
Aspirituksen kautta tuo rahansiirto on aivan loistava. Siirrot Suomeen nordean tilille 1vrk ja Silver Cardille kestää n. 2sek!!! Suosittelen




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Seppo.

      Mikä saatanan Aspiritus?

      • Executive_

        Aspiritus N.V on internetissä toimiva peli- ja viihdesivusto. Aspirituksen tuotevalikoima on erittäin kattava ja näin ollen olemme tällä hetkellä yksi internetin parhaimmista pelisivustoista. Myös tuotevalikoima on internetin parhaimmistoa.

        Aspiritus on tehnyt sopimuksia ulkoisten palvelun tarjoajien kanssa. Eli käytännössä Aspiritus yhdistää useat firmat yhteen ja näin ollen voit pelata kaikkia internetin pelajä saman katon alta. on yksi Aspirituksen maksujärjestelmistä ja tämän kautta on mahdollista kotiuttaa voitot välittömästi käyttäen yrityksen Maestro korttia.

        eCommerence paketti sisältää:
        - Ccard Silver maestro kortin
        - Go2Cards Visa Electron kortin
        - 20€ korttikuluihin
        - yhden ilmaisen tilisiirron
        - joka viikko nouseva siirtoraja
        - 10% alennus tilisiirto maksuista

        Loistava paikka!

        lisätietoa: [email protected]

      • Haloo
        Executive_ kirjoitti:

        Aspiritus N.V on internetissä toimiva peli- ja viihdesivusto. Aspirituksen tuotevalikoima on erittäin kattava ja näin ollen olemme tällä hetkellä yksi internetin parhaimmista pelisivustoista. Myös tuotevalikoima on internetin parhaimmistoa.

        Aspiritus on tehnyt sopimuksia ulkoisten palvelun tarjoajien kanssa. Eli käytännössä Aspiritus yhdistää useat firmat yhteen ja näin ollen voit pelata kaikkia internetin pelajä saman katon alta. on yksi Aspirituksen maksujärjestelmistä ja tämän kautta on mahdollista kotiuttaa voitot välittömästi käyttäen yrityksen Maestro korttia.

        eCommerence paketti sisältää:
        - Ccard Silver maestro kortin
        - Go2Cards Visa Electron kortin
        - 20€ korttikuluihin
        - yhden ilmaisen tilisiirron
        - joka viikko nouseva siirtoraja
        - 10% alennus tilisiirto maksuista

        Loistava paikka!

        lisätietoa: [email protected]

        Taas liikkeellä.VAROKAA KAIKKI!!!!!

    • Haloo


      • Executive_

        Ja syy että hälytys kellon tulisi soida? Onkos sulla jotain omakohtaisia asioita jonka vuoksi noin kirjoitat vai onko foorumit sinullekkin jonkinlainen totuudentorvi?

        Aspirituksella ja palvelulla toimii kaikki ihan niinkuin muillakin. Jopa huomattavasti nopemminkin jos omistat kortin.

      • asiat ovat näin
        Executive_ kirjoitti:

        Ja syy että hälytys kellon tulisi soida? Onkos sulla jotain omakohtaisia asioita jonka vuoksi noin kirjoitat vai onko foorumit sinullekkin jonkinlainen totuudentorvi?

        Aspirituksella ja palvelulla toimii kaikki ihan niinkuin muillakin. Jopa huomattavasti nopemminkin jos omistat kortin.

        Aspiritus is a direct descendant (or renamed version) of World Games Incorporated (WGI), a pyramid scam which was very active in Scandinavia, UK, and Canada from 2001 to early 2005. It originated in Australia, as Virtual Games Global (VGG), but changed its name and its "hunting grounds" after the Australian authorities stopped its operation in Australia.

        The "chairman" and owner of this pyramid scam is the Australian fraudster Gregory James Kennedy, who was previously operating property and loan frauds in Western Australia. You may find some information about him at these links:
        Debates from the state parliament in Western Australia, where Gregory James Kennedy's frauds became a political issue:$file/A0524002.PDF

        Varius newspaper articles about Greg Kennedy's property frauds:

        Initially, WGI had large growth (around 450 000 members maximum), and early entrants earned money from recruitment rewards and rising "share" prices in a Ponzi-style "Stock Market Game".
        However, recruitment fell in 2004, and payout to members (except for a few top dogs called World Leaders) virtually ceased in August 2004, and the "share" price dropped by more than 90%. As with other Ponzis and pyramid scams that are in the collapse phase, the payment problems were blamed on the banks etc, and payment was always promised to come "very soon".

        WGI stopped operating in early 2005, and it was announced that its "assets" had been bought by a company called Aspiritus N.V., based in the Netherlands Antilles (well-known tax evasion and money-laundering haven).
        In reality, this takeover was only a renaming and reorganisation of the pyramid scheme, because the majority of Aspiritus is owned by Greg Kennedy's company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd, which previously ran the pyramid scam WGI.
        Aspiritus is run by the same people that ran WGI; Notable personalities are "president" Greg Young, marketing director Conall McSorley, a swiss Aspiritus figurehead Jost Steinbruchel, and with Gregory James Kennedy lurking in the shadows behind it and controlling all.

        WGI owed large sums of money to its members when it stopped operating. The money in the members' accounts was not paid out, but were converted to "units", which (it is claimed) can later be sold or converted to shares in Aspiritus. However, these "units"/shares are extremely overpriced (by a factor of at least 10), and no members have managed to sell such "units", so the money the members had in WGI must be regarded as lost.

        There have been convictions against WGI for illegal pyramid selling activities in Australia, Canada and Sweden, plus trials in preparation against WGI promotors in Finland and Denmark.

        Here are links to court decisions in Brisbane, Australia.
        WorldPlay Services (the company which originally ran WGI) and its director Gregory James Kennedy were convicted of illegal pyramid selling. They also lost the appeal.;id=21545&site=LE (full text of the court decision)

        Appeal reference:

        "Full Federal Court upholds finding Gold Coast company part of international pyramid selling scheme

        Gold Coast company Worldplay Services Pty Ltd breached the Trade Practices Act 1974 by participating in an international online pyramid selling scheme, the Full Federal Court upheld today.

        The decision also upheld that the company’s director, Mr Greg Kennedy, was found to be knowingly concerned in the contravention.

        The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission began proceedings in December 2003 alleging that World Games Inc, which operated internationally using a website, was an illegal pyramid scheme."

        Link to court ruling convicting Canadian WGI promotors of pyramid selling:

        "The eight people in the Alberta scheme were charged in September with conducting or managing a pyramid scheme and an illegal lottery for their alleged involvement with an organization known as World Games Inc. Investigators allege that World Games took in millions of dollars in illicit revenues. The organization at one point boasted an international membership of over 400,000. The total number of Canadians victimized by this activity is as yet unknown."

      • edelliseen
        asiat ovat näin kirjoitti:

        Aspiritus is a direct descendant (or renamed version) of World Games Incorporated (WGI), a pyramid scam which was very active in Scandinavia, UK, and Canada from 2001 to early 2005. It originated in Australia, as Virtual Games Global (VGG), but changed its name and its "hunting grounds" after the Australian authorities stopped its operation in Australia.

        The "chairman" and owner of this pyramid scam is the Australian fraudster Gregory James Kennedy, who was previously operating property and loan frauds in Western Australia. You may find some information about him at these links:
        Debates from the state parliament in Western Australia, where Gregory James Kennedy's frauds became a political issue:$file/A0524002.PDF

        Varius newspaper articles about Greg Kennedy's property frauds:

        Initially, WGI had large growth (around 450 000 members maximum), and early entrants earned money from recruitment rewards and rising "share" prices in a Ponzi-style "Stock Market Game".
        However, recruitment fell in 2004, and payout to members (except for a few top dogs called World Leaders) virtually ceased in August 2004, and the "share" price dropped by more than 90%. As with other Ponzis and pyramid scams that are in the collapse phase, the payment problems were blamed on the banks etc, and payment was always promised to come "very soon".

        WGI stopped operating in early 2005, and it was announced that its "assets" had been bought by a company called Aspiritus N.V., based in the Netherlands Antilles (well-known tax evasion and money-laundering haven).
        In reality, this takeover was only a renaming and reorganisation of the pyramid scheme, because the majority of Aspiritus is owned by Greg Kennedy's company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd, which previously ran the pyramid scam WGI.
        Aspiritus is run by the same people that ran WGI; Notable personalities are "president" Greg Young, marketing director Conall McSorley, a swiss Aspiritus figurehead Jost Steinbruchel, and with Gregory James Kennedy lurking in the shadows behind it and controlling all.

        WGI owed large sums of money to its members when it stopped operating. The money in the members' accounts was not paid out, but were converted to "units", which (it is claimed) can later be sold or converted to shares in Aspiritus. However, these "units"/shares are extremely overpriced (by a factor of at least 10), and no members have managed to sell such "units", so the money the members had in WGI must be regarded as lost.

        There have been convictions against WGI for illegal pyramid selling activities in Australia, Canada and Sweden, plus trials in preparation against WGI promotors in Finland and Denmark.

        Here are links to court decisions in Brisbane, Australia.
        WorldPlay Services (the company which originally ran WGI) and its director Gregory James Kennedy were convicted of illegal pyramid selling. They also lost the appeal.;id=21545&site=LE (full text of the court decision)

        Appeal reference:

        "Full Federal Court upholds finding Gold Coast company part of international pyramid selling scheme

        Gold Coast company Worldplay Services Pty Ltd breached the Trade Practices Act 1974 by participating in an international online pyramid selling scheme, the Full Federal Court upheld today.

        The decision also upheld that the company’s director, Mr Greg Kennedy, was found to be knowingly concerned in the contravention.

        The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission began proceedings in December 2003 alleging that World Games Inc, which operated internationally using a website, was an illegal pyramid scheme."

        Link to court ruling convicting Canadian WGI promotors of pyramid selling:

        "The eight people in the Alberta scheme were charged in September with conducting or managing a pyramid scheme and an illegal lottery for their alleged involvement with an organization known as World Games Inc. Investigators allege that World Games took in millions of dollars in illicit revenues. The organization at one point boasted an international membership of over 400,000. The total number of Canadians victimized by this activity is as yet unknown."

        Dear Administrator

        I am writing concerning a defamatory posting concerning my company on
        your discussion forum.

        The Company

        1. I am company secretary of Aspiritus N.V., an online gaming
        company based in the Netherlands Antilles.
        2. Aspiritus commenced operations on 9 April 2005 through the
        acquisition of, among other things, the assets of a somewhat
        controversial online business known as WGI.
        3. Aspiritus is a substantial company with nearly 450,000
        registered customers in 20 countries. It is presently undertaking steps
        to raise capital and, in due course, for admission as a public listed
        company in the UK.

        The Statement
        4. Your firm's website contains a discussion forum that includes 2
        posts allegedly placed by a user identified as "S Holmes" on 3 June 2005
        ("the Statement").
        5. A copy of the Statement is attached for your reference and is
        publicly accessible via the URL
        6. The Statement is currently being picked up by search engines,
        including Google, where it features the results when one performs a
        search using the term "Aspiritus".
        7. The Statement is accessible in the English language and can be
        downloaded in each jurisdiction in which Aspiritus has customers, and
        the UK.

        8. The Statement is clearly and maliciously defamatory of Aspiritus
        and its management.
        9. For example:
        a. It is asserted that Aspiritus is a "renamed" version or "direct
        descendant" of WGI. This is not the case - they are entirely separate
        b. It is asserted that the Chairman of WGI was previously involved
        in various property and loan frauds in Western Australia. The Statement
        contains links to various parliamentary transcripts and media reports in
        support of this claim which do indeed refer to a Gregory James Kennedy
        but fail to point out that it is an entirely different person of the
        same name.
        c. It is asserted, by implication, that Aspiritus and/or its
        management is/are involved in money laundering, tax evasion and other
        criminal activities. This is not the case.
        10. I don't wish to belabor the point but suffice to say the
        existence of the Statement and the prominence given in Internet search
        engines is extremely damaging for Aspiritus' business and its fund
        raising initiatives.
        11. Aspiritus has instructed lawyers to commence civil and criminal
        proceedings against the person(s) responsible for the Statement.

        Removal and Retraction
        12. I request that you remove the Statement in its entirety from
        your website immediately.
        13. Further, given the prominence of the Statement in search engine
        results in Aspiritus' major markets, and the fact that copies of the
        Statement may be cached for some time in various search engines, it will
        be necessary to publish some form of retraction in order to mitigate the
        ongoing damage caused by the Statement.
        14. Accordingly, could you please replace the post with the
        following text:
        "It has been brought to our attention that statements made on this forum
        regarding the business known as Aspiritus were maliciously defamatory of
        the business and completely without foundation. The administrators of
        this forum, whilst not the authors of the defamatory statement,
        apologize unconditionally to Aspiritus and its members for any
        inconvenience this may have caused."
        15. If you have any information whatsoever which might assist our
        legal team to identify the author of the Statement and take legal action
        I also request that you forward this to me.

        Thanking you in advance for your prompt assistance.

        Yours Sincerely

        Simon Hade

      • takaisin
        edelliseen kirjoitti:

        Dear Administrator

        I am writing concerning a defamatory posting concerning my company on
        your discussion forum.

        The Company

        1. I am company secretary of Aspiritus N.V., an online gaming
        company based in the Netherlands Antilles.
        2. Aspiritus commenced operations on 9 April 2005 through the
        acquisition of, among other things, the assets of a somewhat
        controversial online business known as WGI.
        3. Aspiritus is a substantial company with nearly 450,000
        registered customers in 20 countries. It is presently undertaking steps
        to raise capital and, in due course, for admission as a public listed
        company in the UK.

        The Statement
        4. Your firm's website contains a discussion forum that includes 2
        posts allegedly placed by a user identified as "S Holmes" on 3 June 2005
        ("the Statement").
        5. A copy of the Statement is attached for your reference and is
        publicly accessible via the URL
        6. The Statement is currently being picked up by search engines,
        including Google, where it features the results when one performs a
        search using the term "Aspiritus".
        7. The Statement is accessible in the English language and can be
        downloaded in each jurisdiction in which Aspiritus has customers, and
        the UK.

        8. The Statement is clearly and maliciously defamatory of Aspiritus
        and its management.
        9. For example:
        a. It is asserted that Aspiritus is a "renamed" version or "direct
        descendant" of WGI. This is not the case - they are entirely separate
        b. It is asserted that the Chairman of WGI was previously involved
        in various property and loan frauds in Western Australia. The Statement
        contains links to various parliamentary transcripts and media reports in
        support of this claim which do indeed refer to a Gregory James Kennedy
        but fail to point out that it is an entirely different person of the
        same name.
        c. It is asserted, by implication, that Aspiritus and/or its
        management is/are involved in money laundering, tax evasion and other
        criminal activities. This is not the case.
        10. I don't wish to belabor the point but suffice to say the
        existence of the Statement and the prominence given in Internet search
        engines is extremely damaging for Aspiritus' business and its fund
        raising initiatives.
        11. Aspiritus has instructed lawyers to commence civil and criminal
        proceedings against the person(s) responsible for the Statement.

        Removal and Retraction
        12. I request that you remove the Statement in its entirety from
        your website immediately.
        13. Further, given the prominence of the Statement in search engine
        results in Aspiritus' major markets, and the fact that copies of the
        Statement may be cached for some time in various search engines, it will
        be necessary to publish some form of retraction in order to mitigate the
        ongoing damage caused by the Statement.
        14. Accordingly, could you please replace the post with the
        following text:
        "It has been brought to our attention that statements made on this forum
        regarding the business known as Aspiritus were maliciously defamatory of
        the business and completely without foundation. The administrators of
        this forum, whilst not the authors of the defamatory statement,
        apologize unconditionally to Aspiritus and its members for any
        inconvenience this may have caused."
        15. If you have any information whatsoever which might assist our
        legal team to identify the author of the Statement and take legal action
        I also request that you forward this to me.

        Thanking you in advance for your prompt assistance.

        Yours Sincerely

        Simon Hade

        Aspiritus claims that "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI"
        Four of the board members of Aspiritus were previously involved in WGI, and Gregory James Kennedy still has a controlling interest in Aspiritus:
        The board of directors of Aspiritus are:
        Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Financial Officer– Jost Steinbruchel
        Operations Director – Greg Young
        Marketing Director - Conall McSorley
        Company Secretary – Simon Hade
        Director – Jan Buess
        Director – Paul-Andre Jacot
        Chairman (Non Exec) – Greg Kennedy

        - Greg (Gregory James) Kennedy was chairman and principal owner of WGI, and he essentially still owns and controls the scheme, because his company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd. (which previously ran WGI) still owns between 65 and 70% of Aspiritus. This has been verified by Norwegian newspapers/media who have reviewed the "takeover" documents;cat=103 (In Norwegian, Hegnar Online financial website)
        - Greg Young was previously President and CEO of WGI.
        - Conall McSorley was previously press spokesman of WGI, dishing out the most inventive lies about why members were not receiving their money.
        - Jost Steinbruchel is stated to be the leader of an outside group of businessmen who supposedly started Aspiritus and bought WGI's assets.
        However, Steinbruchel has been involved in the WGI scheme since around 2001, when he acquired a sizeable ownership interest in an obsure Canadian mining company called Caesars Explorations Inc., which later changed its name to Great Southern Enterprises Corp.
        In 2004, Great Southern Enterprises Corp. was officially stated to be the "parent company" of WGI.

        The products are essentially the same: Gambling marketed by MLM (or alternatively, a pyramid scheme masked as a gambling site). Only significant difference is that the stock market geme in Aspiritus sells four types of virtual (worthless) shares, while SMG in WGI had only one.

        The promotors of Aspiritus are very much the same as the WGI promotors.
        A shining example of this is Ms Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn", who probably made the complaint leading to deletion of posts by S Holmes.
        Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn" has been a very active WGI and Aspiritus promotor since August 2004, spamming many web forums with promotional posts for WGI/Aspiritus. You can easily verify this by doing a Google search with keywords either "70challenger" or "bryconn".
        She even continued promoting WGI after Canadian WGI promotors had been found guilty of illegal pyramid selling in December 2004, i.e. in direct defiance of §55 of the Competition Act of her own country (Canada), and in defiance of a court decision clearly stating that WGI was an illegal pyramid scheme.

        Even many prominent WGI promotors openly state that Aspiritus is a renamed version of WGI.
        A notable example is MLM author Pete Billac, who was advertised as key speaker at the first Aspiritus recruiting meeting in USA (11 June 2005 in Las Vegas).
        At Pete Billac's web site , the heading of his WGI/Aspiritus book web page is
        "Aspiritus N.V.
        (formerly World Games Inc)
        By Pete Billac"

        Gregory James Kennedy's pre-WGI carreer in the real estate boom in Western Australia is extremely dubious, as documented by the links in the original post by S Holmes.
        WGI occasionally claimed that the real estate fraudster Gregory James Kennedy and the WGI chairman Gregory James Kennedy are two different persons. However, this is not very credible, as real estate fraudster Gregory James Kennedy was stated to be 52 years old in 2001, and WGI chairman Gregory James Kennedy is born in 1949.
        You may verify this at the british company register search page:
        Do a director search for Gregory James Kennedy or a company search for WorldPlay Limited.
        There are not so many Greg Kennedys in Australia, and with a perfect name and age match, the "evil twin brother" theory falls to the ground.

        The Stock Market Game of WGI and the VirtuDAQ game of Aspiritus have a strong Ponzi flavour: In both cases, worthless "virtual shares" (not shares in any real, registered company) are sold for real (not virtual) money, and demand within the menbership base (and forced "share" buys from new or upgraded members) is supposed to make the "share" price increase.

        WGI virtually stopped payout to its members in August 2004, and there were almost no money paid to members until April 2005, when WGI shut down. All the time, WGI blamed this on banks, card companys etc., and promised payouts "very soon", "within the next two weeks" or "confidence is high that almost all will be paid by Christmas".
        This can be verified by postings in several WGI internet forums, by several newspaper articles ( e.g. , in Norwegian), and by WGI's own NewsFlash'es and Latest News from that period (;file=article&sid=232 translated to Norwegian by a WGI promotor, the original has been removed from the net ).

        WGI company PDIL still controls Aspiritus.
        The "buyout" declaration between the WGI operating company and Aspiritus has been examined by journalists of the Norwegian financial web site Hegnar Online (;cat=103 , in Norwegian)
        In para. 8 of this declaration, it is stated that the company which previously operated WGI, Pacific Dewlta Investment Ltd. (PDIL) wil retain at least a 50% ownership interest in Aspiritus, and that it has the right to appoint at least half of the board members.
        This is confirmed by marketing director Connal McSorley (;cat=103 , partly in English)

        WGI owed large sums of money to its members when it shut down
        The money that WGI members had in "My Account", "Members Investment Fund" (which was supposed to be a secured fund) and "Stock Market Game" was converted into "units" in Aspiritus. These "units" are priced at 1 euro each, and Aspiritus states that these units can later be converted into shares in Aspiritus (when it goes public, at some undefined time), or may be traded amongst members (but the owners also have "units", and can decide who is allowed to sell "units").
        Aspiritus prices itself at 750 million euro, of which 16,67% are the former WGI members "units". This means that 125 million Euro of the members' money in WGI were converted into Aspiritus "units" of dubious value.

        Aspiritus has overpriced itself considerably
        Aspiritus has arrived at its self-determined value by the following strange method ( , copied from the web site at the time of the "buyout" 9 April 2005 ):
        "WGI had a database of 450,000. Aspiritus has acquired this database from WGI. A database of 450,000 is valued within the industry at anywhere between €839 and €971 per person; ie €377,550,000 to €436,950,000 in total.
        The WGI business generated pre-tax net profits of approximately €30 million in 2004. With a profits to earning ration of 20 this gives a valuation of €600 million to this area alone."
        Aspiritus then added these two different valuations of WGI (a ridiculous calculation, according to economists), but introduced a "conservativism safety factor" to reduce the valuation to 750 million euro.

        In reality, Aspiritus was registered in Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles, with the minimum required capital for a company in that country, 6000 US dollars.
        The only assets of Aspiritus are the membership list from WGI, some office equipment and computers, and an internet gambling site.
        Realistically, there appears to be significantly less than 50000 active members in Aspiritus (less than 60000 visitor sessions to their web site the last 30 days, according to a check with )
        So realistically, Aspiritus seems to be overpriced by a factor of at least 10.
        This also means that money owed to the members by WGI, has been reduced by around 100 million euro, without the members getting anything.

        WGI determined to be illegal pyramid scheme by courts in Australia, Canada and Sweden.
        Links to court decisions in Australia were given in the original post by S Holmes, but I will repeat a few:
        Links to a pyramid conviction against a WGI promotor in Sweden: (Swedish lottery inspectorate, in Swedish language);a=250295&previousRenderType=1 (Swedish major newspaper Dagens Nyheter, in Swedish language)

        As shown above, the statements about Aspiritus, presented in the original posting by S Holmes, have a very good and well-documented foundation.
        Instead of apologising to Aspiritus, forum administrator Bigdave should apologise to S Holmes for removal of informative and true postings, as well as for banning S Holmes from this forum.
        This type of banning is not worthy of a forum allowing free speech and information, but is more typical of "congregation" forums operated by pyramid and Ponzi schemes, where "undesirable" postings not conforming to the official policies of the scheme managers, are frequently removed and the posters banned.

        The only reason I can imagine for the removal of postings by S Holmes, is that the forum administrators may have received letters from the Aspiritus management, threatening legal action or worse.
        I will quote from one such letter, sent to the Norwegian lawyer Olav Sylte, who is running a lawsuit for 15 former WGI members against the 5 Norwegian "World Leaders" in WGI/Aspiritus:;file=article&sid=305 , full letter text in English.

        "These statements and many more, are clearly defamatory and have no factual basis. They are not presented as your opinions, or your clients’ case but are stated categorically – as facts. This has left us with no choice but to instruct our lawyers in different countries to commence proceedings against you and your firm immediately. You will be receiving a visit from our service agents shortly. Let’s hope that they respect your privacy and dignity more than you have respected the privacy and dignity of our members.

        SE ON SIINÄ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • kusetettiin
        takaisin kirjoitti:

        Aspiritus claims that "Aspiritus N.V. is not associated with WGI"
        Four of the board members of Aspiritus were previously involved in WGI, and Gregory James Kennedy still has a controlling interest in Aspiritus:
        The board of directors of Aspiritus are:
        Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Financial Officer– Jost Steinbruchel
        Operations Director – Greg Young
        Marketing Director - Conall McSorley
        Company Secretary – Simon Hade
        Director – Jan Buess
        Director – Paul-Andre Jacot
        Chairman (Non Exec) – Greg Kennedy

        - Greg (Gregory James) Kennedy was chairman and principal owner of WGI, and he essentially still owns and controls the scheme, because his company Pacific Delta Investments Ltd. (which previously ran WGI) still owns between 65 and 70% of Aspiritus. This has been verified by Norwegian newspapers/media who have reviewed the "takeover" documents;cat=103 (In Norwegian, Hegnar Online financial website)
        - Greg Young was previously President and CEO of WGI.
        - Conall McSorley was previously press spokesman of WGI, dishing out the most inventive lies about why members were not receiving their money.
        - Jost Steinbruchel is stated to be the leader of an outside group of businessmen who supposedly started Aspiritus and bought WGI's assets.
        However, Steinbruchel has been involved in the WGI scheme since around 2001, when he acquired a sizeable ownership interest in an obsure Canadian mining company called Caesars Explorations Inc., which later changed its name to Great Southern Enterprises Corp.
        In 2004, Great Southern Enterprises Corp. was officially stated to be the "parent company" of WGI.

        The products are essentially the same: Gambling marketed by MLM (or alternatively, a pyramid scheme masked as a gambling site). Only significant difference is that the stock market geme in Aspiritus sells four types of virtual (worthless) shares, while SMG in WGI had only one.

        The promotors of Aspiritus are very much the same as the WGI promotors.
        A shining example of this is Ms Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn", who probably made the complaint leading to deletion of posts by S Holmes.
        Shirley "70challenger"/"bryconn" has been a very active WGI and Aspiritus promotor since August 2004, spamming many web forums with promotional posts for WGI/Aspiritus. You can easily verify this by doing a Google search with keywords either "70challenger" or "bryconn".
        She even continued promoting WGI after Canadian WGI promotors had been found guilty of illegal pyramid selling in December 2004, i.e. in direct defiance of §55 of the Competition Act of her own country (Canada), and in defiance of a court decision clearly stating that WGI was an illegal pyramid scheme.

        Even many prominent WGI promotors openly state that Aspiritus is a renamed version of WGI.
        A notable example is MLM author Pete Billac, who was advertised as key speaker at the first Aspiritus recruiting meeting in USA (11 June 2005 in Las Vegas).
        At Pete Billac's web site , the heading of his WGI/Aspiritus book web page is
        "Aspiritus N.V.
        (formerly World Games Inc)
        By Pete Billac"

        Gregory James Kennedy's pre-WGI carreer in the real estate boom in Western Australia is extremely dubious, as documented by the links in the original post by S Holmes.
        WGI occasionally claimed that the real estate fraudster Gregory James Kennedy and the WGI chairman Gregory James Kennedy are two different persons. However, this is not very credible, as real estate fraudster Gregory James Kennedy was stated to be 52 years old in 2001, and WGI chairman Gregory James Kennedy is born in 1949.
        You may verify this at the british company register search page:
        Do a director search for Gregory James Kennedy or a company search for WorldPlay Limited.
        There are not so many Greg Kennedys in Australia, and with a perfect name and age match, the "evil twin brother" theory falls to the ground.

        The Stock Market Game of WGI and the VirtuDAQ game of Aspiritus have a strong Ponzi flavour: In both cases, worthless "virtual shares" (not shares in any real, registered company) are sold for real (not virtual) money, and demand within the menbership base (and forced "share" buys from new or upgraded members) is supposed to make the "share" price increase.

        WGI virtually stopped payout to its members in August 2004, and there were almost no money paid to members until April 2005, when WGI shut down. All the time, WGI blamed this on banks, card companys etc., and promised payouts "very soon", "within the next two weeks" or "confidence is high that almost all will be paid by Christmas".
        This can be verified by postings in several WGI internet forums, by several newspaper articles ( e.g. , in Norwegian), and by WGI's own NewsFlash'es and Latest News from that period (;file=article&sid=232 translated to Norwegian by a WGI promotor, the original has been removed from the net ).

        WGI company PDIL still controls Aspiritus.
        The "buyout" declaration between the WGI operating company and Aspiritus has been examined by journalists of the Norwegian financial web site Hegnar Online (;cat=103 , in Norwegian)
        In para. 8 of this declaration, it is stated that the company which previously operated WGI, Pacific Dewlta Investment Ltd. (PDIL) wil retain at least a 50% ownership interest in Aspiritus, and that it has the right to appoint at least half of the board members.
        This is confirmed by marketing director Connal McSorley (;cat=103 , partly in English)

        WGI owed large sums of money to its members when it shut down
        The money that WGI members had in "My Account", "Members Investment Fund" (which was supposed to be a secured fund) and "Stock Market Game" was converted into "units" in Aspiritus. These "units" are priced at 1 euro each, and Aspiritus states that these units can later be converted into shares in Aspiritus (when it goes public, at some undefined time), or may be traded amongst members (but the owners also have "units", and can decide who is allowed to sell "units").
        Aspiritus prices itself at 750 million euro, of which 16,67% are the former WGI members "units". This means that 125 million Euro of the members' money in WGI were converted into Aspiritus "units" of dubious value.

        Aspiritus has overpriced itself considerably
        Aspiritus has arrived at its self-determined value by the following strange method ( , copied from the web site at the time of the "buyout" 9 April 2005 ):
        "WGI had a database of 450,000. Aspiritus has acquired this database from WGI. A database of 450,000 is valued within the industry at anywhere between €839 and €971 per person; ie €377,550,000 to €436,950,000 in total.
        The WGI business generated pre-tax net profits of approximately €30 million in 2004. With a profits to earning ration of 20 this gives a valuation of €600 million to this area alone."
        Aspiritus then added these two different valuations of WGI (a ridiculous calculation, according to economists), but introduced a "conservativism safety factor" to reduce the valuation to 750 million euro.

        In reality, Aspiritus was registered in Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles, with the minimum required capital for a company in that country, 6000 US dollars.
        The only assets of Aspiritus are the membership list from WGI, some office equipment and computers, and an internet gambling site.
        Realistically, there appears to be significantly less than 50000 active members in Aspiritus (less than 60000 visitor sessions to their web site the last 30 days, according to a check with )
        So realistically, Aspiritus seems to be overpriced by a factor of at least 10.
        This also means that money owed to the members by WGI, has been reduced by around 100 million euro, without the members getting anything.

        WGI determined to be illegal pyramid scheme by courts in Australia, Canada and Sweden.
        Links to court decisions in Australia were given in the original post by S Holmes, but I will repeat a few:
        Links to a pyramid conviction against a WGI promotor in Sweden: (Swedish lottery inspectorate, in Swedish language);a=250295&previousRenderType=1 (Swedish major newspaper Dagens Nyheter, in Swedish language)

        As shown above, the statements about Aspiritus, presented in the original posting by S Holmes, have a very good and well-documented foundation.
        Instead of apologising to Aspiritus, forum administrator Bigdave should apologise to S Holmes for removal of informative and true postings, as well as for banning S Holmes from this forum.
        This type of banning is not worthy of a forum allowing free speech and information, but is more typical of "congregation" forums operated by pyramid and Ponzi schemes, where "undesirable" postings not conforming to the official policies of the scheme managers, are frequently removed and the posters banned.

        The only reason I can imagine for the removal of postings by S Holmes, is that the forum administrators may have received letters from the Aspiritus management, threatening legal action or worse.
        I will quote from one such letter, sent to the Norwegian lawyer Olav Sylte, who is running a lawsuit for 15 former WGI members against the 5 Norwegian "World Leaders" in WGI/Aspiritus:;file=article&sid=305 , full letter text in English.

        "These statements and many more, are clearly defamatory and have no factual basis. They are not presented as your opinions, or your clients’ case but are stated categorically – as facts. This has left us with no choice but to instruct our lawyers in different countries to commence proceedings against you and your firm immediately. You will be receiving a visit from our service agents shortly. Let’s hope that they respect your privacy and dignity more than you have respected the privacy and dignity of our members.

        SE ON SIINÄ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Ja kusetus jatkuu:Once a fraulent man, always a fraulent man!

        It is a fact – and a usual AND LEGAL procedure –when a game or a bet are cancelled for any reason, and by any provider of games and gambling worldwide, the bet will go back to the player no matter what kind of game we are talking about.

        The previous P&P from WGI did not include that if the game were closed down the company - or the people behind it - had the right to take / use all the members money invested in the SMG during the past. As far as we have investigated - from a legal point of view - the money invested in the game should still be there – and belong to the members who were participating in the game!

        Approx. virtual shares from the previous SMG are now gone!
        - Virtual shares bought from peoples savings and which were supposed to be traded by the members (AND of course owned by the members) also confirmed at several occasions from the WGI company.

        A lot of people have been afraid that their investments in e.g. the Stock Market Game provided by the WGI Company would be stolen from them without approval and legality. This seems to have been confirmed after the “new” Aspiritus company has taken over, as only the piddling shell seems to be left.

        We have experienced that many people’s funds have been trapped in the WGI system for up to 8-10 months after having requested a transfer out of the system using e.g. bank wire transfers.

        According to the company, less than 200 wire transfers by the end of 2004 / the beginning of 2005 remained to be transferred to the rightful owners. Our investigations have let us to believe that this is certainly not the fact and very far from the truth.
        Until now we have documentation of an considerable amount of missing transfers, only among the cases we have investigated in Denmark and in other parts of Scandinavia – as well as in different countries in Europe.

        We are aware that, after the new company Aspiritus has been introduced, the requested transfers in many cases have been reversed to the members company accounts. Only now the situation is even worse than before. In WGI the members had the money available at their accounts and could at least attempt to transfer it out. After converting to Aspiritus they are depending on other members interest in buying the shares ONCE MORE and to a fixed price!

        We refer to the previous company announcement – “Aspiritus shareholders who wish to sell their stock immediately and gain access to that cash now, can do so through the Aspiritus Corporate site.”

        In the above statement Aspiritus promised the members that they could have their savings released immediately if they accepted the agreement with Aspiritus! However, they have no chance of selling their shares and have their savings released, unless they are so lucky to be in the right order of seniority from the previous WGI business! (Note: A very odd situation, and also quite unique, as one must assume they are trying to gain the trust from the members...)

        Where are all the millions and millions of Euro’s invested in the SMG game?

    • Konstantiino

      Ei kauhiasti näyttäis olevan vastustajilla fakta tietoa. Ihan turha tänne mitään on kirjoitella, koska heillä on oma mielipide asiasta ja antaa heidän se pitää.

      • siinä

        muuta ollutkaan kuin faktaa spämmäilijöille!!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. En usko et meistä tulee jotain

      Se ei kuitenkaan estä toivomasta et tulisi. Toivon et voitas suudella ja se sais asioita loksahtamaan paikoilleen. Jutel
    2. Kuvaile itseäsi

      Kaivatullesi, niin että hän sinut tunnistaa.
    3. Eini paljastaa nuorekkuutensa salaisuuden - Tämä nousee framille: "Se on pakko, että jaksaa!"

      Discokuningatar Eini on täyttänyt upeat 64 vuotta. Lavoilla ja keikoilla nähdään entistä vapautuneempi artisti, joka ei
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    4. Huomenta keskipäivää

      Kivaa päivää mukaville ja söpösille. 🐺🫅❤️☕☀️
    5. Oletko koskaan katunut kun

      elämäsi tilaisuus jäi käyttämättä? 💔
    6. Olen J-mies

      Jos kerrot sukunimeni alkukirjaimen, ja asuinpaikkakuntani. Lupaan ottaa yhteyttä sinuun.
    7. Sinusta näkee että

      Kaipaat paljon.
    8. Ei sitten, ei olla enää

      Missään tekemisissä. Unohdetaan kaikki myös se että tunsimme. Tätä halusit tämän saat. J miehelle. Rakkaudella vaalea na
    9. Haluaisin ottaa sinut syleilyyni mies

      Olet suloinen...
    10. Ma 30.9 tosiko tv klo 18 suorana Tikkalanmäeltä

      Virastolta suorana. Äänestyksistä sitten puhutaan illalla ja huomenna, onko kepuvasemmisto kuntalaisten tahdon mukaan to