What you think about Finland?

Courious about your opinion

What do you foreigner people like Finland? Just courious to know...

- good things
- bad things




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • grace

      Finnish people are quite silent & afraid to speak English. I don't like that they want so much privacy. But they are honest people. Some are lazy and some are quite hard working people

    • Rasputin
    • & privacy

      Finnish people don't want much privacy they get in your face all the time. I don't think they understand the concept of personal space and how that can be annoying to someone when they stand like 4 inches away from you...

      • =)

        I think that Finnish people are really nice and funny. I do not understand why everyone is saying that the Finns just want privacy. Perhaps the Finns do not want to spread to other affairs. Finnish people in general, and the whole of Finland is a stunning and gorgeous!

    • OlafMiller

      Finnish people seem quite honest. The younger Finns are the ones who like to speak English - while the older Finns are the ones who hate to speak English (almost like a principle). They also seem quiet and withdrawn, yet there is a sense of humor in their character, but also a strong sense of patriotism too. Dont irritate/annoy or make them angry as they seem to have a short fuse and can snap in an instant and can become quite a devil!

    • ffffffffffffffffffff

      The real difference maker is, that a finn (subtly after a brief chat) wants to know your opinion about finns and their country. So they get great satisfaction when a foreigner knows there's a place called Finland where lives Finnish people and they like to go to the sauna and eat mämmi. So they have a great sence of bride about their country and why wouldn't. Otherwise they are exactly like everyone else.

      The nature is by far the best thing in Finland.

      PS. Also if you are a man you can get any finnish chick you want. Immigration is still quite new thing here - foreign exchange students, like myself :), have a huge 'being special' advantage here. So great place for exploitative bastards (I have too much class for that). This doesn't seem to work the opposite way though, i dunno why. Have to take a look on that subject. Cheers.

    • Hungarylife

      Finnish people love nature and like to spend a lot of their time outdoors. Shy and, well, quite angry finns (i've heard that from many of my friends) hate swedish people and enjoy weird things (mämmi, salmiac, sauna, what else?)...

    • [FIN]

      The reason that they do not speak English is that older people do not know how to talk about it. Born in the year 1920-1950. In their time in school is not taught in English. throughout Finland spoke English as a few a few well-trained student the metropolitan area and the great politicians of course. the people did not know how it is and they would have had no use for it because they had never been abroad. Today, in the 2000s, things are different. The school teaches English and voluntarily language of Russian, French and German and others. And that's why today's young people speak English in contrast to the prior born in 1995.

    • Weasel

      I'm British and i've lived in both Norway and Finland. Not gonna lie, i think Norway has better scenery but that's my personal opinion. I've only been in Finland for just over half a year so i've not had much time to really get to know the culture here but i've celebrated midsummer (which was completely new to me) and i got to try out a wooden cabin sauna which was great. As far as Finnish people go they seem to be quite friendly and welcoming, shy sometimes about speaking English even when they speak it really well. I guess the main thing though that seemed different to other places i've been is the attitude towards drinking, seems like it's almost a little expected to drink a lot. Also i prefer speaking Suomi to Norsk.. it just seems to sound better, though i'm not completely fluent in either yet.

    • FromPortugal

      Oh dear god where do I begin.. this country is a joke.

      Drunk people everywhere, no manners whatsoever...boring and expensive.

    • Anonyymi

      nonsense, they hide racism with the excuse that they are shy, they complain that foreigners come to live on social services, but Finnish society and employers discriminate and are full of racism and prejudice, until the mentality changes there will be no more foreigners working but I'm sure they do it on purpose so in that way foreigners get tired and return to their countries, which is what the Finns really want, i haven't seen people with as many mental problems, false, double-faced and envious as a Finn at first they seem like good people, just wait for you to see the authentic and real face, they say they are honest because they do not steal and bla bla ...i have seen Finns stealing in front of my eyes

    • Anonyymi
    • Anonyymi

      Finland is an unfair country.
      It is more like Eastern European than not.
      Has a lot of experience in playing from both sides,
      what ever sides at any given time.
      I think that no country really trusts Finland.
      I would like to say the opposite but
      I also want to be truthful.
      The Global situation is very uncertain and
      it is very much possible that something really bad
      is going to happen to Finland?
      Finland should not expect too much from other countries
      and get what it can and that's that.

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