Read a diary about peace to palestine
...we love life we try our best to live it, we try to make sure that our kids would have a chance, we go to school, we work, we sell and buy, we strive together, we enjoy nature and we pray for peace. it does make me angry when i see my people dying, my sisters and brothers suffering... it makes me angry because i am a human being with feelings! there is nothing to be ashamed of, what we are is something that we can never change but who we are is the thing that will always change, be ashamed of who you are not not of who you are. awaken!
a lot of images are knocking the doors of my brain now but i'll have to answer that some other time, now it passed 12 a.m. at this very moment i hear bombing around the area and i'm off to see what is going on. my friend if you are reading this please dont worry, by God's will i hope to talk to you soon.
IF you CARE, please READ
- katja3
Thanks for the link, seems to be a really unique blog, a lot to read, a lot to find out. It's frustrating of course to read about injustices like what's happening in Gaza, as an individual, as an average person, there's nothing one could do to really change anything - still, it's always good to know, doesn't help much either if you don't know what's going on in this world. Sure, I'm going to tell people about this blog, there's always some who care. Take care now - believe in the future.
- PeaceToAllPlease
Thank you so much!
Just today someone commented to our blog about the truce, there are still alot of violence happening on the behalf of Israel towards Palestinians..
I just wish the situation calms down someday and they all could find a way to live there peacefully :)
Thank you so much for your support!
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