Here, who wants to visit in finland?
Here is my tought; If someone wants to visit in finland, I could arrange accommodation, food etc.
So, it would not pay anything else but trips.
Return service I would like to travel in your country the same way.
We live in Northern-Karelia, in detached house. We also have a cabin by the strand. We could arrange fishing, hunting etc. Almost everything what can do here in Finland.
My English is not very well, so try to understand:)
Is Anyone
- missekisu
strand - try to find that in your dictionary!
- jeesjeespoksis
But instead of word "pay", should be "cost"
- judy from eldoret
my name is Judy, im very much intrested in visiting finland, im from africa but i have heard so much about finland, tell me more about yourself, age etc
cheers- Italialaiset/Englantilaiset...
Oikeesti te ette varmaan ymmärrä miten tyhmältä te kuulostatte ihan yhtä hyvin voisin kysyy rotalta "haluutko tulla asuu meille " Eli et näköjään tätä kyseen omaista kulttuuria vielä ymmärrä.
- kjgfkjf
Italialaiset/Englantilaiset... kirjoitti:
Oikeesti te ette varmaan ymmärrä miten tyhmältä te kuulostatte ihan yhtä hyvin voisin kysyy rotalta "haluutko tulla asuu meille " Eli et näköjään tätä kyseen omaista kulttuuria vielä ymmärrä.
if you think that making friends and understunding other people culture is stupid then you should be sick, no wonder that they say u seem natural by outside but you are mentally sick inside
- "aupair"
25 years old male, I have two childrens and wife.
I am just interested about other countries and cultures.
But I do not want to pay hotels and stuff(except countries wich those are cheap)
But here in finland is very expensive to live in hotels. We are talking about 80-100 euros at minimum/night. And food wich is expensive too if you eat in restaurant.
also travelling here is expensive, train and buss tickets.
Tell me about Kenya? How do you live there etc. - kenya
"aupair" kirjoitti:
25 years old male, I have two childrens and wife.
I am just interested about other countries and cultures.
But I do not want to pay hotels and stuff(except countries wich those are cheap)
But here in finland is very expensive to live in hotels. We are talking about 80-100 euros at minimum/night. And food wich is expensive too if you eat in restaurant.
also travelling here is expensive, train and buss tickets.
Tell me about Kenya? How do you live there etc.kenya is a very cheap country depending on where you will be staying for instance in my home town food, transport and accomodation is approximately 20euro per day but then if u want to go to costal kenya its abit expensive coz there are many tourist there.
i think that there is a huge cultural difference here and in finland, it would be a good experince if u r really intrested. Im 20years living with my parents and always intrested to get to know new people
take care
- pcxzw
ootsä kokeillu laittaa ilmotuksen hospitality clubiin? sielta vois loytya oikeet tyypit
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