Envelope from USA to Finland?


I´m sending an empty envelope with my own adress to USA. The person who will get the envelope will put one DVD in it and then send it back to me.

The difficult part is how much approximately does it cost to send the envelope with the DVD back to Finland because I need to include the necessary money/comparable in the envelope? Cause the deal is that the person who gets my envelope will not pay the costs for sending the envelope back to me.

I asked from Finnish post office but they didn´t know.


You can write your answer in English or in Finnish.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • that you

      go back to the post office and ask them again. If they still tell you they don't have a clue or are too lazy to help, check or ask for the postperson's name you were dealing with. Then call their boss and explain the situation.

      If even the boss thinks it's ok for the post office not to try to help in such an instance, call some TV show, such as MOT or Kuningaskuluttaja, and explain the situation to them. If they don't have any program time, call a radio program at a lighter station, and they might take you on air to talk about this. They must always be looking for stuff to fill time. With them you'll have to use Finnish.

      It's unbelieveable how people go about not working at work in Finland. Ihmiset pitää saada ryhdistäytymään.

      t. Spesifi

      • a.p.

        Ei auttanu mua.

      • se oli ihan hyvä
        a.p. kirjoitti:

        Ei auttanu mua.

        Se oli nimittäin asiaa, tutki tutki. Otettu vakavasti alkuviesti. Kukin löytäköön ratkaisunsa ja valitkoon niistä sen oikean, ja jos joku asiaan täysin liittymätön paneutuu tuonkin verran niin sulkaa hattuun.

        Elämä opettaa.

    • Kirjoita vain suomeksi

      jos osaat sitäkään.

      Sheesh! Make up your mind, will'ya! Should "the person" send a DVD to your imaginary address in the U.S. of A. or "back to Finland". Buddy, you're ridiculous!

      Whatever. I don't think postal services have international return mail envelopes. Courier companies (FedEx and similar) can do this, but there is, AFAIK, no refund for an unused return parcel.

      Perhaps "the person" might pay the couple of euros him/herself? There's no point in mailing US Pesos to Europe... There's absolutely nothing worth of anything one could send from USA to Finland...

      Wait, wait! Hellman's Real Mayonnaise! I'll pay top price for a jar of H-mayo! How many DVDs you need to get sent?

      No, käyhän nyt se peruskoulu loppuun ja palaa asiaan.

      • is gibberish

        A totally unnecessary comment.

      • a.p.

        idiooteille, joten sinun ei olisi tarvinnut vastata. :)

    • ulkosuomalainen-USA

      You may want to go the United States Postal Services web site and check the rates there.

      Why would the Finnish Post Office have to know the postal rates in U.S.?! It's like going to McDonald's to ask how much is a burger at Burger King!

      • a point of

        the passive approach to active helping that you don't see in other countries.

        (a relatively p.c. way of saying something too blunt)

      • a.p.

        just the approximate price and I thought if they knew it in post office. I don´t know what is the weight of letter DVD so maybe I just call to USPS tomorrow.

      • ulkosuomalainen-USA
        a.p. kirjoitti:

        just the approximate price and I thought if they knew it in post office. I don´t know what is the weight of letter DVD so maybe I just call to USPS tomorrow.

        Don't you think USPS would need to know the weight and possibly the size of the envelope to give you a quote? It's not their job to guess the weight. Just figure it out!

      • a.p.
        ulkosuomalainen-USA kirjoitti:

        Don't you think USPS would need to know the weight and possibly the size of the envelope to give you a quote? It's not their job to guess the weight. Just figure it out!

        and gave them the exact weight and size of the envelope and they told the exact price. Mission accomplished...

      • it goes.
        a.p. kirjoitti:

        and gave them the exact weight and size of the envelope and they told the exact price. Mission accomplished...

        Sinnikkyys palkitaan.

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