Is all the Africa vaccinated?


USA came and gave vaccination for all. Right?
That is stupid for people, because USA are giving within the drugs extra medicine, based on stupid contemporary medicine, which is never perfect, never been tested well, person never could be total sure how it will effect. There is no guarantee and there is no any benefit, but War.

Contemporary governments are giving the new shit that people are like superman. There is existing or at least they are trying to make such as superman for the needs of USA military and government. Of course every government is doing their own experiments, but the biggest crime comes from USA, Israel, China, Russia, Germany, YK....That is a crime against humanity. I met people who looks like unbreakable. That is bullshit and it is a crime against life, humanity, freedom. That will coast a new war.

USA is devil, by spreading their infection. People are dying and getting sick with the drugs which are never perfect, never good. They change personality and they damage person's life. All the surroundings will suffer from that kind of person. Purpose of the drugs are to make person the best. That is childish wish of stupid adult man, who wants to rule the world. Right? USA is stupid. People trust vaccination believing that they are protecting them from diseases, but often people are getting diseases after vaccinations. Government, USA are doing money on you!! And you will pay by your life that. Humanity is loosing it's value. Too many people? No. Too less democracy, because USA wants to rule the Earth and to be the best, the richest ruler.

USA made a crime by giving for all Africa vaccinations. Results are waiting, how many will suffer from them. That is a big crime.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • JohnMukabrake

      All the rulers of the states and big countries are working on drugs. No any normal human will stand such pressure, when milliards of people are looking them, following them in media. That's why there is a huge money in, when we talk about vaccination. Moralistically that is bad, because everything must be based on the free will. Medicine are not respecting at all free will. Medicine kills. Officials steals your family members to make from them the perfect workers. Ordinary man, mother, father will never realize what the fuck happened for their child. All the schools are under the control and some children will get extra attention in good or bad.

      • JohnMukabrake

        For example if I don't want that my family will be vaccinated, then no one will respect my will, but they will keep me as irresponsible.

        Woman are following that like slaves. They believe fully in to the medicine and are helping man to make even bigger crimes against humanity.

        Why the hell we need so many drugs?
        Every man is eating some shit. Wake up to stop it!

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