Racists by


Have you noticed that there is a strong racist movement in Finland? Not against black africans, not against Arabic muslims, not against Russians, but - very surprisingly - against the white,light-haired and blue-eyed Finns themselves!

There is clearly an apartheid-like segration system in Finland. There are two classes of people, elite and servants. The division between them is the language they speak as their mother tongue.

The elite, superior race in Finland is the Swedish minority, the so called Finlandsswedes, who are bilingual, Swedish and Finnish, and then the large majority, the servants, who speak Finnish, but who must learn Swedish in order to be able to serve the superior Swedish elite in Swedish language where ever they may travel in Finland.

The racial segregation is based on the ideas of Axel-Olof Freudenthal, the mental fore-father of the Swedish People's Party (svenska folk partiet, SFP, or RKP, ruotsalainen kansanpuolue). Freudenthal worked in Helsinki University in the middle of the 19th century.

Freudenthal taught that the Swedes are a better and wiser race and therefore the Finns must serve them, and that the Finns are at such a low level that they will never be able to do anything creative.

So the the so called Finlandswedes are racist by definition.

There are several privileges given to the so called Finlandsswedes, written in the law. For instance, many of the a civil servant jobs require the ability to speak Swedish, although it is not actually needed. The so called Finlandswedes also have very large quotas in the higher education, among universities. Actually most so called Finlandswedes are dumber than the Finns in the same schools, because of the language-based quotas. This is very racist against the Finns, because many of them have to accept lower education in order to give way to the so called Finlandsswedes.

The Finns are forced by law to study Swedish at all levels of education, including universities, and in addition they have to pass through Swedish tests when applying to many state or municipal jobs. Even in their working life the Finns must take addional courses in the Swedish language, by force. There are no language tests for the so called Finlandswedes.

So there are actually two different, parallel force-sweding systems in Finland to make sure that the so called Finlandswedes get their services in the Swedish language: 1) the quotas in higher level schools and 2) the force-sweding of the Finns.

The system creates numerous easy and well-paid "protege"-jobs for the so called Finlansswedes in the public servant system. All they have to be able to do is speak Swedish.

How is this possible? The main media is owned by either Swedes (like Aamulehti) or svedophiles (like Helsingin Sanomat), and the Finnish Broadcasting Company is occupied by the so called Finlandswedes. The biggest parties owe their guts to Swedish banks. So the liberty of speech has a different meaning in Finland than elsewhere.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • true..!

      "Freudenthal taught that the Swedes are a better and wiser race and therefore the Finns must serve them, and that the Finns are at such a low level that they will never be able to do anything creative."

      Simply if we are looking at their negative decision to join euro area. Or, if we are considering second world war where the Swedish people kept very wisely outside.

    • in fact

      Actually, the Swedish speaking minority in Finland almost completely consists of peasants and fishermen. They are looked down by Swedes "rikssvenskar" and consequently some of their youth are influenced by swedish neo-nazi movement as we can read above.
      But in Finland all educated people - Finnish, Swedish, Russian or Sami speakers appreciate this minority's strong sense of tradition and keeping up country & fisherman traditions.

    • look in the mirror

      Whose fault is it if a small minority can bully the majority?

      • fault!

        During the centuries that Finland was slaved by Sweden, the swedes collected enormous fortunes from Finland. And they collected even more from other countries by having Finnish soldiers killed there in Sweden's countless expansion wars. Also the taxes from Finland were carried over to Sweden. When a Finn died in the wars, his farm and property was given to Swedish nobles.

        Some of that money is used today to maintain the Swedish superiority in Finland, by "greasing" the key politicians and parties. For instance sdp's Paavo Lipponen, the major force-sweder of tha last few decades, has probably earned more money and medals from Sweden and the finlandswedes than from his party and the Finnish parliament.

      • Finns
        fault! kirjoitti:

        During the centuries that Finland was slaved by Sweden, the swedes collected enormous fortunes from Finland. And they collected even more from other countries by having Finnish soldiers killed there in Sweden's countless expansion wars. Also the taxes from Finland were carried over to Sweden. When a Finn died in the wars, his farm and property was given to Swedish nobles.

        Some of that money is used today to maintain the Swedish superiority in Finland, by "greasing" the key politicians and parties. For instance sdp's Paavo Lipponen, the major force-sweder of tha last few decades, has probably earned more money and medals from Sweden and the finlandswedes than from his party and the Finnish parliament.

        always have to blame somebody else. If the laws of the land are not to your liking, get them changed. Start a movement, use your vote.

      • am doing,
        Finns kirjoitti:

        always have to blame somebody else. If the laws of the land are not to your liking, get them changed. Start a movement, use your vote.

        and also trying to waken people up to realize the weird situation they are living in. The major media - which is owned and/or controlled by Swedish publishing houses - is keeping very quiet about the Swedish previleges in Finland.

    • IAK

      ...That's a queer point of view! I'm a Finnish speaking repatriate (reserve lance-corporal and all that) and I've always been 100% okay in talking in Swedish.

      Please hold off the line if all you can do is a useless provocation.

      Next you'd be shooting at our Russian-speaking minority?

      • difference...

        between the Russians and the swedes of Finland. Actually several:

        1) The Russians do not own the main media in Finland. The swedes do.

        2) The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) is not occupied by the Russians. Its key positions are occupied by the swedes.

        3) The Russians do not have absurd previlegiums in the civil offices nor quota in the Finnish education system. The swedes do.

        4) The Russians are not hoisted above other minorities and given extra rights by several Finnish laws. The swedes are.

        5) The Russians do not require Finns to serve them with their own mother language. The swedes do.

        6) The Finns are not forced to learn Russian in schools. They are forced to learn swedish.

        7) Russia has a much better western neighbour than Finland.

        8) Finland is not burdened by the Russian language as a fully equal official language. It is burdened by the official Swedish language, and it costs milliards of euros each year.

        As you can see, there are not much reasons to hate the Russians, but there is a lot of heavy reasons to hate the swedes.

      • IAK
        difference... kirjoitti:

        between the Russians and the swedes of Finland. Actually several:

        1) The Russians do not own the main media in Finland. The swedes do.

        2) The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) is not occupied by the Russians. Its key positions are occupied by the swedes.

        3) The Russians do not have absurd previlegiums in the civil offices nor quota in the Finnish education system. The swedes do.

        4) The Russians are not hoisted above other minorities and given extra rights by several Finnish laws. The swedes are.

        5) The Russians do not require Finns to serve them with their own mother language. The swedes do.

        6) The Finns are not forced to learn Russian in schools. They are forced to learn swedish.

        7) Russia has a much better western neighbour than Finland.

        8) Finland is not burdened by the Russian language as a fully equal official language. It is burdened by the official Swedish language, and it costs milliards of euros each year.

        As you can see, there are not much reasons to hate the Russians, but there is a lot of heavy reasons to hate the swedes.

        ...about a lot you say, now that you explain it.
        Compliments, and sorry for having partially misunderstood your original message.

        My personal problem however, is to understand,how/why can we blame these media/public cost issues on the average Camilla or Gunnar next door?

        See, from my own background (47 y.) I tend to see (and as a repatriate of Livvi-Carelian background even more so...) that our bilingual society is a huge bonus by default. Believe me mate, it has survival value for this country and people on the ultra-long run. I only need to compare with my fellow Carelians. We are a non-tolerant, non-networking lot, and see how we have ended up. No sign of co-operating with neither the Swedish-speaking nor the Russian speaking FINNS (because my attribute is the passport and the reserve status in the Forces, or similar public participation, e.g. civilian service).

      • IAK
        difference... kirjoitti:

        between the Russians and the swedes of Finland. Actually several:

        1) The Russians do not own the main media in Finland. The swedes do.

        2) The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation (YLE) is not occupied by the Russians. Its key positions are occupied by the swedes.

        3) The Russians do not have absurd previlegiums in the civil offices nor quota in the Finnish education system. The swedes do.

        4) The Russians are not hoisted above other minorities and given extra rights by several Finnish laws. The swedes are.

        5) The Russians do not require Finns to serve them with their own mother language. The swedes do.

        6) The Finns are not forced to learn Russian in schools. They are forced to learn swedish.

        7) Russia has a much better western neighbour than Finland.

        8) Finland is not burdened by the Russian language as a fully equal official language. It is burdened by the official Swedish language, and it costs milliards of euros each year.

        As you can see, there are not much reasons to hate the Russians, but there is a lot of heavy reasons to hate the swedes.

        ...explain, why did you pick up on the Swedish-speaking Finns in the first place? Sorry for forgetting to check this out before writing in the first place...
        Usually there's a perfectly legitimate background of personal experience behind everything, and it would nice to know yours...

    • Ming Yue

      Wtf you try to say dude? Here is problem to accept finnish people who are not blond haired why is this huh? I am Half germany and all the time someone treat me like a shit why is this?

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