I stayed at Noli Sörnäinen for a few months while it was being renovated. This apartment hotel promises a good accommodation experience in the heart of Helsinki, but its promises are met with harsh reality. The hotel's location is central, but its surroundings and facilities leave something to be desired.
Arriving at Noli Sörnäinen, I was faced with an unexpected challenge: a vague crowd of drug users and other unruly characters stood outside the hotel door. Guests are expected to act as promoters of their own security arrangements, which raises concerns and immediately affects the experience.
The public areas of the hotel are far from what I expected. The dirt and grime are noticeable, with large stains all over the linen chairs and sofas. This gives the impression of a poorly maintained space, which detracts significantly from the visitor experience.
The walls between rooms are surprisingly thin. Sounds from neighbouring rooms, whether bed creaks, speech, or other noises, are carried into my rooms in a disturbing way. This lack of privacy and tranquillity detracts significantly from the accommodation experience.
The state of the hotel's rubbish/recycle room is appalling. Banana flies have taken over the room. This not only raises hygiene concerns, but also has wider implications for the overall maintenance and cleanliness of the hotel.
It should be mentioned, however, that the hotel also has positive aspects. The gym and sauna are well equipped and provide a quality environment for relaxation and fitness. These areas are clearly better maintained than the other public areas.
Although Noli Sörnäinen has some attractive facilities, the hotel's main shortcomings in the quality of the rooms and common areas are unfortunately too significant to ignore. The hotel's overall rating suffers because of these problems, and it remains a sub-par choice in the Helsinki accommodation market.
Have others experienced similar problems at this or any other Noli?
Noli Sörnäinen Apartment Hotel is not worth the price
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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