Saakasvili's massmurder Tsinvali's 1600 civilians by rocket launchers is The Crime against Humankind. And US administration is backing it! And the planner?
Guernica of 21st Century
- That's what they always do!
No surprise. The Russian president Medvedev just told last week that Russia and its' predecessor the Soviet Union have never attacked any other country but they have always just defended themselves agains an aggression stared by others. That was the case in Noverber 31st 1939 when Finland started aggression agains the USSR and forced it to start the Winter War to defend the peaceful and hard working Soviet nation against barbaric Finnish aggression. Later on, a few Russian researchers and even military persons admitted the events in Mainila were intentional provocation by the Russians to get a legitimate reason to attack. And in the end of the 1970's they arranged a reason to attack Afganistan. Then in the 1990's the Russian Secret Service arranged a few bombing in residential buildings to get a reason to attack Chechnya. And again in Georgia. The Russian monster government never cares about their own people but are ready to sacrifice a few thousands of them just to look good in the eyes of the others.
We Finns know very well: you can't change a Russian. They never change. Never trust them. They always think about taking your money, house, spouse, land and finally kill you. Be prepared to fight back! Push all the sovoks from Finland back to the other side of the border and then close the curtain. We better be poor and free than dependent on their energy, tourists ... Don't trade with them. They simply can't be honest and fair but always thinking about making other nations part of their Great Realm.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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