Arto Nyberg show is famoust finnish talk show, where the host
Arto Nyberg talking whit interesting quest.
CHEEK is famoust finnish rap artist. In Arto Nyberg show`s word play, CHEEK he din`t know synonym the word ALEPPO. He DIN´T what ALEPPO is, he din´t know what happent in SYRIA right now, the war of Syria.
This gyu CHEEK is full of himself. Don´t lisning or buy his musick. He is total jackass.
To the Syrian migrants-import message
- ministeryoflove
Finland will not take anybody from Syria as refugee. All asylum seekers will be return to place where leave. New policy after 2015.
Finland do not grant asylum to people from Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc. - sarianbundora
Some regions of EU don't know about Koran. Empty is to expect people to know. Instead immigrants should tell themselves what they are about. Make a positive picture about yourself. Don't give up hope. Usually travelers, incomers has to tell a stories. Those stories you should tell openly. Open mind hearts a lot. It has a price, but results are even bigger than costs for society. People just don't know much. You should tell. It is your duty.
Ask friends how they get started world wide. Don't bring bad things to Finland from examples, but only a good ones, because you are living here too. Bring the best parts from your home culture in a way, that locals will understand you. It is a skill to communicate. Intelligence is needed also to understand what is happening in the world. Communication is important. Non egoistic mind.- sarianbundora
Finland is young culture. Here some basic things that are common in the South are unknown. Don't judge bad what is here, but help them, by giving solutions (make a trade of the values) what you are knowing from your homeland. Personal touch/contact sometimes is more effective than unpersonal.
- motherearth2016
sarianbundora kirjoitti:
Finland is young culture. Here some basic things that are common in the South are unknown. Don't judge bad what is here, but help them, by giving solutions (make a trade of the values) what you are knowing from your homeland. Personal touch/contact sometimes is more effective than unpersonal.
Life is born in Ethiopia, East Africa. Cultural Evolution spread to Middle -East then Asia, Siberia and North and South America. That is also a rote of the Human Culture. Path that human went. We in 2016 are following just the bigger God's plan.
South is a women energy. North is a man.
South is full of the old civilizations. North is very young. Church registers starts only from 1600.
Some things from South are needed here very much. For example, how to find a soulmate, life companion, how to give birth naturally and many many more. North is offering instead technology that will keep peace on earth. Technology has spread now everywhere.
- how to find a soulmate
- social politics
- women and family business
- global parliament
- trade
- peace and love
- value of life
- intelligence
- rich civilization in the past
- the new global culture?
- human value
- cosmic odyssey
- basic needs
- .. - motherearth2016
motherearth2016 kirjoitti:
Life is born in Ethiopia, East Africa. Cultural Evolution spread to Middle -East then Asia, Siberia and North and South America. That is also a rote of the Human Culture. Path that human went. We in 2016 are following just the bigger God's plan.
South is a women energy. North is a man.
South is full of the old civilizations. North is very young. Church registers starts only from 1600.
Some things from South are needed here very much. For example, how to find a soulmate, life companion, how to give birth naturally and many many more. North is offering instead technology that will keep peace on earth. Technology has spread now everywhere.
- how to find a soulmate
- social politics
- women and family business
- global parliament
- trade
- peace and love
- value of life
- intelligence
- rich civilization in the past
- the new global culture?
- human value
- cosmic odyssey
- basic needs
- ..- nature protection
- climate change
- militaries
:-) - motherearth2016
motherearth2016 kirjoitti:
- nature protection
- climate change
- militaries
:-)according the spiritual researchers on Earth is living at the same time 3:rd and 6:th human rase.
Humanity is renewing all the time. Time is not still, but is going forward. Life is move, act. Don't expect the same old values no more. 2012 was one Armaggedon eclipse.
Old Fish time is off (intuition). Now is Aquarius (reason).
Globally people are feeling the same problems equally.
Kali Yuga will change on Satya Yuga.
What prophesies can Islam offer more?
And another practical crucial solutions for humanity?
And another world countries?
One bigger eclipse is about 21 000 years. (physics). There is every 5000 year a smaller eclipses. 2012 is one of the eclipses (Veda, Maya calendar) - motherEarth2016
motherearth2016 kirjoitti:
according the spiritual researchers on Earth is living at the same time 3:rd and 6:th human rase.
Humanity is renewing all the time. Time is not still, but is going forward. Life is move, act. Don't expect the same old values no more. 2012 was one Armaggedon eclipse.
Old Fish time is off (intuition). Now is Aquarius (reason).
Globally people are feeling the same problems equally.
Kali Yuga will change on Satya Yuga.
What prophesies can Islam offer more?
And another practical crucial solutions for humanity?
And another world countries?
One bigger eclipse is about 21 000 years. (physics). There is every 5000 year a smaller eclipses. 2012 is one of the eclipses (Veda, Maya calendar)It was been predicted that Family will be suffering. "Children will not know their families, parents".
Family business, I believe, is going changing.
- latestnews
Finnish authorities initiate the return of asylum seekers' to countries of origin. Immigrant who stay without permission will be arrested and put to prison for 10 years.
- Whh44
Finland is starting mass-transports of illegal foreigners. First flights to Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia depature january.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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