in finland have this perussuomalaiset, who dont want foreign people to come in finland ,because they dont go to work.but what about these russian and estonian girls who come to finland to sell themselves and wont pay taxes at all. isnt that also a problem? i dont see a problem when people come from africa etc. country,they cant go to work without paying taxes, i see the problem is when those near country girls come here in "work" and wont pay taxes at all.and also that pisses me off,that people are so fking lazy and greed that cant do normal work,only that easy money.i couldnt respect myself if i wouldnt do something to get my payment... this is just my thinkings, dont get mad :)
russians and estonians
- learn English.
Or then change forums.
- mylvivä sonni
Listen kiddo, I think we've had just about enough of your input on this forum.
- to you
You motherfucker, suck yourself
- Quantanamo
You are right ! Just fight against injustice and join al-queda !
Regards Osama B.L.. - for your
information the Perussuomalaiset welcome foreign workers - as long as they come here to work.
Please start sentences with a capital letter and for word I you also need to use a capital letter.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Nurmossa kuoli 2 Lasta..
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En ole tyytyväinen käytökseesi et osannut kommunikoida. Se on huono piirre ihmisessä että ei osaa katua aiheuttamaansa p1061004- 49930
Taisit sä sit kuiteski
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