New Delhi: One of the biggest fall-winter footwear trends is lace up boots. You could even make a fancy feminine dress work for the daytime by pairing it with combat boots as it makes the look way more casual.
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Here are some winter footwear tips shared by Ronnie Khanna from the brand Saint G:
» Lace up boots: One of the biggest fall-winter fashion trends is lace up boots. There are so many to name like over-the-knee, below the knees, ankle lace-up boots. These boots gives the impression of channelling with your dresses. Pair your lace-up boots with lacy white summer dress with a leather jacket or blazer and looks cute when paired with leggings, a tunic, and a printed scarf.
» Combat boots: Make a fancy feminine dress work for the daytime by pairing it with combat boots. It makes the look way more casual. Combat boots toughen up floral dresses, and make them look more appropriate for fall weather. This boots can make you look grown up.
» Thigh high boots: Style yourself with thigh-highs and a coat for a more seasonally appropriate feel. If you're wearing a lot of black or dark tones, a lighter-coloured boot provides some contrast and helps soften your look, while maintaining its edgy vibe. If you're wearing a simple outfit, adding other interesting accents, such as an embellished belt and fringe purse, will make your look feel more complete.
» Ankle boots: Throw fashion rules out the window and wear your ankle boots with visible socks pulled up and a skirt. Add a leather jacket for some added toughness. Ankle boots look amazing with a maxi dress or skirt. In the colder weather, throw on a jacket or cardigan.
» Leather boots: Boots are my preferred footwear during the fall. With so many options available - over the knee, flat, heel, wedge, pointed toe and ankle. There is a boot to go with every outfit style. There are boots for casual outfits, dressing up and work professionally.
Footwear tips to rock the winter
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