I do speak a good amount of Finnish and understand most of the words in this link... But all together it doesn't mean much to me. I am thinking of bringing a new car to Finland from the US and would like to try an calculate what it would cost me with taxes and all costs to do it.
This is the page that I found in Finnish that I think tells about it. Could someone help me find some info in english or else explain to me the best way to calculate the costs? That would be awesome!
Customs info
- a call
Customs Information Service
The National Customs Information Service is located in connection to the Information Service Unit of The Finnish Board of Customs and gives response to client queries on the Internet, by phone and by mail. The Statistical Service of The Board of Customs is in charge of queries concerning foreign trade statistics. In addition, the customs offices provide information and advisory services about customs procedures and about many other subjects.
You can consult the Information Service using this enquiry form. We aim to reply to your enquiry within a week.
Other contact information:
Customs Information Service: tel. 358 (0)20 690 600, telefax 358 (0)20 492 1812
Statistics Service: tel. 358 (0)20 690 603, telefax 358 (0)20 492 1812
Car Taxation Advice: tel. 358 (0)20 690 601- Good Idea
Thats a good idea! Thanks! Hopefully they can send me some better info. Actually I was expecting some smart a$$ remark like "Don't even think about it, taxes are way to high" or something like that.
True taxes are high, but by bringing my own car I am trying to see if I'll save even a little money.
Thanks again! - with your car!
Good Idea kirjoitti:
Thats a good idea! Thanks! Hopefully they can send me some better info. Actually I was expecting some smart a$$ remark like "Don't even think about it, taxes are way to high" or something like that.
True taxes are high, but by bringing my own car I am trying to see if I'll save even a little money.
Thanks again!Second attempt as my message disappeared.
Good shipping companies
from New York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, Brunswick to Zeebrugge and Bremerhaven...
So both companies can arrange you a shipment from US all the way to Finland. From e.g. Bremerhaven a smaller (feeder) vessel ships it to Finland. Usually Stella uses WWL ocean vessels and their own feeder vessels to Finland. WWL has a very good customer service in US. Find info on shipping your own car:
Yeah, there are many smart asses here (unfortunately) who want to write rubbish without having any knowledge on anything. I wish I knew more about the customs issues and taxation, but my employer doesn't seem to want give me the course on that. Well, I think it's the best to change jobs soon.. - kenedy
Good Idea kirjoitti:
Thats a good idea! Thanks! Hopefully they can send me some better info. Actually I was expecting some smart a$$ remark like "Don't even think about it, taxes are way to high" or something like that.
True taxes are high, but by bringing my own car I am trying to see if I'll save even a little money.
Thanks again!Who pulls the legs. Savolacks maybe.
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