I have heard that this location is one of the most popular hangaround places of finnish gay people. Lots of horny young students and workers. You can usually spot them by their foul language and smell. They usually walk in pairs, or side by side in small groups. They have notoriously lousy gaydars which leads them often trying to seduce single, older straight men (who are not amused by this at all). This is what I have heard. Can somebody please be so kind and verify this piece of information? I am about to visit my relatives there soon and feel very scared, for my decaying health has made me an easy prey for sexual predators.
Esbo, Olars
- Mattby or "Matinkylä...
like the natives like to call this part of town (which lies just next to Olars), and I have had a few incidents with the local homosexuals (and let me tell you, this place is full of them!). It has been very intimidating; they are shameless and tend to approach strangers very openly. So far I have been victorious in these encounters, and have managed to escape with minor injuries. I am a male in my late 50s and those teenagers and young adults are just all over me (maybe they think I´m hot?). Doesn´t their parents know what their kids are doing? There should be some kind of law against this kind of harassment! My advise to you follows : if you definitely must come here and you have no other choice, keep your visit short and do not go out after sunset. Heed my words friend, heed my words - your "other" virginity may depend on it. Do not let them take you!
- gunnar gaybar
I am always gay when I travel to this Ollars (sp?).
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Kalle Palander kertoi fantasioivansa siitä, kuinka Kiira Korpi naisi häntä sträppärillä ahteriin
Sai potkut Yleltä. https://yle.fi/a/74-201400005217910- 2332735
- 262601
- 1641989
- 1201854
24h Kirppis
Olen muuttamassa paikkakunnalle ja mietin olisiko tälläiselle liikkeelle tarvetta alueella?61636Kansallismieliset järjestöt muistelivat Tammisunnuntaita eri puolilla maata
Ugissa muisteltu kunnolla. 🔥 https://www.kansalainen.fi/kansallismieliset-jarjestot-muistelivat-tammisunnuntaita-eri-p21386- 781219
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