Could someone help me to find some sales data of some of the Russian companies from 2006, and net income, if it's foundable? PLS ALSO GIVE ME THE WEB PAGE, WHERE YOU FOUND IT!
The company names are: Mobiland, netSo, Gesium and Dovidas, and they all sell mobile phones and IT equipment.
Their web pages are (but you won't find sales information from there): (?)
Thanks really a lot, I don't speak Russian, so sales data search from google is really difficult. Comp. history I've already translated, took me a month...
Translation Russian-English??
- interesting...
Please, tell more about your project.. Maybe you could give a reason why one should do this kind of business research for free? Or how much you could pay for it?
- Mervi's
I'm making my master's thesis at the university. Unfortunately I'm doing it on my own, so nobody pays for it for me either (should have thought about selling the thesis, but I'm in the hurry doing it, so didn't think). Thus, I'm not able to pay someone to translate the web pages for me. I thought this would be easy to find from internet, but it seems it's not.
My thesis subject is Mobile phone sales channels in Russia. I've received info from some companies selling phones to Russia, but getting info from Russian companies seems not possible. I haven't given up though, I have time till February, must find something by then.
If you had some sales quantities, that would help! Profit info you can't get in Russia, unless company works with foreign companies. - -Jukkis-
Mervi's kirjoitti:
I'm making my master's thesis at the university. Unfortunately I'm doing it on my own, so nobody pays for it for me either (should have thought about selling the thesis, but I'm in the hurry doing it, so didn't think). Thus, I'm not able to pay someone to translate the web pages for me. I thought this would be easy to find from internet, but it seems it's not.
My thesis subject is Mobile phone sales channels in Russia. I've received info from some companies selling phones to Russia, but getting info from Russian companies seems not possible. I haven't given up though, I have time till February, must find something by then.
If you had some sales quantities, that would help! Profit info you can't get in Russia, unless company works with foreign companies.In which university you are studying? I'm interested in Russian business. Maybe next spring I will make entrance examination for business studies. Is there special classes for Russian business in your university?
- Mervi's
-Jukkis- kirjoitti:
In which university you are studying? I'm interested in Russian business. Maybe next spring I will make entrance examination for business studies. Is there special classes for Russian business in your university?
Helsinki University, Economics. There are no special courses of Russia, but you can take extra's in Aleksanteri Institute. Web page is here:
- mervibcn
Gesium's web page is not working, so don't use it!
Company names in Russian:
Ссылка = Dovidas [Sypka]
МобиЛэнд = Mobi-land [MobjPend)
HзтСo = netSo [Netso]
Gesium's name I couldn't find in Russian, it's always in English. - Monk69
I can help you. Write to my email, [email protected]
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