missä on vika? kasvatuksessa........be a finn and luther not a artificial hindu.

Pirjo ja Pekka palomäki

i really wish if Finns respect there lutherian way of life, as doing copy of Hindus, its a offence for we INDIANS.

having yellow clothes and Indian name will not solve your problems as its only JESUS, who will safe you from Hell, my dear monkey minded friends.

we are too different from eachothers, respect your country and your root of loving christianity.

go to churches and talk with your pappi there, they will help you for your spiritual doughts.

regards, any comments from money minded artificial hindu from finland?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Madhava

      Follow up on your previous threads instead of starting new threads with essentially the same content. Otherwise your posts will be removed. For reference:


      * * * * *

      I believe I am representing the majority of people here when I say that we have had our experiences with Christianity and decided to move on, often finding it too shallow a religion in its current shape to offer anything truly substantial for a serious spiritual seeker.

      Of course it is new and exotic for someone coming from an Indian cultural background. Àre you mimicking Western beliefs with hopes of becoming Western yourself? Why don't you respect your own roots and be a good Hindu? That's an eqully valid question we have there, one you would have to face if we were to follow your own logic.

      Respect our country, and our root of loving Christianity? The same loving Christianity who was fed to the Finns by force, the same loving Christianity that continues to desecrate native religions even today, the same loving Christianity that had people burnt as witches? The same wonderful Christianity in which our "pappi" are now debating on whether it's necessary to believe in God to be a pappi?

      • Kempiläinen

        I am a Christian but I basically agree with Madhava here. There's nothing false or artificial in being a Hindu or a Christian, they are just two different ways of seeing things. And history indeed shows that most Christians have always misunderstood the words of Christ and on many occasions turned the religion of love into hatred and cruelty. If Christians really loved each other and their neighbours, like Christ told us, the whole world would look very different. But the main problem seems to be that many Christian believe IN Christ but they don't believe Christ, I mean, hear his words and follow them instead of manmade doctrines. Politicians are also very clever to use Christianity for their own utterly selfish purposes, and unfortunately many Christians buy it.

        I personally prefer a 'monkey-minded' (whatever that means??) Hindu to a money-minded Christian, like the multimillionnaire televangelists who never cease to talk about their true god: money. Do not forget that God alone can see and judge the hearts of men, and we have not been given the authority to pass judgement.

      • Madhava
        Kempiläinen kirjoitti:

        I am a Christian but I basically agree with Madhava here. There's nothing false or artificial in being a Hindu or a Christian, they are just two different ways of seeing things. And history indeed shows that most Christians have always misunderstood the words of Christ and on many occasions turned the religion of love into hatred and cruelty. If Christians really loved each other and their neighbours, like Christ told us, the whole world would look very different. But the main problem seems to be that many Christian believe IN Christ but they don't believe Christ, I mean, hear his words and follow them instead of manmade doctrines. Politicians are also very clever to use Christianity for their own utterly selfish purposes, and unfortunately many Christians buy it.

        I personally prefer a 'monkey-minded' (whatever that means??) Hindu to a money-minded Christian, like the multimillionnaire televangelists who never cease to talk about their true god: money. Do not forget that God alone can see and judge the hearts of men, and we have not been given the authority to pass judgement.

        Tapasin kerran asematunnelissa kirjallisuutta esitellessäni Intialaisen Jehovan todistajan. Yleensä kokemukseni kyseisen lafkan edustajien kanssa ovat olleet ihan positiivisia; vaikka eivät tosin tipan vertaa olekaan kiinnostuneita mistään sanomastani teologian saralla, ovat kuitenkin aina kohteliaita ja korrekteja käytöksessään eivätkä ala suoraan haastamaan.

        Mutta tämä tapaus oli eri puusta veistetty. Kuulema bramiinikastiin syntynyt, peräti. Siinä menneet harakoille pappiskoulutukset pahemman kerran, päätellen siitä miten tämä hindulaisuutta ymmärsi.

        Tiesittekö, että jotkut Intiassa saarnaavat kristityt antavat ihmisille kristillisiä nimiä. Esimerkiksi Ganesh Guptasta tulee Thomas Gupta ja Pavan Dattasta tulee Paul Datta. Sitten tulevat Suomeen saarnaamaan meille hindulaisuutta apinoiville. :)

      • HÖRHÖR

        Mooseksen ja Jeesuksen Jumala sanoi: "Kosto on minun."

        Taitaapi olla jotkut eksyny nyt väärälle tontille ja voipi tulla suuriakin vaikeuksia siellä viimeisessä käräjäsalissa.

    • Väinämöinen

      Totta, suomalaisten on aika palata Ainoaan Alkuperäiseen uskoon, muinaissuomalaiseen jumaluskoon. Palautetaan Väinämöisen ja kumppaneiden asema!

      Vitsi vitsinä... Mutta tottapuhuen luterilaisuus ei ole Suomen alkuperäinen uskonto. Jopa katolilaisuus ja ortodoksisuus olivat maassa ennen sitä. Luterilaisuus on myöhempää keksintöä. Itse olen ortodoksisen alkukirkon jäsen enkä JAKSA tuollaista luterilaisten löpinää.

    • Madhava

      Unless you follow up on this thread, any and all of your upcoming threads, that are all in essence a form of Christian proselytism, will be promptly deleted.

      Please save my time, and please save yours. Follow up on your posts or don't post at all.

    • HÖRHÖR

      Minun jälkeeni tulee monta eksyttäjää.

    • HÖRHÖR

      Korvien välissä.
      Ovat liian lähellä toisiaan.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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