The amateur theatre presents
1: yes, at the time I had not yet quite amount of my intellect by
not having accommocation in 25 degrees frost
I understanding of the world with astrology tested
to be right there ws no more a single man or female I could intellectually
assimilate with..
Howeveer the telly gives a good grasp of the world.
2: Is that not what You are telling all of the time? ...
1: Lets howveer make it a play. We can change the world!
2: Oh for sure just wait a minute and I get enthusiated about this
1: Okey..are warmed up already
2: I am, hit me.
1: Yuo start by answering what I said already
2: No You say it first
1: Again
2: Again. Cum on now. I got lot of things to do today.
1: yes, at the time I had not yet quite amount of my intellect by
not having accommocation in 25 degrees frost
I understanding of the world with astrology tested
to be right there ws no more a single man or female I could intellectually
assimilate with..
Howeveer the telly gives a good grasp of the world.
2: And You realised?
1: Yes I realised Mr. Bush was figure number one.
2: And You said You learned to like him
1: I did. He seem to be a person who could be approached directly and
speak from the common man perspective
2: And You tried to reach him
1: Yes, I tried to give him a helping phone call during the Katrina Crisis
2: But then You realised he was too busy to serve You, right. So what is the beef in this?
1: No I only find out he had not yet had possibility to examine at full the American bureacracy in the governing organisation.
2: You seem to put a lot of hope to Mr. Bush shoulders
1: Why would I not? Everyone is.
2: Well do not you think Mr. Bush is highly important and busy man while he has responsibility of over 300 millions population..even those one You seem to admire
1: Miss, Do not You think that is exactly reason why I should speak to him and give a helping hand.
2: Well what is Your help to Mr. Bush?
1: I try to make my future homecountry , the America a Big Winner.
2: Perhaps they think they do not want to have idiots for their citizens
..well but ok.. what does this Big Winner mean, why are yuo not offereing some reaosnable
sopeak you might have something which might put some realistic thing a bit more succesful. Plus add and use the
words, "perhaps" and "value" e.g..
1: Let me do this by my own ..umm.. I mean my own skills...
I offer a science which lays basis on a many future application
to offer national security, the safety of the people.
2: What if You are wrong?
1: What if I am right?
2: Well I must admit I have never interviewed anyone with such a hopeful attitude
can I ask where this positive hopefulness comes? Is it just a byproduct as being a potentially handicapped?
1: I am not handicapped but anyone surely will become if they are treated like a toiletbrush
2: So lets stick to facts ok. Explain now the facts You got.
1: Okay the optimisms
...I guess the reason is life seems to be really nice when you look it from the
crisis perspective
2: Okay. Hit the next.
1: I think giving America the safety means we can once again
gain the popularity and benevolence of America
2: who we?
1: Well the people.
2: So lets make that a hypo. Can I ask how would You reach for it?
1: Well first of all I woild suggest to speak for the Pax Americana
2: Great more terms...
1: What?
2: Do you really think anyone can folow your thinking if it jumps from one place to another and all the bridges seem to be burnt
1: What?
2: Are You trying to «humilaite Your future homecountry? or ..othe democracies?
1: No. Not at all I just speak directly.
2: Can I ask have You any experience of poltiic or diplomacy?
1: You mean probably working expereince in some instituion?
2: Well usually this "working in instiutions" will accumualet the epereince
1: Probably, You are right Mam.
2: Umm..You not wish to leave politics to the diplomatics and professional politics.
1: Well I guess at times it might be too important to leave politics to politics.
2: Do not You think Mr. Huttunen this interview is loosing its momentum?
1:You say You are the interviewer.
2: Am I right or wrong. You wish to contact to Mr. Bush because if You are not crazy at least You see
Yuorself a bit biased, right?
1: Dear miss, Do You think rather of spekaing of biases we would like to concentrate on this interview really
2: Okay..umm. I am sorry Sir.
1: That is all right mam, it happens
2: Well The Pax Americana . Do You think it makes Mr. Bush not only well liked in America but also memorable?
1: I guess it gives all of the possibilities.
2: okay let us go proceed a little... what is Your dialogue then for people who is labeled
and humiliated by having terrorists label.
1: Well do not follow my example but I would speak them..
2: Spaek them ?
1: ..I mean lets put this a movie scene..and people imagines so it would help my work
2: Okay go ahead let us now pretend this mic is the movie camera.
First set , shoot.
1: Okay people
First of all I would like to say
please surrender.
You will not have absolutely any chance
We are the winning team.
And If You do not realize it.
You are in trouble"
2: Cut..
1:Why?... it went great and I was just getting into a good rhythm.
2: You sound like an idiot
1: I thought I sound like a man.
2: Well that is another thing but You must sound like a woman if You wish to have a peace
1: Well perhaps You could
2: No they do not believe on females.
1: So they believe on queers?
2: Shut Your mouth and concentarte on a task at hand. 2nd set
1: Okay people
First of all I would like to say
please surrender.
We promise a honor, right to keep your weapons, your way of living
customs, the land and you have all what you had before only you
must bargain for one issue
Ò3Ó: The price of oil?
1: That was very good. But that is not really the point.
What was I saying?
Ò3Ó Sir You were saying we should bargain only in one issue
Do You rtemeber it still?Õ
1: what is Your name Young soldier?
Ò3Ó Let us not go too personals Sir .Please just expressess what You were saying?
1: soldier, You are noit expressing too much respect,are You?.
Ò3Ó would You say Sir You are expressing a lot of respect by stepping with your teos in my father land«s soil without our permission.
1: Okay. Let ius now stop this.
Ò3Ó Yes please let us stop this.
1: No I mean for really. I came to say I am sorry.
I never came here to , humilkate You or hurt You..
the point ios..
Ò3Ó Yes what is the point, ÒSirÓ?
1: Hey I can not concentraet whilke You are nagging all of the time, okay.
Ò3Ó Sorry Sir, I di dnot knew You were so sensitve
1: Okay lket us now continue. Were was I. You the same soldier can You help me where we were?
Ò3Ó You were saying we must bargain only in one issue. Iam really burning in
curiosity what it is.
1: I mean sharing. You musta lšearn top share and live with each others with
Ò3Ó That means my salary will drop because somebody else salary will raise
1: Something like that. I am not Adam Smith but I guess that is the right picture
Ò3Ó And what if we do not share?
1: Well my taks is only to tell that. Please look the real picture.
We have decades combat expereince. As much as we respect You
it just mean if we conflict with eachothers You will have really
Ò3Ó You mean we have no chance, is that it.
1: No.No ablsolutely not. I know You are brave and honorable. Amnd You are marvellous. But it is..
Ò3Ó It is You have more weapons and armour?
1: I really would like You would learn this by yourself.
My taslk is least to come and brag about things which are nonsense.
But certaing things is just for real
it does not concer You but everyone who is the size of a nation like You.
You must realise that Big Nations has different needs.
But You can really get by with us, peacefully.
No more killing is needed.
And perhaps You can win the peace!!
You may accumulate wealth more than we do someday.
Just turn up Your sleeves and get into the work to invent and sell commoditeis.
That is the real warfare. And it is 100% legal and legitimate.
Ò3Ó What if I am goimng now home. Next day when You are gone with Your propaganda then anonther yankiie comes and enprison me and the humilaite me.
1: No I have full authority in here, And I am a new commander in chief of the region.
Look this paper please verybody come closer. ...
As Yo can see I have a direct command from Mr. Bush..
Ôis there anyone who questionise hius word vcan not be trusted?
Ò3Ó Well I guess if is the presidential order then we can trust it.
Ò4# Can we be sure that Mr. Bush will kepp his word.
1: Mr....... America«s Presidents will not lie.
Ò4Ó Okay. I guess we have deal. You come back tommor to our camp and we
put a neogotiation of a peace treaty under action
if your terms will have favourability in our troops and with our people
I guess on a friday we have peace treaty signb for a next 10 yrs, which was Your
1: Thank You. I appreciate Your benevolence and respecting to enter and hear our interests.
Ò3Ó Have a nice Day Field Marshall Huttunen
1: You too
Part II
2: Well that was probably pretty impressive
1: I would say do not play a words so much. Because You are so attractive it would be shame to put you in the jail.
2:Put me into a jail, why on earth?
1: Well You just, ..You probably?
2: Are You trying to propose me? Is that it?
1: No I was saying...You are inexpereinced,
2: you mean I am ..incapable to my task
1:Not because of Your attitude but..perhaps the expereince
1: Expereince e.g. in some consulate or in a newspaper
e.g. strating from a little things
2: Oh Yea, great I am a star reporter and I shoud start with
some little meaingkess stoness..
Hey Mr. I am a star reporter You got it, Aha?
1: I know I know. It is perfectly a good visiion.
Would You like to have a coat now.
Its raining snow and your nipples are coming through
from Your blouse.
2: You are trying to humiliate me?
1: No . I am only trying to make You independent.
2: And You are not going to marry me, is that so?
1: well who knows miss. Perhaps someday we get together again.
2: Well then who will marry me?
1: Can I give You a little kiss on Your forehead
2: Okay
1: ..You feel now better.?
2: mmm....aha..
1: I try to appreciate this in my life.
2: You are probably a great husband for somebody.
1: Funny, Actually I was about to say You are probbaly god wife for somebody
2: Well You know was a telephaty..I usually is only quicker.
1: Small pleasures in our lives, right?
2: Can I give You a rose and put it into your coat
1: Okay.
2: Good bye now Mr. President
1: I am not yet president.
2: Well it is juts a figure of a speech.
..You can be a president in Your own family
1: Okay thank You miss.
Copyright 19th March 2006
Janne Huttunen
PS. While time these texts may seem some editing
and they probbaly make sense..
just be patient.
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