to go after the companies employing plane loads of contractors managers, and directors. Got to be fair.

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    1. Haluaisitko nähdä

      Hänet alastomana?
    2. Hilirimpsistä

      Hyvää huomenta ja kivaa päivää. Ilmat viilenee. Niin myös tunteet. 🧊☕✨🍁❤️
    3. Nainen lopeta pakoon luikkiminen?

      Elämä ei oo peli 😔😟
    4. Älä elättele

      Toiveita enää. Ihan turhaa. Sotku mikä sotku.
    5. Olet täällä. Mutta ei minulle.

      Nyt olen tästä 100% varma. Satuttaa. T: V
    6. Kuule rakas...

      Kerrohan minulle lempivärisi niin osaan jatkaa yhtä projektia? Arvaan jo melkein kyllä toki. Olethan sinä aina niin tyyl
    7. Miten hitsissä ulosoton asiakas?

      On tää maailma kumma, tässä haisee suuri kusetus ja ennennäkemättömän törkeä *huijaus*! Miten to.monen kieroilu on edez
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    8. Kela valvoo lasten tilejä.

      Tämä isoveli Kela kyttää jopa lasten yli 200,- euron rahat jotka on melko varmasti lahjaksi saatu. Se vaikuttaa perheen
    9. Törmättiin tänään

      enkä taaskaan osannut reagoida fiksusti. Menen aina lukkoon. Yksi asia on varma: tunteeni sinua kohtaan ovat edelleen v
    10. Vieläkö sä

      Rakastat mua?❤️😔