Want to become a member of a K-pop group?
Nameless auditioning:
Thank you for your interest in becoming our member! Below we provide you with some information that will help you gain some understanding of who we are looking for and our group’s character. Please read the following information carefully before you ask for details on auditioning/applying!
Personality > Skill but you should be talented
We are interested in talented passionate individuals with unique colorful personalities that are able to project a strong image on their own. We are not here to offer you the group life. We want our future fans to follow us and appreciate us for who we are and what we really do.
English > Korean but you should be able to sing in both
While for every cover we produce there can be both English and Korean versions, it’s the Korean version that is promoted as the primary one and receives the most attention. The greatest part of promotions take place online and although a possibility we are generally not expected to perform for real life audience. We don’t mind if English and Korean are not your native languages but you should be able to (or learn to) sing in both in a good, clear accent. The better you speak those two languages though, the better your chances. Speaking any other languages is great but not an advantage for choosing you in any way (except Japanese and Chinese are advantages).
Dance > Voice but you should have the voice
Having an appealing body movement is of the greatest importance, but it is the sound of your voice and how well you can control it that‘s also a must. Whether it’s a natural talent that you explored alone by dancing/singing in your room or you have taken dancing/singing lessons you will need you to learn to look good when you move and be able to easily adapt to our choreography’s that we’re doing.
Skill > Pretty but you should be looking good
This is not a contest for a position in the opera; it’s rather idol like business. People would want to connect with you and that includes those fans that would like you just for your appearance. Because of that we have no choice but to include your looks as an important factor for our choice. Still don’t hesitate to present yourself and let us be the judges. In addition both weight and body build are factors that can be dramatically changed with some good determination till debut so again do not hesitate to present yourself as you are.
Image > Background but you should be open-minded
As long as you can pull off the above, we are looking for people from all backgrounds and nations and this isn’t just a statement for smooth politics. On the other hand you should make sure you have a good understanding of working with group and be able to behave properly under certain conditions.
What we will be checking you out for
• Singing Skill (Various Genres Korean & English)
• Rap Skill (Various Genres Korean & English)
• Dancing Skill (Various Genres Cover & Freestyle)
• Language Skills (Korean, Japanese or Chinese & English)
• Looks (Face, Body)
• Personality & Image Projection
• Music understanding
• Group skills
What kind of content to prepare
Please make sure that the content you send us matches your style but at the same time it will help us evaluate you. Please try to pick songs that are in the appropriate genre in order to help us imagine how you could fit it!
Frequently asked questions
Are you (the group) going to depute?
We are planning on deputing in the future.
Will I be offered training place?
You will but you should consider that it will cost you a part of the full price which is the price divided among all the participating members.
You should understand that the number of applicants we can accept is very limited.
We have three types for new members to choose on:
Dancer: Mainly dancing (you also have to sing or rap), also you (all the main dancers) will be in charge of the dance practices of the group.
Singer: Mainly singing (you have to also dance), also you (all the main vocalists) will be in charge of the singing practices of the group.
Rapper: Mainly rapping (you have to also dance), also you (all the main rappers) will be in charge of the rapping practices of the group.
– Direct auditioning in the case that you are ready to be a member right away, we will arrange an interview and audition in person. In case we’re happy with you we will give you your member card.
– Online auditioning in the case you’re not yet in Turku (but will be soon) or you don’t want to become a member right away, you will be given (if accepted to become a member) a member card where is your date of starting to work with us as a group.
Ask for the details on auditioning in e-mail: [email protected]
K-pop group looks for new members here in Turku, F
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