Is there racism

in Finland?

Have you noticed that there is a strong racist movement in Finland? Not against black africans, not against Arabic muslims, not against Russians, but - very surprisingly - against the white,light-haired and blue-eyed Finns themselves!

There is clearly an apartheid-like segregation system in Finland. There are two classes of people: elite and servants. The division between them is the language they speak as their mother tongue.

The elite, superior race in Finland is the Swedish minority (approx. 5% of all "Finlanders", as the Finlandswedes say), the so called Finlandsswedes, who are bilingual, Swedish and Finnish, and then the large majority, the servants, who speak Finnish, but who must learn Swedish in order to be able to serve the superior Swedish elite in Swedish language where ever they require it in Finland.

The racial segregation is based on the ideas of Axel-Olof Freudenthal, the mental fore-father of the Swedish People's Party. Freudenthal worked in Helsinki University in the middle of the 19th century.

Freudenthal taught that the Swedes are a better and wiser "leader"-race and therefore the Finns must serve them, and that the Finns are at such a low intellectual level that they will never be able to do anything creative.

So all those who call themselves "Finlandswedes" are racists by definition.

There are several privileges given to the so called Finlandsswedes, written in the law. For instance, many of the a civil servant jobs require the ability to speak Swedish, although it is not actually needed. The so called Finlandswedes also have very large quotas in the higher education, including universities. This guarantees that the so called Finlandswedes are in average dumber than the Finns in the same schools, because of the language-based quotas. This is very racist against the Finns, because many of them have to accept lower education in order to give way to the so called Finlandsswedes.

The Finns are forced by law to study Swedish at all levels of education, including universities, and in addition they have to pass through Swedish tests when applying to many state or municipal jobs. Even in their working life the Finns must take addional courses in the Swedish language, by force. Naturally there are no language tests for the so called Finlandswedes.

So there are actually two different, parallel force-sweding systems executed in Finland to make sure that the so called Finlandswedes get their services in the Swedish language: 1) the quotas in higher level schools and 2) the force-sweding of the Finns.

The system creates numerous easy and well-paid "protege"-jobs for the so called Finlansswedes in the public servant system. All they have to be able to do is speak Swedish. The most ridiculous feature in this force-sweding system is that practically all of the so called Finlandswedes speak fluent Finnish! The last remaining few (those grown up in the barrel, as the Finns say) that do not speak Finnish are either very old or mentally disturbed: they do not want to speak Finnish at any cost.

How is this possible? The main media is owned by either Swedes (like Aamulehti) or svedophiles (like Helsingin Sanomat), and the Finnish Broadcasting Company is occupied by the so called Finlandswedes. The biggest parties owe their guts to Swedish banks. So the liberty of speech has a different meaning in Finland than elsewhere. This problem cannot be discussed in the main media. It can only be discussed in the internet.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • different people

      In every contry has its THE BILL OF RIGHTS !

    • weird!

      I never thought that Finland has two levels of people and a racial segragation system between them! But now when you point it out, it is so clear!

    • vanhoja rasitteita
      Ruotsin kieli on mennyttä aikaa nyt AMERIKKALAISUUS tärkeää pohjolassa myös täällä ruotsissakin.
      On täkeätä että yritysten nimet ovat mahdollisimman amerikkalaiset. Ruotsalaisuus niinkuin koko eurooppalaisuus ei ole muotia.
      Radiossa ei yleensä soiteta eurooppalaisia levyjä.
      Nimet tulee ääntää kuten syntyperäinen amerikkalainen jopa televisiossakin.
      Ruotsalaisperäinen SKYPE lausutaan sekä suomessa että ruotsissa SKAIP.
      Peruskoulussa ei tule riittämään lukemisen perustaksi pelkkä aakkosten opettelu tulevaisuudessa
      Onko Bush pistänyt kynän käteesi?

      • repeat that

        in English, please?

      • repeat that kirjoitti:

        in English, please?

        joka ei ole kansainvälinen ja joka on vähäinen
        en tiedä miksi asia johon vastasin on siirretty suomi24 kansainvälisiin kysymyksiin english speaking
        et ollut siellä aikaisemmin
        ei ollut minun vallassani

    • -.-.-.-.-

      There is so much racism in Finland. I don't understand it. I hate racism.

    • norahjones

      That it`s so true.
      And here is also language racist, i mean : if you don´t speak well english, well swedish, well russian etc. you are a stupid person.

      Ass you see i really dont speak english well enough..

      • worry

        It is not suprising if people think that you are less intelligent if you do not speak other languages very fluently when you live in a coutry like finland where it is not suprising if one can speak three or four languages fluently, easy to find people speaking five languages and most finnish people have probably heard of somebody finnish who can speak eight languages well. Of course on average people in the countryside speak other languages less fluently than people from big cities of finland.

        But go to england, france or US for ewample and it is wonderfull is one can speak two languages. It probaly simply is because in finland it is so highly apreciated to know several languaged that it has actually become a common thing. Also the finnish school system is one of the best in the world and offers the possibility of learning several languages.

        But do not worry if you can't speak these languages well, for some people it is just impossible to learn other languages fluenty, but these people are very good at something else. Although a very common reason for not learning a new language is simply lazyness, and this could be another reason why in finland people who do not speak a few other languages reasonably well are considered to be less intelligent.

    • = to servants!

      Some of that is right, but mostly the writer is using exageration to convince the reader. So do not believe everything you read.

      And you say that this can not be discussed in the media. Have you tried? You might not make it to the Helsingin Sanomat but for others certainly.

      Finnish people are not anykind of cervants of swhedish people. In past this was the poorer finnish population, but times has changed. Now Finland has a better economy than Sweden. And yes the swedish language is still needed when working for the state, but not in all private firms. That is because swedish is still the second language of Finland. As the starter of this conversation certainly knows Finland has two languages, Finnish and Swedish.

      I do not understand how you can say that "there are two classes of people: elite and servants", sence Finland is one of the countried with least unequality. There certainly is not only elites and servants. Most of the people in Finland are middle class, there is some elite and hardly any poor. Although nowadays this is changing a little and some have actually managed to become even millionaires, but it is ridiculous to call the "poor" of finland poor. Compared to the poor people of other countries the "poor" of finland are rich. For example in France there are 60 million poor people and it is not too rare to find two families charing one little room outside Paris. Not even to mention the low criminality levels of Finland it is ridiculous to say that the rasism would be that high in FInland. However it is true that there is racism amongst swedish and finnish people.

      I do not personally think that in about 20 years time the Swedish language is still going to be another language of Finland. Already for years there have discussion about mooving the obligation of learning and knowing swedish, as it is not really needed ANYMORE.

      I would like to make one thing clear: it is not needed to know and learn swedish in order to serve "the superior swedish people" but because Finland has the chance of being a bilangual language and when working for the state is it not obvious that you can not be hired if you do not speak both of the languages?

      And yes the actual Finlandswedes are a minority in Finland. And isn't it only right to make sure the minority will also have places in universities ect.. Also in England all firms have to, by law, hire a certain amount of people from minority groups (gays, black people..)And this has actually become to a ridiculous phase where a black lesbian woman has better changes of being hired than a native english straight woman with same qualifications or maybe even better ones, just because the black lesbian belongs to a minority group and all firms have to hire a certain amount of people from minority groups.

      What would actually be equality would be to not allow the employer to see the name, adress, age, color, nationality... and onbligate them to hire people because of their qualities. This system is actually already being tried in some places in France.

      So just to conclude please to not ever call Finns the servants of swedish people, because that is the last thing they are.

    • thingy

      It is not right when you say there is no racism against Arabic muslims, some africans or russians! I would not reallys say so. There have been quite many conflicts between immigrants and finnish people, more than between swedish and finnish people.

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