Finland is a party to shocking crime, bloodshed of Afghan children, by participating in the NATO-led forces in Afghanistan: in reality bloody American military expedition in disguise of peacekeeping. We are supporting horrifying slaughtering of innocent children which American military troops of bandits execute currently in Afghanistan. If we hadn`t any Finnish soldier in Afghanistan, the U.S. would have to replace the Finns with their own mercenaries and Americans could not focus so efficiently on murdering of the innocent Afghan children. Much more numerous American bandit troops would be needed to replace us in north Afghanistan due to hate for the United States.
Participating in the murdering of children is not so simple issue to the Finnish decision-makers of foreign policy, so that we can only sit in safe here and make decision to send a military aid to the U.S.-troops, the murderers of innocent children. For example it is known that Americans revenge the deaths of their marine-bandits by bombing local civilians as in Vietnam, in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
The Talibans could also revenge their children`s death on these decision-makers later all over the World, as every father who holds his child`s mutilated torso on his arms, would consider. It is worth of pondering generally do they have a right to revenge if their children are dead and murdered ? At least it seems that their God, “Allah”, helps them since they have succeeded to carry out the strokes in the U.S. in the way which has made the super power in the state of paranoid hysteria. Nobody knows where and when and how a next attack will happen in that Continent. But Americans have chosen themselves this all as a result of criminal policy of the Middle East.
Wash your hands clean all of the blood of children, the Finnish foreign policy-makers, and leave this shameful Afghanistan operation. Listen the crying of Afghan mothers and fathers as the tears would be yours`, as human, as a Christian Finn.
Afghanistan`s Children
- suspicious12351
Is this real? If it is you should send this to the finnish goverment and give some proves. And then ask to leave the operation. I think that finnish troops are only keeping peace in there and it's not their fault if american soldiers execute some childs.
I don't even believe that Americans are slaughtering innocent people. - spam generator
switched to 6th gear.
[email protected]
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