be very careful with these people.......

pilku piluknen

We Indians are not very happy to see these western people steeling our way of life and culture,No educated Indian would like his religioni is turning as a buisness in west.

we are not happy you to see you in Holy and DEmocratic Great India, Please visit Pakistan or Iran or Saudi Arebia for getting spiritual help but leave us alone and in peace.

contradiction is very strong, first to stoling our wisdom and then hatin us or not accepting them in west.

may Jessus love you, who are turning to be as INDIAN.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • jaina

      ei ole copy wright'iä kulttuuriin.

      Sorppa, vaikka vikinäähän maailmaan mahtuu.

    • Madhava

      We Finnians are not very happy to see these eastern people steeling our way of life and culture,No educated Finn would like his Jessus religioni is turning as a buisness in East.

      we are not happy you to see you in Holy and DEmocratic Great Finland, Please visit Russia or North Pole and Iceland for getting spiritual help but leave us alone and in peace. Spesially don't come to our country monkeyeying our Great Christian Jessus Religion you money minded Indians.

      contradiction is very strong, first to stoling our wisdom and then hatin us or not accepting them in east.

      may Bolenath love you, who are turning to be as FINNISHED.

    • ....

      Nobody wants to steal your beautiful religion and culture, you can't forbid other peolpe, from east or west countries, to believe in God as Hindu people do or Christians do. Each person is free to choose what is the best way to find God, despite of the country and the culture from which he or she comes.I don't think Hindu Gods are angry if a born catholic person starts worshipping them one day.God is only one even if can have many forms, so please don't try to make it property of just one population or culture!

      • ....

        ...I forgot, who are you to talk in the name of all the population of India????

        .... kirjoitti:

        ...I forgot, who are you to talk in the name of all the population of India????

        only and only, you will be a pure Hindu and Indian, if you born, grown up , educated , work, live and die in INDIA, otherwise just coping of our heritage and stoling our veda is a crime and sin in front of GOD.
        in Finland , Please Praise the Jessus and holy spirit, and i bet you that you will be saved, and will reach the Kingdom of GOD.
        we already have enough people in our country, we do not need outsider, please go to Pakistan or Saudi arabia for getting a bonified GURU,OK?

        live us in free and peace.

      • piip
        BRHAHMA VOITTO VOITONEN kirjoitti:

        only and only, you will be a pure Hindu and Indian, if you born, grown up , educated , work, live and die in INDIA, otherwise just coping of our heritage and stoling our veda is a crime and sin in front of GOD.
        in Finland , Please Praise the Jessus and holy spirit, and i bet you that you will be saved, and will reach the Kingdom of GOD.
        we already have enough people in our country, we do not need outsider, please go to Pakistan or Saudi arabia for getting a bonified GURU,OK?

        live us in free and peace.

        If you are familiar with the basics of the teachings of the Great Scriptures of India you should know that it does not matter as what or where you are born. We are not our bodies! We are spirit souls! This knowledge is the abc of any so-called hindu. It very efficiantly defeats your argument.

        I suggest you get to know your own culture before "defending" it against any outside threat concocted in your ignorant mind. While you are at it: learn some proper english!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

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      Miettikää kuiten 2 kertaa, ennenkuin menette lihavuusleikkaukseen.
    2. Viiimeinen viesti

      Sinulle neiti ristiriita vai mikä nimesi sitten ikinä onkaan. Mulle alkaa riittää tää sekoilu. Oot leikkiny mun tunteill
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    4. epäonnen perjantain rikos yritys

      onpa epäselvä kuva, tuolla laadullako keskustaa tarkkaillaan lego hahmotkin selvempiä
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