My husband is American, and he'll move to Tampere pretty soon to be with me. I was wondering if there are some Americans who want to hang out with us. Hopefully be in our age range 28-33 years old, but that's not necessary.
Any Americans in Tampere?
- mustahammas
Meetup for Americans living in Tampere :
Check out also Finland Forum at ! :
Finland Forum is a chat, support and information forum for foreigners living in Finland. The forum has 17900 registered members. Many ( maybe most ) of the regulars are native speakers of English. - mustahammas
Send your message also to Global Village Tampere Forums here ! : - NotAnNumber
I think some guys from Ministry was here but because of song "Rio grande blood" FBI just get them like they do mayby my Winmix download or think that was "moderator", who knows...
- mustahammas
You and your husband could join the Finnish-British Society in Tampere. The society is not only for Finns and Englishmen, any nationality with active English skills is welcome to join. The society arranges get-togethers and activities for members :
Click on this, then scroll down for Tampere !:
You could also participate in Finn-Guild activities in Tampere. All nationalities with English skills are welcome to join, even non-members !
Click on this ! :
Then go to "FG in Finland" ( on the left hand side of the page ), then click on "Contact information" ! Under "Tampere" you will find the email address of Berit Virtanen-Thewlis whom you can contact for more information.
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