Nyt kaivataan Kirkan I`ll be yours biisin sanoja. Mistään en ole löytänyt vaikka kirjastot, hakukoneet yms. etsinyt.
Kiitos Tuhannesti!
I`ll be yours-lyriikat
- heh heh
Ei ole välttämättä sama biisi, tuskimpa vaan?
I'll Be Yours
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Album: Sleeping With Ghosts
I'll be your water bathing you clean
The liquid piece
I'll be your ether you'll breathe me in
You won't release
Well I've seen you suffer, I've seen you cry the whole night through
So I'll be your water bathing you clean
Liquid blue
I'll be your father, I'll be your mother,
I'll be your lover, I'll be yours [x2]
I'll be your liqour bathing your soul
Juice that's pure
And I'll be your anchor you'll never leave
Shores that cure
Well I've seen you suffer, I've seen you cry for days and days
So I'll be your liqour demons will drown
And float away
I'll be your father, I'll be your mother,
I'll be your lover, I'll be yours [x3] - Hairysteed
You can treat me wrong or treat me right
You can lead me out into the night
You can steal my soul
Take my heart and run
You can play around until you're done
I have ??? your every move
I have pointed out ???
I have tried and failed
Take my heart and run
You can play around until you're done
You can pull me under, let the thunder get me
You can let me down and I'll be yours
You can plain ignore me when you see me drowning
You can let me down and I'll be yours
I will take the heat, I will see it through
I'll adjust to every changing mood
You can whisper lies into my ear
You can curse my soul and I won't hear
I have tried and failed
Take my heart and run
You can play around until you're done- Kivessd
I have fought agaist your every move
I have pointed out the useless truth
Taitaapi mennä noin oman korvan mukaan.
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