To the Defence Minister of Finland in his visit to the U.S. was served a pie that was prepared of a genetically modified (GM) corn. And that made him talk something like which the minister would never say in his homeland. Originally there had to be only one “Russia” in the speech. The minister of Defence was then doped by the GM-food, as also the Commander-in-Chief of Finland in his U.S.-visit, who seemed somehow ecstatic addressing to the Americans something that never would be heard in Finland.
Obviously the Americans do not sense all the health effects which may involve in the GM-food. For example Mr. Bush, the President of United states, eats every morning his own plateful of corn flakes with milk, spurred by his loving mother, which may explain the madness of the Middle East policy of the U.S. At least the foreign observers think there must be an odd ingredient or something in his breakfast cereals.
Finally the Russians need not to be worry about this kind of rhetoric of Finnish politicians, since it is meant for the Americans so that they would believe that the Finns are in alliance with them. That would be purely a sick idea, as it is thought how plenty of innocent people the U.S. has butchered or has been involved in during the last half century. Over million people ? Besides the Finnish people do not allow anything that would undermine the long-time stability and the magnificent state of peace between the peoples of Russia and Finland.
To the concerned minister has been suggested a nickname: “Tyri”. Do you wanna commend ? That means freely: “The minister screwed up.” Alas, we have to remember that the politics is at its best only as a miserable show it should not be taken seriously, “Tyri”. Do not mind this.
Explanation For "Russia,Russia,Russia"
Council of vice-president
- Shirley Ujest
We are fully aware that your meager little half-communist nation is still cozily wrapped in Finlandization but it is rather nice of you to come and expressly make a representation of it yourself.
- Candyman says
if you look into the mirror and say five times "Russia", Gorbachev materializes behind your back and rips your YYA-treaty in shreds with his mighty sickle.
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