STS Kielimatkat osoittaa kyllä melkoista härskiyttä ja röyhkeyttä päätyessään jatkuvasti kuluttajariitakautakuntaan ja käräjille törkeästi hoitamiensa vaihto-ohjelmien ja kielimatkojen takia. Mitään ei näköjään ole opittu tai edes haluta oppia!! Pöyristyttäviä vaihtokokemuksia on julkisuudessa ja käräjillä VUODESTA VUOTEEN... ja sama vehkeily sen kun jatkuu!
Taas saatiin uusi päätös Dnro 466/35/2015, jossa kuluttajariitalautakunta toteaa yksimielisessä päätöksessään mm. ettei STS:n toiminta ole vastannut sovittua ja kehottaa maksamaan 4.000€:n korvaukset vaihto-oppilaalle.
Samat ongelmat ja kuviot toistuvat STS:n kielimatkoilla, samoin maajohtaja Mira Silvosen kykenemättömyys ja haluttomuus hoitaa jälkipyykkiä asiallisesti.
Samaa kaavaa toistaen STS kiistää kaikki virheensä ja syyllistää vaihto-oppilaan. Taitaa olla STS/n juristillekin jo helppoa kuin heinänteko, toistaa vaan samoja fraaseja...
Ihmetellä täytyy, että jostain vielä löytyy asiakkaita, jotka menevät retkuun ja maksavat tästä kuvottavasta toiminnasta...
- showmustgoon
No niin, sitten vaan odotteleen seuraavaa STS tuomioo.... Oliskohan 3882/35/2015? Ja mikäli nykyinen maajohtaja jatkaa ruorissa niin ei oo pelkoo että keissit loppuu!
- Tietääkökukaan
Koskahan toi seuraava STS juttu ratkeaa?
- RyöstäminenJatkuu
Asia (kielimatjariita)on riitautettu syksyllä -15 joten päätöstä joudutaan vielä odottamaan. Uusia keissejä varmasti ilmaantuu lisää Silvosen jatkaessa maajohtajana...
- Poppam
Maineestaan kiinni pitävä yritys ei päästä asiakasriitojaan julkisiksi. Vanha viisaus "Maineen voi menettää vain kerran" pitää paikkansa. Maineen menettäminen yritysmaailmassa on koitunut monen yrityksen ja yrittäjän kohtaloksi.
Kovaa hintaa maksaa STS:kin maajohtajansa ylpeydestä kaiken aikaa. Ettei olisi peruuttamaton paikka? - Totuusesiinvaan
Sts:n ja voi olla muidenkin järjestöjen yhteistyökumppanin, CIEE:n työntekijät ovat jo muutaman vuoden antaneet asialliset mielipiteensä toimialasta Glassdoor-sivustolla. Lwihdbcöoub
Glassdoorin parhaar palat viimeisimmästä arviosta:
There is not much more to say that hasn't been said already on this site, but I will add a few things.
The board of directors and the senior management team of CIEE should be ashamed of themselves for supporting the agenda and the practices of this not-so-new-anymore CEO. During his tenure there has been a revolving door on staff - most damningly his own "inner circle" team. There was much talk of, "it's normal for a new CEO bring in his own team" and "things will calm down once he has his team in place" during his first years. Unfortunately, 4 or 5 years later, things have NOT calmed down in the least: the opposite is true as both 20 year seasoned veterans and newly hired VPs and Directors have walked away or been dismissed. The instability created by all this puts both the organization and its students at risk. Biting off more than it can chew, the CEO drives and attempts to implement half-baked programs, marketing schemes, and processes. He pulls the plug on ideas just as fast as he initiates them. When he is in doubt and facing a crisis of attrition, the CEO simply throws money and titles at remaining at staff, promoting them to try to retain them. This has lead to major title inflation and a proliferation of VPs - leading to a deep resentment among staff about how and why these individuals got their roles. Performance management is a joke, bonuses are random and based solely on who toes the party line.
The senior leadership and the board of directors are engaged in a self-delusion that everything is going well and the company events and presentations are like zombie rallies with everyone smiling and clapping. There is never an acknowledgement that there are problems with the culture that need to be addressed. This is not a work in progress where we all have a voice. Lip service, propaganda, and free happy hours are key tools under the Pellow management regime.
There was a time when working for CIEE was a source of pride as it was the leader in its field. As our reputation has been systematically dismantled by the actions of the CEO, the board and the senior team, it feels like we are working for an organization in decline. Sure, powerpoint slides tell us periodically that we've never had more revenue. Then, on cue, applause is initiated. But how did we get that revenue? At what human cost? Putting how many students at risk due to overtaxed and demotivated employees? Crushing how many careers in the process? Scrolling through the list of names of board of directors on the website, anyone can see an accomplished group of business people, diplomats, educators. One wonders if they have any notion of what is actually going on here. If they do, shame on them.
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Advice to Management
Relieve the CEO of his duties. Put this very dark period behind the organization."
Helpful (14) - RyöstäminenJatkuu
Lwihdbcöoub kirjoitti:
Glassdoorin parhaar palat viimeisimmästä arviosta:
There is not much more to say that hasn't been said already on this site, but I will add a few things.
The board of directors and the senior management team of CIEE should be ashamed of themselves for supporting the agenda and the practices of this not-so-new-anymore CEO. During his tenure there has been a revolving door on staff - most damningly his own "inner circle" team. There was much talk of, "it's normal for a new CEO bring in his own team" and "things will calm down once he has his team in place" during his first years. Unfortunately, 4 or 5 years later, things have NOT calmed down in the least: the opposite is true as both 20 year seasoned veterans and newly hired VPs and Directors have walked away or been dismissed. The instability created by all this puts both the organization and its students at risk. Biting off more than it can chew, the CEO drives and attempts to implement half-baked programs, marketing schemes, and processes. He pulls the plug on ideas just as fast as he initiates them. When he is in doubt and facing a crisis of attrition, the CEO simply throws money and titles at remaining at staff, promoting them to try to retain them. This has lead to major title inflation and a proliferation of VPs - leading to a deep resentment among staff about how and why these individuals got their roles. Performance management is a joke, bonuses are random and based solely on who toes the party line.
The senior leadership and the board of directors are engaged in a self-delusion that everything is going well and the company events and presentations are like zombie rallies with everyone smiling and clapping. There is never an acknowledgement that there are problems with the culture that need to be addressed. This is not a work in progress where we all have a voice. Lip service, propaganda, and free happy hours are key tools under the Pellow management regime.
There was a time when working for CIEE was a source of pride as it was the leader in its field. As our reputation has been systematically dismantled by the actions of the CEO, the board and the senior team, it feels like we are working for an organization in decline. Sure, powerpoint slides tell us periodically that we've never had more revenue. Then, on cue, applause is initiated. But how did we get that revenue? At what human cost? Putting how many students at risk due to overtaxed and demotivated employees? Crushing how many careers in the process? Scrolling through the list of names of board of directors on the website, anyone can see an accomplished group of business people, diplomats, educators. One wonders if they have any notion of what is actually going on here. If they do, shame on them.
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Advice to Management
Relieve the CEO of his duties. Put this very dark period behind the organization."
Helpful (14)Cieen ja STS:n yhteistyö natsaa varmasti hyvin, kun toiminta on ala-arvoisuudessaan näin yhtenäistä! Yhtä vastuuntunnotonta, välinpitämätöntä, röyhkeää, ylimielistä jne. Tällaisella toiminnalla vanhingoitetaan nuoria ja viedään vanhemmilra rahat.
Toiminnan ainoa päämäärä vaikuttaakin olevan rahan nyhtäminen ihmisiltä nuorista välittämättä. STS linja jatkuu vuodesta toiseen samanlaisena Silvosen jatkaessa maajohtajana riitelyään asiakkaidensa kanssa. Toimintaa ei haluta kehittää eikä riitoja sopia kuin pakon edessä asiakkaiden hakiessa käräjiltä tai kuluttajariitalautakunnasta tuomio.
Toivottavasti kuluttajat osaavat tehdä oikeita valintoja!
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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