Wrong family protection services


According Finish law, no one can make physical violence to another person. Finish law is protecting specially woman and children. Woman right is historically very long in Scandinavia. Now we become aware that man's violence is more harder and rear than woman's. Woman are using physical violence more than a man. Law are going as far that when woman just mention that her husband is using violence, then official could start investigation. Official are very easy also to brake family according the child protection law, despite there is no need for protect. By that Finish law are braking many families. Finish people doesn't know much about another cultures and Finish culture is young. They has problem to know what is a need for the another culture person. Finish want to judge that person from the Finish culture of point. That is impossible, because there is no a justice. Immigration in Finland doesn't have any justice and with the crisis situation in the world, relation of Finish people towards immigration became discriminative. I am sure that there was made an human lost directly or indirectly for sure, just being racist. That is against the human rights.
Finish social structure denied from me my children. I didn't saw they over a year and more. Finish justice never made claim against me and they never tried to prove situation anyhow. Woman has a lot of value in Finland. Her word that man is abusing her could brake the whole family. Plus in another cultures physical presents in the family is more stronger. In Finish tradition no one ever touch each others, like in Japan, people are very cold and distance. Finish people has high rate of suicide among Japanese. Actually man has no right for his family. Government is taking care about everything even stealing the children. That is a crime against humanity. There is something wrong and bad in that, how West understands family business. That is a discrimination of a man and family. Finish way of treating is separation. Government separate parents, children. We grow in very lonely atmosphere, we suffer from mental disorders, we are high educated and lost totally. We don't know how to give birth anymore and we are technolized to the point that people are killing each others. People are too intelligent to know what is the point, but people are like autistic, who are thinking very unnecessary things. West is scary place and that's why there all the refugees welcome with all the skin colors that our life wouldn't become hell.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • HolaMola

      - No one asked me anywhere to say a word to defend myself

      - Time went more that a year

      - I don't know why they judge me

      - at the same time government press me different ways that my life become harder

      - in the west woman can just to divorce when ever, how ever
      in the west parents even don't need to take care after their children, because government will take care

      - finish child protection services are destroying families

      - children grows without parents and no body cares

      - there is no motherhood in Finland, 3 years long childhomecare is very small in money and mother actually can't be longer that that, because government won't to force mother to work and children send to kindergarten. If mother is at home and father is working, then Finish tax is so big that there will be just a little money left from father payment. If both parents are at home, then very probably social services will take responsibility after the children. There is no freedom and no Parenthood. That is wrong attitude towards family business.

      • HolaMola

        - Government doesn't like natural birth. It likes medicalized birth. People are scientific and non human. Little government doesn't like an opponent in the country.

        - Immigration in Finland is young 40-30 years. Parliament and society leadership is mostly in the hands of the natives. Immigrant can't decide about his business at all.

        - There is discrimination in Finland. Immigrant could try long without any success. because the main positions are for the natives.

      • guesswhat
        HolaMola kirjoitti:

        - Government doesn't like natural birth. It likes medicalized birth. People are scientific and non human. Little government doesn't like an opponent in the country.

        - Immigration in Finland is young 40-30 years. Parliament and society leadership is mostly in the hands of the natives. Immigrant can't decide about his business at all.

        - There is discrimination in Finland. Immigrant could try long without any success. because the main positions are for the natives.

        Politics and how things used to be in Finland has nothing in common.
        Politicians have ruined our society for three decades.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Mitä hittoa tapahtuu nuorille miehillemme?

      Mikä on saanut heidän päänsä sekaisin ja kadottamaan järjellisyytensä normaalista elämästä ja ryhtymään hörhöiksi? https
      Maailman menoa
    2. En sitten aio sinua odotella

      Olen ollut omasta halustani yksin, mutta jossain vaiheessa aion etsiä seuraa. Tämä on aivan naurettavaa pelleilyä. Jos e
    3. Muistatko kun kerroin...

      että palelen..? Myös nyt on kylmä. Tahtoisin peittosi alle.
    4. Martina jättää triathlonin: "Aika kääntää sivua"

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    5. En vain ole riittävä

      Muutenhan haluaisit minut oikeasti ja tekisit jotain sen eteen. Joo, ja kun et varmaan halua edes leikisti. Kaikki on o
    6. Kuka sinä oikeen olet

      Joka kirjoittelet usein minun kanssa täällä? Olen tunnistanut samaksi kirjoittajaksi sinut. Miksi et anna mitään vinkkej
    7. Hei, vain sinä voit tehdä sen.

      Only you, can make this world seem right Only you, can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone Can make a change
    8. Oon pahoillani että

      Tapasit näin hyödyttömän, arvottoman, ruman ja tylsän ihmisen niinku minä :(
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      Koo osottaa taas mieltään
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