Russia is planning to get some countries under its authority in near future and part of Finland may be the target, because Russia wants to secure their nuclear plants and military bases and security near the Karelian borders. And if Finland has do defend themselves, they will send you skillfull and healthy refugees in the front line, who know how to use military equipment in real situations in war and defending city buildings. Finnish authorities are now giving you secure and food, lodging and little money as refugees, but on the other hand the pay back time may soon come: you may be sent in the front line in a conflict as warriors of human shields.... Think about that seriously and go quickly back to your countries. Even Germany during WW2 lost their power against Russia, because they did not know how to operate in snowy areas as guerrilas. You do not have even proper winter clothes.
Refugees do not come to Finland
- mrbugaloo
Finland do not grant asylum anymore to person who come from Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan. Person who seek asylum deported from Finland via special concentrate centers. Person is kept in those centers until they deported.
- frommigrinewsdesk
Subsidiary protection no longer granted to all asylum seekers from South and East Afghanistan
The Finnish Immigration Service has updated its security situation assessment regarding Afghanistan.
Subsidiary protection is no longer granted to asylum seekers arriving from the
Similarly, subsidiary protection is not granted to persons arriving from the districts of Ab Band, Muqur, Nawa and Rashidan in the Ghazni province. Other parts of Ghazni are still considered unsafe.
Assessment of an internal flight alternative is conducted in every case
The Finnish Immigration Service still considers certain provinces in South and East Afghanistan to be unsafe, but there are large areas in the country with no security threats.
A difficult security situation in the applicant's region of origin in itself does not provide sufficient grounds for being granted asylum or a residence permit in Finland. The applicant's internal flight alternative, in other words relocation to a safe area in the home country, is always assessed.
The update is based on recent information provided by the agency’s Country Information Service. The Finnish Immigration Service’s reassessment was based on facts such as the number and intensity of incidents and the number of civilian victims in reported incidents. The assessment also covered transport connections to safe areas.
Persons suspected of being adults to undergo an age determination test
A high number of Afghan asylum seekers arriving in Finland this autumn were unaccompanied minors. If the authorities have reason to believe the applicant is not a minor, the applicant will be referred for an age determination test. - FactaANDIllusion
Angela Merkel Calls Multiculturalism 'A Grand Delusion'
Angela Merkel kutsuu monikulttuurisuudesta "Suuri Harhaluulo"
Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel
Monikulttuurisuus on huijausta, sanoo Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel calls multiculturalism a 'grand delusion' and vows to tighten refugee policy
Angela Merkel kutsuu monikulttuurisuutta "suurta harhaa" ja vannoo kiristävänsä pakolaispolitiikkaa. - migriinformation
Finland is no longer grant permanent asylum. From this moment all asylum will be temporary. When the situation in the country of origin is safe, asylum seekers will be returned to their country of origin.
Finland is no longer grant permanent asylum. From this moment all asylum will be temporary. When the situation in the country of origin is safe, asylum seekers will be returned to their country of origin.
فنلندا لم يعد منح حق اللجوء الدائم. من هذه اللحظة عن اللجوء ستكون مؤقتة. عندما يكون الوضع في بلد المنشأ هو آمن،
سيتم إرجاع طالبي اللجوء إلى بلدانهم الأصلية.
Finland hadda lama siiyo magangelyo joogto ah. Laga soo bilaabo tan doonka oo dhan u noqon doonaa meel gaar ah. Marka xaaladda ka jirta dalka ay asal ahaan ay tahay mid amaan, dadka magangalyo doonka ah lagu soo celin doonaa dalkooda hooyo.
Family reunification is discontinued. Asylum seekers can not bring their families to Finland anymore.
وتوقف جمع شمل الأسرة. طالبي اللجوء لا يمكن إحضار أسرهم إلى فنلندا بعد الآن.
Ururinta qoyska la joojiyo. Magangalyo-doonku qoysaskooda si ay Finland aadan keeni Karin mar dambe.
لم يتم دفع طالبي اللجوء المال، ولكن شراء كوبونات Anonyymi
That should be on another language, because the most of "refugees" are mongol-race, so they are far eastern countries
- allshitfaces
Finland will send back all asylum seekers from Iraq. Iraq is considered safe country.
- Anonyymi
Nyt they are not from Iraq or Syria, The mist of them are mongol-race (from east-asia, suoth-east-asia and middle-asia), so Iraq and Syria doesn't want they to home there make proplems there
- shitpuor
IOM pays return ticket to Iraq for those who want back voluntarily.
IOM pays return ticket to Iraq for those who want back voluntarily.
IOM pays return ticket to Iraq for those who want back voluntarily.
If You want to go back now, ticket cost about 500 euros.
If You want to go back now, ticket cost about 500 euros.
إذا كنت ترغب في العودة الآن، تكلف تذكرة حوالي 500 يورو.
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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