When I lived in USA, I started to to wonder about my life: the inner emptiness despite of all good in my life. As a result I gave my life to Jesus.
If you are interested, you can read my writing in here:
And please, if you have more questions, don´t be afraid to ask me: [email protected]
How can you be saved?
- The Gospel Set You Free
Thanks for your message!
I do emphasis more God's work in salvation than you might do. But like you said, because of our sinful nature, we do resist His good will. So it is 100% God's work to became a Christian: Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone...
Like it is proclaimed on the first Advent(before Christamas): God comes to you! "Say to the Daughter of Zion, "See your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" " Matthew 21:5 - BLIND SUBMISSION iz da bomb
Why "give your life" to a lowly lackey like Jesus? Were I a religious nut, I'd rather bow down to the big man himself. Alas, God is a superstition, so I guess it's all the same.
...from going to Hell.
And even more interesting is to know that He can and will take us to Him into Heaven!
Thats'why it is highly importantant believe in Him and His teachings.
May the Lord Yeshua bless you!- BLIND SUBMISSION iz da bomb
Yakov kirjoitti:
...from going to Hell.
And even more interesting is to know that He can and will take us to Him into Heaven!
Thats'why it is highly importantant believe in Him and His teachings.
May the Lord Yeshua bless you!You convinced me. I'll start believing in Yeshua starting now. Here I go, fingers crossed!
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