just something thats on my mind


i have millions maybe bilions of questions i want an answer but if i ask too many questions everyone thinks i`m insane or something since most of my questions are like this, is there life after death? ,
and if there is will you lose all your memories from your previous life? and if u do doesnt that effect your personality? and if it effects your personality, you wont be the same person you used to be SO here
is the main issue, does it matter if there is life after death if you dont remember who you were and what kind of personality you had before you died.? And if there is a God what kind of person would he be?
extremely lazy young punk, or too old whos unable to move and to do anything? and why these examples you ask? hah!
because God isnt doing anything to Train the human race to stop Killing this planet and each other?,
or is it that He thinks that we learn trhough experience? and if so how many planets we have afford to sacrifice? atleast with my knoweldge there is only this one we are living on now. and a Bible?
according to my knowledge it was just a book that was written by bunch of guys who heard stories from people? so how we can believe it there is no proof that the writing in that book is all facts
since oldtime everyone who couldnt write just told stories to pass on the knowledge and history to next generation, have you ever played a game where you sit in a circle and whisper a word or sentnce to a guy next
to you and after the word/sentence has reached everyone the first one says the orginal sentence/word, did you notice how much the sentence changed? so this is a problem how we can depend or believe the text on that
book called *holy* bible. And if im wrong and God created everything including Adam and Eve, and bible is true ive read some parts of bible and if i remember right wasnt it Woman(Eve) who presuaded Adam to eat
the apple aswell? and because of that we lost our paradise,
so why there is in modern world, Lesbinas and gays and woman priests and gay/lesbian priests and people talking about being equal with both sexes,women should just shut up and do what they are told to do
well this is my personal opinion well that is assuming that i believe in
God and holy spirit etc. next topic, Wouldnt it be better to have a world where only strongest will survive? i dont have my opinion on that one yet it just popped from my brain......
after that this came to my mind,... Oh yeah ill post this to the internet. well these are the things that im thinking at the moment but im sure there will be more to come.
but i doubt ill write them here (this all started when i decided to let of some steam from my brain by writing) i doubt ill check the comments on this topic though




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • bernarda

      answers to your many questions. If there is life after this we´ll know it after our death. You´d better concentrate on this life and try to enjoy it. I suppose you are young, so you will have all the wonderful experiences ahead.

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