I'm Finnish girl in a relationship with English guy. We met abroads n decided to move to Finland so see how it goes. That happend last August, so we've been here almost a year nw. Nw my bf has started getting pissed off with the fact that he just can get a proper job from here. It's really frustrating cause I just got in to school (we definitely can't afford to pay those fees in universities in England) n I would do anything to get a better job for him. He has lots of friends n hobbies n so, but I think it's the job n income that makes him unhappy. He's working in constructuction site, but cause he's thru an agency, they are paying the minimum (8e/hour) which is even less what I get!
Well, long story, but my point was that I would like to know if anyone has any advices for me or how some other foreign people has made it (to alrite job in here).
N plz, if u don't have anything clever 2 say, leave it!
- .....
Ha, a few spelling mistakes! but I think yous still got my point..
- Finland..
You don't mention your boyfriend's education, skills, work experience, language skills...
This is important information and needed if you wish to receive advice on your boyfriends situation.If your boyfriend doesn't have a degree, can't he think of studying a bit? I think you should check out whether your boyfriend is entitled to the Finnish student grant & loan.
To be honest with you; in my opinion both of you would be better off living in the UK. You can apply for a special grant you don't need to pay back.http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/EducationAndLearning/UniversityAndHigherEducation/StudentFinance/StudentsFromOtherEUCountries/DG_10035218
You can also take out the same loan all the Brits take for their course fees. And consider yourself lucky, you get free money from Finland.Brits and many other nationalities can only dream of this as they don't get anything for free.
Your boyfriend has tried to live in Finland; but obviously it is not working. You should be happy that you have such a courageous boyfriend
who took the difficult step to try it out in Finland; mine won't. You can stay in Finland for longer, but if there won't be any change for him in regards to work situation...It will only get worse.- ....
I know... N maybe we should. I'm just not ready to give up yet. He has been working for British Army for 5 years n that's why he's used to living away from home n family (i'm not). Ofcourse i'm going to keep my mind open n if it's realy not working in here, i'm ready to try it in England. N I really do appreciate that he has been so long already n it means a lot to me!
He doesn't have any high degree, he has been doing diesel fitting n mechanics in the army, construcion work in here n removals etc in other countries while travelling.. He doesn't mind doing construction work, it's just hard to find a better placement for him (a bit better money, 8e/hour is really bad)... - Finland...
.... kirjoitti:
I know... N maybe we should. I'm just not ready to give up yet. He has been working for British Army for 5 years n that's why he's used to living away from home n family (i'm not). Ofcourse i'm going to keep my mind open n if it's realy not working in here, i'm ready to try it in England. N I really do appreciate that he has been so long already n it means a lot to me!
He doesn't have any high degree, he has been doing diesel fitting n mechanics in the army, construcion work in here n removals etc in other countries while travelling.. He doesn't mind doing construction work, it's just hard to find a better placement for him (a bit better money, 8e/hour is really bad)...Ok, he's been working for the army.
What about a security company?
Or, can he do something with his mechanics skills?
Is he learning Finnish? It would help him to speak a bit of Finnish to get by.
How about forwarding company, an international one like for instance DHL?
He could also enrol on a truck driver course, I think these are organised by the employment office (Työvoimatoimisto). The course's internship would help your boyfriend to find a stable job. Usually transport companies are quite internationally minded and Finnish language should not be needed for the driver. If Finnish drivers can get by whilst driving abroad without any foreign language; I cannot foresee any problems for your boyfriend driving in Finland.
I think the best for your boyfriend is make a trip to the local employment office and see how
they can help you. By the way, where do you live at the moment?
If you really care for this guy, then also you need to make decisions and compromise. You need to see the both sides of the coin and decide based on the current situation as a couple.
Your family and good friends will stay in Finland and will always be there for you. As anybody, you will learn to live elsewhere and make it your home (especially when it is your boyfriends home already). - ....
Finland... kirjoitti:
Ok, he's been working for the army.
What about a security company?
Or, can he do something with his mechanics skills?
Is he learning Finnish? It would help him to speak a bit of Finnish to get by.
How about forwarding company, an international one like for instance DHL?
He could also enrol on a truck driver course, I think these are organised by the employment office (Työvoimatoimisto). The course's internship would help your boyfriend to find a stable job. Usually transport companies are quite internationally minded and Finnish language should not be needed for the driver. If Finnish drivers can get by whilst driving abroad without any foreign language; I cannot foresee any problems for your boyfriend driving in Finland.
I think the best for your boyfriend is make a trip to the local employment office and see how
they can help you. By the way, where do you live at the moment?
If you really care for this guy, then also you need to make decisions and compromise. You need to see the both sides of the coin and decide based on the current situation as a couple.
Your family and good friends will stay in Finland and will always be there for you. As anybody, you will learn to live elsewhere and make it your home (especially when it is your boyfriends home already).That's right. N as I said, I will keep my mind open, I'm just not ready to give up yet. I finally got in to the school where I wan't... I wanna give us one more change in Finland, and if it's still not going to work, then I'll have to have a word with myself n think what means more to me; my education n family n friends or my bf who I really love...
We live in Turku. We went to Työvoimatoimisto a year ago, but haven't been there lately. I'll tell him to pop there sumtimes! He is starting to understand some Finnish, but all he can say is crazy words n sentences his mate's has been teaching ;)
I just wanna do everything I can for him nw, n if it's not enough, atleast I know I really tried!
Thanks so much for your comments who ever you are, I really need someone who's not close to me to sort my head n to think what's best for everyone!
xxx - mustahammas
.... kirjoitti:
That's right. N as I said, I will keep my mind open, I'm just not ready to give up yet. I finally got in to the school where I wan't... I wanna give us one more change in Finland, and if it's still not going to work, then I'll have to have a word with myself n think what means more to me; my education n family n friends or my bf who I really love...
We live in Turku. We went to Työvoimatoimisto a year ago, but haven't been there lately. I'll tell him to pop there sumtimes! He is starting to understand some Finnish, but all he can say is crazy words n sentences his mate's has been teaching ;)
I just wanna do everything I can for him nw, n if it's not enough, atleast I know I really tried!
Thanks so much for your comments who ever you are, I really need someone who's not close to me to sort my head n to think what's best for everyone!
xxxJobs and Entrepreneurship in Finland :
http://www.finlandforum.org/viewforum.php?f=37 - ......
mustahammas kirjoitti:
Jobs and Entrepreneurship in Finland :
http://www.finlandforum.org/viewforum.php?f=37Cheers! :)
- Finland..
.... kirjoitti:
That's right. N as I said, I will keep my mind open, I'm just not ready to give up yet. I finally got in to the school where I wan't... I wanna give us one more change in Finland, and if it's still not going to work, then I'll have to have a word with myself n think what means more to me; my education n family n friends or my bf who I really love...
We live in Turku. We went to Työvoimatoimisto a year ago, but haven't been there lately. I'll tell him to pop there sumtimes! He is starting to understand some Finnish, but all he can say is crazy words n sentences his mate's has been teaching ;)
I just wanna do everything I can for him nw, n if it's not enough, atleast I know I really tried!
Thanks so much for your comments who ever you are, I really need someone who's not close to me to sort my head n to think what's best for everyone!
xxxIt's always a pleasure to help...
It's all about compromise, I'm afraid. I have compromised for a long time now and about
to have enough. My partner (English) is not interested in living in Finland. Currently we live in another european country, although previously in England some years back. The difference between my partner and yours is that mine can travel for his work and organise his life accordingly. Although living in Finland would mean longer times away from home and more expensive transport costs for him; I still think he should at least experience my home country for a longer period than just a couple of weeks' holiday. I think by living in Finland he can better realise why I am what I am and how my mind works. Although my English is fluent and I can express myself well, cultural background is not something than can be verbally shared. Something cannot just be gained by reading or listening; some things can only be obtained by experience.
I think for you it would make a big difference to see life outside of Finland. You might have already been somewhere as you found yourself an Englishman (they don't have the tendency to show up on your doorstep). To share your boyfriend's background, culture, language, pub evenings, silly tv-programs and just generally living in the UK, you will have more topics to discuss and share. I bet you're already watcing the Season 4 Doctor Who episodes downloaded each week and you've had to sit and watch all the Only Fools and Horses seasons; and it's a good start!:D
You should be really proud of your boyfriend that he moved to Finland especially for you; it's not an easy step to take. I know from experience that the British society is easier for foreigners and the language quicker to master. Having experienced living, studying and working in the UK, I would recommend you to experience it at some point of your life - perhaps after your studies.
Does your boyfriend like in in Finland and is the only thing bothering him the job situation? If it is only work related frustration; you are a lucky woman. Only thing he needs to do now then is to concentrate on finding a better paid job for himself and enjoy you and Finland! If there is something else bothering him about living in Finland...start looking around for other alternatives because his feelings, I am afraid, won't change.
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