Jos teillä ei ole mitään tekemistä niin älkää tehkö sitä täällä.
Laulakaa sen sijaan tämän joulun ykkösrallia:
When the downtown shines with coloured lights and music fills the air
When you see a spark in strangers' eyes and laughter's everywhere
When the spirit warms you to the bone even though it's freezing cold
It's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
Yeah, the customs may be different but the message is the same
All to bring out the best in everyone, it's love by any name
It may be snow or sandy shores with family or alone
But it's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
The world is getting smaller and we've come to realise
There's something special about this time of year
That love's the universal need in everybody's lives
What you call it, I don't care, just hold each other dear
If you celebrate the season with a glass of Christmas cheer
Or if you fall down on your knees in thanks
'Cause that's what you believe
Doesn't matter how much time has passed, how far away you've gone
But it's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
It's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
Merry Christmas
It may be snow or sandy shores with family or alone
But it's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
The world is getting smaller and we've come to realise
There's something special about this time of year
Ah, that love's the universal need in everybody's lives
What you call it, I don't care, just hold each other dear
Oh, the downtown shines with coloured lights and music fills the air
When you see a spark in strangers' eyes and laughter's everywhere
When the spirit warms you to the bone even though it's freezing cold
It's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
It's Christmas, Christmas everywhere and everywhere is home
- Anonyymi
Eiköhän tässä pärjäillä!
- Anonyymi
Kake Randelin voisi vielä vanhoilla päivillään tehdä tuosta suomenkielisen joulurallin. Viimeistään ensi vuoden jouluksi, kiitos. Edellinen Kaken jouluhitti taisi olla Koivukuja viiden joulu joskus 30 vuotta sitten.
Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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