In Finland is developing a very peculiar situation. Apparently the PM does not rule his "cock", as the PM is required; he is getting into more and more embarrassing situations: even exposed to danger from the point of state security. And for instance, his marriage has already broken up, unfortunately as a head of the Christian country. Could we characterise playfully the situation so that as “the tail is wagging a dog”, “the "prick" is wagging the PM”, now in Finland.
Because the PM can`t rule his "cock", as it mostly looks, he has sought for a help from the local court. So that it would ban all persons related to his cock telling about its adventures. Including his own “Monica-story”, relating to one of his girlfriends. Is his "cock" a private matter, if he decides to share it with somebody, can be pondered ? Not long ago even the President of France, Mr. Chirac, praised him for being the sexiest man of Finland and that did not certainly made the state of affairs easier to the Finns. There is more horrifying side in the matter.
For now at the same time ahead of the nation may be a very bitter strike by nurses and if thoughts of the PM are focused on his "cock" and its adventures, as it continuously looks, several patients might be soon run into a big danger in empty hospitals. Perhaps as a consolation during the strike, patients can then read in their beds the sensation book “ Girlfriend of Prime Minister”.
How do you commend ? Should the PM resign because of his "dick" - Is the PM able to rule Finnish society, if he cannot rule his "tool" as the PM is required ? And is he able to prevent perhaps the fatalist strike of nurses, perhaps innocent dead bodies ? Or should he cut it off as the Bible advises and: shall nurses give him any help in this operation !? These are the questions and the Finns are hellish worried.
Topic Primary : PM`s "Cock"
In Finland
- KewlGuy
...remember Bill Clinton? He didn't have to resign because of his dick
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