What is faece?
Example: "ann & bernard went to buy a chair from IKEA but declined because it was faece furniture"
What is "faece"?
- olla..
synonyymi sanalle excrement (=crap)? Täysin varma en ole, sillä sanakirja löytää sanan monikossa (faeces).
- translotor
faece = naama
faece furniture = naamasisustus- Saanko sanoa
Naama on face, ei faece.
Faece lienee hienostunut synonyymi sanalle crap ja tarkoittaa siis paskaa.
- ....
There is no such thing as faece furniture.
- faeceted
There are no such things as ghosts
Faece ei tarkoita yhtään mitään.
- pökäle!
One small segment of faeces - HUOH
pökäle! kirjoitti:
One small segment of faecesOnko tosiaan näin? VOI JUMMIJAMMI!
- kakkahuonekalu
feace ---> faece
In urban dictionary is defined as:
Your example, by the way, is from the same dictionary but without further definition.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=faece furniture
To the word "faece" itself the same dictionary gives some synonyms "crap" "shit" but it does not state whether this is a misspelling or not. For more see this:
But as said I tend to think that it is just a common misspelling.- not a misspelling
It is indeed faeces in British English.
- USA feces
faece = Faeces is the solid waste substance that people and animals get rid of from their body by passing it through the anus.
Amerikan anglanniksi feces.- tarkoittaa.
Alkuteksti ei aina ole virheetöntä ja oikeaoppista.
- ...
tarkoittaa. kirjoitti:
Alkuteksti ei aina ole virheetöntä ja oikeaoppista.
What's the problem in him correcting the original poster? Don't you think it's good for him or her to know the proper form of the word? And if it was simply a typo, he or she can choose to ignore the correction. Simple as that.
- Calma...
... kirjoitti:
What's the problem in him correcting the original poster? Don't you think it's good for him or her to know the proper form of the word? And if it was simply a typo, he or she can choose to ignore the correction. Simple as that.
Just sorta saying that I agree with many of the answers. Not introducing aggression to any direction or anything like that... Hope you had a good night's sleep.
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