Welcome to join a multicultural discussion group for women in an intercultural
relationship! The Multicultural Women’s Circle offers you the opportunity to
share the joys and sorrows of multicultural family life in a confidential and
understanding environment. Discussion topics will be decided together and
may include themes such as female and male identities, raising children,
extended family, languages and communication.
The DUO Project is a three-year initiative (2008-2010) of the Multicultural
Association Familia Club ry to support intercultural families in Finland.
The project is financed by Finland’s Slot Machine Association.
Support Group: Multicultural Women’s Circle
Language: English
Facilitator: Tanja Harju (Australia)
Time: Thursday evenings from 6.00-7.30 pm
23 October-11 December 2008
Place: Maria Akatemia, Fredrikinkatu 32 A 12 Helsinki
Cost: Free
For further information and to register your place, please contact:
tanja.harju(at)maria-akatemia.fi or tel. 040-869 8929 (Mon-Fri 9-11)
- neela90
I'd be happy to get involved, but since it's in Helsinki i can't.. I'm living near Oulu so...
But I understand that there's more multicultural couples in Helsinki and that area than here up north... sometimes it just would be nice to get this kind of groups and happenings here too... so that there wouldn't be a need to drive hundreds of kms just to get to a 1-hour meeting.- mustahammas
You could join Oulu International Women´s Club :
You could also visit Villa Victor and ask the staff there about other groups and activities for foreigners living in Oulu :
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Nurmossa kuoli 2 Lasta..
Autokolarissa. Näin kertovat iltapäivälehdet juuri nyt. 22.11. Ja aina ennen Joulua näitä tulee. . .1387735Joel Harkimo seuraa Martina Aitolehden jalanjälkiä!
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Miksi pankkitunnuksilla kaikkialle
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Taisit sä sit kuiteski
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