The Americans and the Britons would have already made on attack on the North-Korea and Iran if possible their military capacity had been big enough, and unless their defeat would look unavoidable day by day. North-Korea, do not listen to and negotiate with nasty Yankees for your turn to wake up to the heavy bombardment toward your nuclear facilities could be ahead ! - Remember that the U.S. was one of the best friends of Saddam Hussein during the war between Iran and Iraq, before hanging.
At least Iran and its nuclear facilities should be cautious because now “somebody” wants to drive away the UN troops from the area of South-Lebanon by attacking them with road side mines, as happened before the South-Lebanon war. “The somebody” could be Israel that prepares again war and now an air strike on the nuclear plants of Iran.
It is ridiculous that the U.S. and the Britain which are the biggest troublemakers of the world including the Israel, which are waging illegal and bloody war far from their homes against fully innocent foreign nations - try to dictate who is allowed to use nuclear power and even get nukes ahead of the threat of American invasion ! The North-Korea and Iran are not at war with anybody and do not murder innocent civilians as the U.S. and the Britain, the states of real barbarism and state-run terrorism.
They do not understand anymore a common sense but pure policy of bloody military power they use. Therefore the whole other civilized world including Russia, China, Latin America, the Arab and Islamic countries etc. should unite to stop these last brutal colonial powers and prevent the murdering of innocent peoples, by fair means or foul. In the Middle East, the U.S. and its allies have only few times left to leave the whole continent before the Big Holy Jihad breaks out.
North-Korea,don`t trust Americans !
Finnish advises to North-Korea
- yeeah
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