Teki ihanaa


Menin illalla nukkumaan ja näin ihanan unen.
Panin meidän talon kaikkia mummoja ja mälli lensi solkenaan. Aamulla oli hirvittävä olo kun tollain petin vaimoani.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • isohemuli

      olin finninaamainen teini ja en vielä oikeaa naista ollut saanut

    • tototo

      Se on sama ku pettää unessa tai ku pettäis todellisuudessa. Tätä vaan ei kukaan tajua.

      • sadasd

        My wife Sarah and I attended a wedding reception of one of her younger female co-workers. I was standing alone most of the evening since I really didn't know anyone there. As I would often glance over at Sarah, I noticed a good looking (probably Italian) dark haired older man talking to my wife. One of the times I looked over, I noticed that he had his hand on Sarah's thigh. He noticed me looking at him and just looked right back. I was interupted for a few minutes and as I looked at their table again, his hand was now up under her dress. He looked at me and smiled and said something to Sarah.

        Sarah turned around, saw me and got up from the table.
        As she walked toward me I thought she was going to appologize for letting this guy feel her up like that,
        however, to my surprise, Sarah told me that Vince had asked her to smoke a joint outside. I was dumbfounded. She then asked if I'd mind. "I don't know" I said. She then reached into my suit jacket for our car keys. As she started to walk away all she said was "I'll be back soon."

        It was humiliating enough to have Vince look back and smile at me as they walked outside the banquet hall, but a few moments later, one of Sarah's friends and a co-worker came up and asked me "Are you really going to let her go with Vince?" "Yeah, I guess" was all I said. "He likes Sarah" one of the girls replied. As we watched Sarah and Vince leave our site, the two girls walked away.

        After waiting about 45 minutes, I finaly went outside.
        I slowly looked around as I walked over to our car.
        I lightly tapped on the window as I saw them in the back seat. As Sarah rolled down the window, the smell of pot really hit me. She was giggling as she said they'd be right out. I could tell that she was adjusting her skirt as Vince opened the door. As the interior lights of the car shone on the ground, I saw it. I couldn't believe it... a freshly used condom was laying right outside the car door.
        I don't know if they knew that I had seen it, I'm sure Sarah was oblivious as she said "Hi, Baby" and kissed me. She was high from the pot, forgeting to take her purse. As I reached into the car to get her purse, I saw her panties laying on the floor and I also detected the scent of her musky pussy.

        I didn't exactly know what to say or do, knowing that my 38 year old wife (and mother of three), just got f**ked in our car. It was so raunchy.

        In response to one of the one perceptive reader, it turns out that Vince has f**ked several women at the company my wife works at. The difference is that just about all of them are single.

        When Sarah and I returned to the reception, she remained near me the rest of the night. However, when Sarah went to the ladies room, an older lady that's worked at the company for several years named Gwen, came over to me and quietly said "I'm glad to see you got her away from Vince. He thinks he's really something just because he has a big dick. He's bad news... he's gotten a few of the girls at work pregnant. Stay close to Sarah." "I will" I said.

        The words hit me hard. It was too late. How did Gwen know he had a big dick? She had been married until recently (now divorced). Then Sarah's friend Jenny walked over and said "Don't get mad but Vince told us he f**ked Sarah".
        Starring right at me, I could see she enjoyed telling me this. "He f**ks all the girls at work!" interjected her friend. "Not the married ones!" Jenny shot back.
        Seeing Sarah coming to the table, they left.

        As Sarah came back and sat down I looked at her and noticed what looked like a hickey on her neck. She held my hand, smiled and whispered in my ear "Are you mad?" It was so surreal... the music, dancing and the other guests laughing, all the while knowing as did many others that Sarah had just been stud-f**ked. It was no big deal, it appeared to be acceptable.

        As we left the hall, making our way to the car... there it was... now on the window of our car! Someone had put the used condom right on the windshield. Sarah noticed it too.
        She just looked at me saying nothing. We both got got into the car and I started to cry. Sarah comforted me by saying "It's OK baby, Vince is just trying to show-off".
        "Just take the rubber off and let's go home."

        It was so humiliating as I touched the condom with just two fingers. I could now see how full it was of Vince's scum as well as Sarah's cream on the outside. She must be ovulating. Oh, God. I can't believe she let him do this her.

        At the end of the evening, Sarah and I were finally in bed. I thought we'd talk be she was tired, especially after smoking pot earlier that evening. In the morning, I noticed Vince's business card tucked away on her nite stand.
        When she awoke, I asked her about it.

        "Vince wants to date me. He wants me to go out with him tomorrow night." she said. "Did you tell him you were maried?" I said in disbelief. "He knows, believe me he knows. He knows you're a little guy so he figured he'd hit on me." she casually told me. "What do you mean?" I asked.

        "Come here baby", she called to me. As I got closer to her, Sarah grabbed my head and guided it between her legs. "God, I horny... help me cum." she said.
        I cooperated and starred at it as she spread her pussy lips. As I slowly moved my head down, she put her hand on the back of my head and pushed my face on it. "That's it, suck that pussy... Good puppy, lap it up." she cooed.

        "Don't worry about Vince, I just need to get him out of my system. He's really experienced and it turns me on that this older guy with a really big dick wants to do me. He's separated from his wife so he really needs some." this from my bride and mother of our children. "Get the dildo" she commanded. I did as she asked, and gently eased the head in. Sarah reached for my wrist and shoved the 8" dildo in deep. "Do it hard... I like it hard!" she said.
        "Did Vince f**k you hard?" I asked. "Yes... he likes to f**k kind of rough... and talk dirty." she answered. "Did you like it? I asked. "It was nasty but it made me cum."
        With that she started to buck hard and I could tell she was starting to cum. The dildo we both used to think was too big for her was now easily sliding in and out of her c**t.
        It was easy to see that she was eager to get "filled up"
        by a large cock again and we both knew Vince was going to be the one giving it to her.

        Despite the humiliation of know that my wife wants to date Vince, seeing Sarah cumming made me hard. She just laid back as I started to mount her. I was so aroused that I started sliding my little penis in & out very fast.

        As Sarah sensed I was close to orgasm, she told me to "Pull out... pull out, don't cum in me! Cum on my belly!"
        Even though I usually cum in her, I did what she asked.
        I easily sprayed my drips on her pubic hair. "Just cum on my belly or a*s from now on O.K.?" she said. "How come" I asked. "I want to be clean when I go out tomorrow night." she replied.

        I would be watching our young daughters while Sarah went out tomorrow evening. "Mommy's got a date!" our older daughter Lizzie squealled as Sarah started to leave. "No, Mommy's just going to meet a friend." I said.
        She came in the front door holding her high heels under her arm. It was 5:20am. She staggered a bit in the early morning darkness as she made her way past me. She didn't even notice me siting in the chair waiting for her.

        She was a bit startled when I said "Hi." "Oh, hi baby." she said, "...I'm going up to bed." After about ten minutes,
        I went upstairs and laid down next to Sarah. As she lay fast asleep, I began examining her body as the rays of the sun began poking through the shades. The bite marks on her neck were quite evident as well as the smell of pot in her hair. Vince had gotten my wife high again knowing the effect it had on her.

        Finally, I pulled back the covers slightly and put my face near her a*s. Her white cotton panties stretched so sexy over her plump round a*s. They also held in the wetness and odor of her encounter of a few hours earlier. As I inhaled the heavy musky scent, I noticed the trail of cum stains down her leg. "Oh, God." As I pulled the strip of cotton underwear that covered her womanhood over to one side, I felt the wetness. It was soaked. As I starred at Sarah's c**t, I realized that she allowed him inside of her without a condom.

        She awoke and said "Don't!" "Don't what?" I said.
        She didn't reply. "Did Vince cum inside you?" I asked.
        "He doesn't like rubbers." she said. "But you had me pull out... How come he didn't pull-out?" I whined. "He said he wanted to bond with me, so I let him cum inside." she casually said.

        There was silence for what seemed like a long time. All I could think about was pulling my little cock out of Sarah and unloading outside of her pussy when she asked me to
        and knowing that she then allowed Vince to pump his spunk inside her. Even though Vince was not here, part of him was. His essance was smeared on my wife's a*s and thighs and inside her most intimate place.

        "How many times?" I asked. "Huh?" Sarah asked. I repeated the question. "You don't wanna know." she said.
        Again, I asked "How many times?" "I think four, ...yeah four times." she softly said. "I told you he needs it...".
        As I laid in bed, I contemplated the implication. Vince had skillfully seduced Sarah and had successfully violated our marriage by getting his seed into her. It was like he knew that by marking her this way, she would feel like she belonged to him (if just temporarily) and that I would start to accept it. I was now going to defer to the bigger alpha bull. Turns out he was right on both counts

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. En usko et meistä tulee jotain

      Se ei kuitenkaan estä toivomasta et tulisi. Toivon et voitas suudella ja se sais asioita loksahtamaan paikoilleen. Jutel
    2. Kuvaile itseäsi

      Kaivatullesi, niin että hän sinut tunnistaa.
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      Discokuningatar Eini on täyttänyt upeat 64 vuotta. Lavoilla ja keikoilla nähdään entistä vapautuneempi artisti, joka ei
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    4. Huomenta keskipäivää

      Kivaa päivää mukaville ja söpösille. 🐺🫅❤️☕☀️
    5. Oletko koskaan katunut kun

      elämäsi tilaisuus jäi käyttämättä? 💔
    6. Olen J-mies

      Jos kerrot sukunimeni alkukirjaimen, ja asuinpaikkakuntani. Lupaan ottaa yhteyttä sinuun.
    7. Ei sitten, ei olla enää

      Missään tekemisissä. Unohdetaan kaikki myös se että tunsimme. Tätä halusit tämän saat. J miehelle. Rakkaudella vaalea na
    8. Sinusta näkee että

      Kaipaat paljon.
    9. Haluaisin ottaa sinut syleilyyni mies

      Olet suloinen...
    10. Ma 30.9 tosiko tv klo 18 suorana Tikkalanmäeltä

      Virastolta suorana. Äänestyksistä sitten puhutaan illalla ja huomenna, onko kepuvasemmisto kuntalaisten tahdon mukaan to