The business world operating in Finland, especially high-tech companies are warned of industrial espionage: on the contrary to the prevailing official impression in Finland, mobile phones are being tapped, both SMS messages and emails are technically spied by the Police, mostly for profit.
According to the European Intel sources, certain police officers of the criminal investigation department and many members of Finnish security police trade secrets to rival companies. In the background of this behavior is often gambling and deeply running into debt.
In some cases an unknown foreign intelligence service has managed to catch a very sensitive information and photographs of the Finnish police and blackmails them to spy enterprises by sophisticated electronic snooping methods of police.
It is not unheard-of that for instance very delicate material of gay love affairs between police superintendents and their subordinated officers, has been caught by the foreign agents relating to the industrial espionage.
Presumably certain mobile operators, at least some of their employees cooperate with the police in spying, also for profit. The European Intel warns especially about rather new mobile operators in Finland which have small share of the market.
If possible, in the question of very vital information and know-how, use the courier services if they are available and reliable. Or rather carrier pigeons ! There are no secrets in the age of digital data.
(Spread this warning)
Finland is worse than Russia
- pishui
have you picked up that bullshit?
I think that you should move to Russia and stay there! - A finn with position
Whatever you heard or read and where ever you snapped it, it´s all just big B.S.
- a crab
have to do with this story? Please enlighten me.
- The same
a crab kirjoitti:
have to do with this story? Please enlighten me.
If you ain´t got the intelligence to figure out it yourself, why would you think it´d be my job to enlighten you or any other moron?
- ölskglöskgj
The same kirjoitti:
If you ain´t got the intelligence to figure out it yourself, why would you think it´d be my job to enlighten you or any other moron?
A crab might crawl out of your phone, instead of the usual crap. But that's hardly likely to happen.
- !!!
- pishui
Did you travel to Russia already???
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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