Open letter to Hamas
Ain't happening. Give it up.
Dear Hamas, (and most of the rest of the Arab world),
What are you thinking? You cannot still be calling for the destruction of Israel. Seriously, it is not gonna happen. Let's just forget the infidelish, anti-Semitism of it all and concentrate on your Blagojevichian arrogance. Do you really think you can accomplish what the Germans could not? Germans? The people who built special camps dedicated to eradicating Jews from the face of the Earth. The master race who, for four straight years, killed every Jew that wasn't hidden by Oskar Schindler? You really think you can outdo the Germans?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Germans are killing machines and despite an heroic effort, today there are more Jews than ever, and now they have nukes and a homeland. Sorry to burst your bubble, Arabs, but the Jews can't be destroyed. And don't tell us, "hey, there's more of us and we're more united than the Germans!" Oh really? You can't even get Egypt to accept refugees. (Maybe it's because Egypt rescinded the "in and out" privileges after that Moses stuff.)
Get off your high camel, Hamas. The only people you're hurting are your own.
Open letter to Hamas
- Hamas
and I would recommend that Arabs and Jews could kiss each others,live together in the same holy land - but I`m sorry you jews have murdered so many children that nobody knows your future
- n ogr
I know exactly how the future of my people will be.
We will be delivered by the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isac, the ONLY living God, JHWH through our Messias Jesus Christ, who is coming back on earth.
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