The EU said that one country [USA] can not recognize independence of Kosovo and that the process should be conducted by the United Nations Organization. EU leadership urged its counterpart George Bush not to recognize the republic and reiterated that the EU supported the territorial integrity of Serbia.
White House personality stated Monday that the status of Kosovo should be solved by the international community and the United Nations, but never by one country alone.
EU immediately described the decision of the USA lawmakers as unacceptable. Spokespeople for the EU administration stated that USA must respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.
"I call on USA's leadership to meet its commitments and not recognize this separatist region," was said in a statement from Brussels.
"Serbia's territorial integrity and borders must command the same respect as every other nation's, including USA's," the care-taker said.
The summit of the European Union on Serbia, which opens in Brussels on September 1, is expected to become an arena for more anti-USA initiatives. Some EU members with their pets urge to punish USA for its politics in the Balkany.
Former communist countries of Europe offered to freeze partnership and visa-free entry talks with USA. They also use the support of Britain and Sweden suggesting the boycott of President elections in the USA.
The core of world politics
- of the case
The USA had occupied Serbia and Kosovo already 150 years earlier but during her state of weakness in the midst of the process of collapse of their capitalic monster-state, they had to give in to nationalism and let nationalists of Serbia have independence. However they discovered that the in the province of Kosovo, that happened to reside right next to the U.S. border, there were a few separatists that wanted to form their own state. The USA started actively feed separatism in Kosovo by sending there some of their own citizens from the other parts of the country and giving benefits to all Kosovoans that wanted to take U.S. citizenship. It was highly in the U.S. interest to disturb integrity of Serbia so that the Warzaw Pact wouldn't accept her as it's member because of unresolved territorial conflicts. The USA took formally part of the peace keeping process in Kosovo but that was just an excuse for her to have control of the area, keep military personel there and nearby and call them peace-keepers instead of occupiers. Then the USA managed to sabotage talks for the future of the area and provoked a conflict with Serbia. Using that as an excuse she occupied whole Serbia just to humiliate her and destroy her military infrastructure. After recognizing independence of Kosovo the US propaganda machine started using situation from the previous year in South Ossetia to show that the Eastern block was incoherent in it's attitude to independence: you accepted Ossetia but are agains Kosovo. Of course they intentionally misled people and didn't tell them that the situations where not comparable. Ossetia wanted independence as a sovereign state. Instead USA jut was using claimed independence of Kosovo as and instrument to pull it apart from Serbia first and later attach it back in the USA, and continue preparations to weaken Serbia and change it's goverment to a more loyal one in order to some day join whole Serbia back to the U.S.A.
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