- Declaration for Tolerance in individual differences of UNESCO in 1995
- amount of the tolerance in society shows how developed is culture
- In 1950 and 1960 American, Australian, English psychologists starts to research a problems of the migrations, psychological problems of adaptation in different age groups.
..nachinaya primerno s 50-60 g. amerikanskie, avstraliyskie, angliyskie psihologi stali zanimatsya issledovaniyami prichin i motivov migratsii, psihologicheskih problem adaptatsii migrantov k drugoi kulturnoi i prirodnoi srede, izucheniem psihologicheskih osobennostei u migrantov raznih pokoleniy. (s.11)
Immigration Research
- migritales
All asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Ghana etc. will rejected. New policy after 2015.
- MotherEarth2016
Russia might have about 80 000 unoficial Afghan people (in 2002)
globalism will not ask, it will come. When small country is refusing, then big country will demand.
Don't ask why you are, but just enjoy life. - MotherEarth2016
MotherEarth2016 kirjoitti:
Russia might have about 80 000 unoficial Afghan people (in 2002)
globalism will not ask, it will come. When small country is refusing, then big country will demand.
Don't ask why you are, but just enjoy life.In history the worst hostages for Romano people (India dessidents) was Europe, Germany, Hungaria already in the Middle Age 1300-1500 aft.Chr.
It is said that Gypsies or Romano people felt they stay the best in the folk rich Balcan area and Russia during the Tsaar's time. - MotherEarth2016
MotherEarth2016 kirjoitti:
In history the worst hostages for Romano people (India dessidents) was Europe, Germany, Hungaria already in the Middle Age 1300-1500 aft.Chr.
It is said that Gypsies or Romano people felt they stay the best in the folk rich Balcan area and Russia during the Tsaar's time.Jews and Romano people are the first Globalists, who really went around the world.
Globally thinking, I keep Middle-Eeast cultures like jew cultures, because both are coming from the same region in a bigger scale. Jews had mixed with many nations. Middle-East Muslims keep their travel now. Good luck and keep Peace and Love in your Heart for ever.
USA is contemporary global cultural Melting Pot, since 1600...
USA has a lot to share with the whole world, when they will understand their role and not be the violent, egoist imperialist.
USA has over 300 milj. population from every country in the world. Russia has about 180 milj. more from the local regions.
Russian national writer was A.Pushkin African dissident from in 1700. - MotherEarth2016
MotherEarth2016 kirjoitti:
Jews and Romano people are the first Globalists, who really went around the world.
Globally thinking, I keep Middle-Eeast cultures like jew cultures, because both are coming from the same region in a bigger scale. Jews had mixed with many nations. Middle-East Muslims keep their travel now. Good luck and keep Peace and Love in your Heart for ever.
USA is contemporary global cultural Melting Pot, since 1600...
USA has a lot to share with the whole world, when they will understand their role and not be the violent, egoist imperialist.
USA has over 300 milj. population from every country in the world. Russia has about 180 milj. more from the local regions.
Russian national writer was A.Pushkin African dissident from in 1700.World prophecy tells about 2030:ies. When it will again a big astro change. We live now one more predicted time from 2012 to 2037 (about).
I found information that politically plans are made to progress Worlds Global infrastructure there where is poor now. China is investing to Africa 10 milliards building roads etc. There is mentioned year 2030. I see it as political time table too.
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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