Finland joined the euro area, and viewed from the Finnish perspective, have affected our economy and economic policies very badly. In the debate before the introduction of the euro, it was cheated all the people that the EMU and the euro would bring with them many benefits in terms of economic efficiency.That was bullshit.
Now euro destroys Finnish forest industry! Forest products company Stora Enso is planning to lay-off more employees.Also Stora Ensos`s rival UPM ! The real reason is euro although the threatening timber tariff increases of Russia are being blamed falsely instead of euro.What a huge treason of political elite ! Finns are so stupid that they do not realize the fake and pay lot of for the collapse of forest industry.
- globalisation
it do!
- Treason !
The globalisation hasn`t forced for example Sweden change it`s currency and Sweden has been much more clever in this issue.
- like totally
It's Finns who are destroying the Finnish economy, the currency is really not of concern.
You never learnt to run your economy properly, but instead resurrected it with a string of constant devaluations of your previous currency.
Now you cannot devalue the euro and you must finally learn to control your economy. It would have been a much easier thing to do with your own currency, with ability to control the interest rate according to the economic situation. Now you're going to do it the hard way.
And there's no one else to blame except yourselves.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Nurmossa kuoli 2 Lasta..
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